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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I've probably been watching since 2014-2015 I find Leo to be inspiring and great energy to have around for myself even when I passively listen. The videos are motivating as well, even to this day like that get out of wage slavery video ha!
  2. I don't know guys. We do not know Leo the way we know ourselves. We watch his videos and yeah his personality leaks, but Leo has a private life and could greatly be grateful for it. And I have to agree with his core message of getting us to experience spirituality directly.
  3. That's wild. One time I dreamt that I got shot in the head and I felt blood leaking from the wound. Next thing you know I'm like floating above my body looking at myself. Dream are wild!
  4. Create your own culture! I'd say it's almost impossible to not be in a culture unless you live by yourself. And even then you are living with your own inner-culture.
  5. It depends on what experts you listen to. The reality is, all animals eat meat (even classified herbivores). There is nutritional value in meat and Humans have been eating meat since the beginning. Meat has been proposed to have helped humans along the evolutionary scale by being calorically dense food and something to hunt. For Mikhail? I'd say there are no downsides, given her complaints before she went on her diet. It sounds like her diet is a blessing.
  6. Do not go vegan. Eat Whole Foods which means vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, fruits, meat, fish, and eggs. Dairy if you're body can tolerate it. But do not buy cheap dairy. Buy grass-fed or pasture raised butter, milk, yogurt. WATCH for added sugar, you want Plain yogurt. All the foods you mentioned are highly processed, could be filled with high fructose corn syrup, could be non-organic (which means it is higher levels of pesticides) The main message is eat Whole Foods that are not processed and your great grandparents could recognize.
  7. haha yes he does say that. It would certainly mindfuck me to think of Truth as just a color, but then I'd consider maybe I underestimate what the color red or pink was! lol I think the God vibe is not far off. Life is one huge wave happening all at once!
  8. What I don't get is when one reaches a non-dual state then the differences between illusion and Truth will not exist. There is just ISness and Pure Being. So this dichotomy that materialism is an illusion, but Truth is No Self does not sit wholesomely with me. Truth is and "illusion" is too. If anything there is shift in one is perceiving reality: such as instead of seeing oneself as a person experiencing the cosmos, we see that we are the cosmos experiencing a person. Does this mean the experience of a persona is false? and in what sense? since it is all one. I have experienced non-duality several times, but to then approach "Life" as if it were not real or valuable becomes unhealthy to me since non-dual experiences show me that loving the "illusion", is to love myself in every way. Whether it is illusion or not, does not matter since it IS the case. So the truth is there is a No Self that imagines everything, but how is that any less true then the self that is part of the imagination from a non-dual perspective. To be One is to live fully which means to also live the illusion of ego.
  9. Bro, I just think Leo is cool is all. I personally have many role models in my life for different domains of life.
  10. Mormonism or Scientology It'd certainly mindfuck me of Leo thought either one of them was the Truth haha.
  11. God is the source of everything, so it really is the same word.
  12. I can relate 100% with that Light experience. Pure self-love.
  13. Boundaries is we develop trust and respect each other. You must not abuse your need for external validation, you are asking too much of her and what you are asking of her, you could be asking of yourself. In my experience, being needy is a turn-off for majority of women. It is best to be solid in yourself and cultivate your character. The rest will come after that.
  14. Unconditional love is Good! Ah, so only the devil notices good and evil? Nonetheless, if we are trying to maximize Self-love, or help devils realize they are God, and we point out how we're being devils. Doesn't this point to there being an evil? I do not see how letting people be devil's is Self-love and telling people they are acting evil could be a form of self-love? Torturing a kidnapper is another form of Self-love, so that you may save the innocent person. It's like we have to play devil to increase Self-love. Definitely a paradox for me. Reconciling good and evil with non-duality is tough! @Scholar That's an awesome take on religion. I agree!
  15. I can see that, and I agree. But I also