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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. There are various forms of memory like short-term memory, long term memory, procedural memory, declarative memory, autobiographical, and flashbulb memory. This is why you see that Clive lacks short-term memory, but remembers how to play a song on the piano. The brain is a synergistic system. Memory and emotions are connected through the amygdala. Relatively speaking we do and we do not have control over our memory. If we experience something traumatic, we may naturally hold onto it and it keeps us at night or we may repress it for years. Additionally, we can control our memory by practicing and using strategies to improve memory such as chunking and repetition. Another example is people who lose the produce speech due lesion in the Broca's area, but they'll have a patient with that condition to sing you are my sunshine. Just to show how the brain can lose one nuanced ability and then improve it in another context.
  2. It's not just another experience. It is also not a sensation. It's a shift in consciousness and perception. Kind of like, when you are so absorbed into your phone and then suddenly you become aware that you are holding and staring at a phone.
  3. Firstly, I feel hurt at the thought of how much pain you may hold. I really wish you recovery, closure, and Love. I recommend seeing a trauma therapist, I think it could help a lot for the long-term healing. For a personal journey, I would use yoga, writing, contemplation, and psychedelics (MDMA or Psilocybin) to heal those wounds. Additionally, I would emphasize physical activities like yoga or martial arts as a way to gain back that self-power. It is important to regain that self-confidence and power back into your life/mindset. There is a great book on trauma called "The Body Keeps the Score" It focuses on the science of healing trauma. The author found yoga and mindfulness to be a powerful tool to heal the nervous system. I think the long term answer from my perspective is to have self-love, but I think to get there, you must rebuild the relationship with yourself. Hang in there!
  4. For practicing socializing, I highly recommend joining a club, extracurricular activities, or some outside activity. The people you meet and the experiences are invaluable.
  5. Look into this book
  6. I have experienced this especially so on a public psychedelic trip. I combat this by trying to cheer up people with a good attitude. For example, I could leave a voluntary tip in the jar or say, "that food was delicious! thank you, have a wonderful day!" Really say it with projection of my voice and eye contact. In a way, this makes people feel like they served the world in someway. Or it could be as something simple as "hey, how are you doing?" In general, treat them like human beings. Often times it's not the work that is depressing, but our attitude about the work and ourselves that makes it depressing. People put too much pressure on themselves at work or they have a story about their place in the world because of the work they do. In addition, many people come into a store and forget to treat waiters/waitresses or people behind the cash registers as people, so I'd imagine that influences how those workers feel. So I feel when I radiate those 'good vibes' and/or treat the workers like a human being versus an object that gets me what I want, it eases their work day and bring variety into their life. Like this dude
  7. Out of all the links I posted, only one of them was a study, and it was a meta-analysis study. The rest were links to established organizations that cover health and nutritional topics. The objective was to show that plants do not provide all nutrients that meat/fish do provide; in addition, I wanted to show that meat/fish is healthy and helpful for our minds and bodies. It appears that there is an overwhelming consensus, but that is just the echo-chamber, when in my experience, most people and doctors see 100% plant based as being extreme. I would make the claim that there is more of a consensus that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest and scientifically researched diet. And I have researched the other side of the argument thoroughly and it's flimsy considering human history and all of the people that have gotten sick off a vegan diet (and there are many of them).
  8. Heme-iron is easier for our bodies to absorb. So going 100% plant based, predisposes someone to become anemic which does happen to people in the vegan community. Cholesterol is good, for example, people with low cholesterol have higher chances of getting anxiety, depression, cancer, and a stroke. Breast milk has cholesterol, if it were bad, then why do mammals naturally produce it for their offspring? Cholesterol is okay to have. Have you noticed that many vegan youtubers take antidepressants despite living a "healthy" lifestyle. Health experts even say that fish consumption is associated with reduced risk of depression: I am not sure what you mean by hormones, I would love some sources. A lot of bad stuff in meat can be avoided by buying high quality meat or just eating wild caught fish. Nonetheless, there's no good health reason to fully give up meat, fish, or eggs.
  9. why is that? Meat/Fish provide nutrients such as B12, Omega-3 (DHA & EPA), Vitamin A, Creatine, Taurine, Vitamin D, and Carnosine, all of which are helpful for function of body and mind. It's also easier to get B vitamins, iron, and iodine through animal products. Maybe try cutting out all junk food, eat Whole Foods only. An example is half a sweet potato, with some sort of vegetable (Kale, asparagus), a fish fillet, and olive oil. Even blue zone folks eat meat, fish, and eggs.
  10. Everybody has given great advice. I'd recommend looking to see if you meet with your local school counselor or a therapist. It sounds like you are in need of life and coping skills. Having someone to talk to in person when you need can be helpful. You're only 15, there is still a lot of time to develop these skills.
  11. That is because most people live in opposition with Love/Truth. You actually can choose to delete the diseases and instead see them as a part of you. To live with love is to accept everything, then you see nothing is wrong and everything is right.
  12. Yes because meditation is the fundamental of Being. It's all about observing what is already here and now which is the most conscious activity one could do.
  13. I'm voting for a democrat, I like Sanders or Warren. I like policies that focus on environment, social liberation, and one's that morally and financially uplifts the population. One of the strongest realizations I had was noticing how helping others self-actualize or meet their needs, helps myself in the long run. On top of that, if we think of United States as it's own organism, we're going to need to uplift the population to compete with other countries. Holding citizens back from getting education or proper health care just hurt our collective strength as a country. I think people on this forum who hate republicans could diversify their perspective by understanding conservatism. Democrats and republicans do have overlapping goals such as providing financial security for their families. I have a republican friend and we get along well because we also have an identity outside of politics. I noticed that people who deeply attached to their political ideology are some of the most toxic people I've ever met because they entrench themselves so deeply in their POV. So when Leo points our bias, I think he intends to help us transcend that so that we may reach non-duality toward these issues.
  14. One can purge all "demons" or "devils" with if you sit with consciousness long enough. There's a lot of ways to describe demons cause they appear in our experiences in different way but ultimately in my experience they're just astral entities inspired by our selfishness, desires, distrust, and lack of union perspective. For example, once one starts to distrust others or isolate themselves, everyone appears as a devil or someone out to get them. That is when your heart is filled with darkness, but that darkness is shined by the light of consciousness, thus evil entities appear (but again they're not real because all is one). look up the song, people are strange by the doors. when one is filled with trust, let's go of their selfishness, desires, and is in union with the world - all of a sudden there is angels, heaven, friends, and potential love everywhere. Someone posted the Quran, so I'll post a verse, I think is relevant thats from the New Testament. Matthew 6:22 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your vision is poor, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!…"
  15. I was talking about the taste. In terms of nutrition, coconut milk covers vitamins like b12, but I believe nut milk had more protein.
  16. It's kind of gross in my opinion. The best plant "milk" I've had was almond or flax.
  17. Guess I am not the only one interested in Christianity! I got a few resources to learn from:
  18. I'd say he's between orange and green. I love the new album and his other projects too. I think his relationship with God is real and we can learn from anybody. His music is genuine and has empowering messages! I like Kanye despite what he says sometimes. We just have to be able to decipher if what he says is truth or not by meditating and contemplating on it. I personally started to pick up and read the Bible after he announced the album. There's definitely wisdom in there.
  19. Everyday. From a meat-eaters perspective, meat and fish is essential for health, so everyday.
  20. Tempeh would be better than the beyond meat any day.
  21. One study is not enough to conclude anything about anything. In my experience, Eggs are one of the best foods one could eat. I always feel energized and focused after eating them. I have never felt sick from eating them or bloated. I eat about 2-3 eggs a day 5-6x a week. Nuts and seeds, but if you're serious about having a healthy diet, you're going to need to cook though. A way to bypass cooking often is to meal prep early in the week.
  22. My advice is just to start really small. Try a microdose, then go to .5g then to 1.0g and so on. Just be mindful of what kind of mindset and intention you have.
  23. I value education. So I think you should back to school at the very least on a part time basis while working on music production. University is not just about academia which will improve cognition, time management skills, and studying skills; but you also meet people, get new perspectives, and open more doors for yourself. you're job at 18 should be pursuing higher education to give yourself a reliable grounded skill/degree that people will pay you for while pursuing your passion and self-actualizing yourself.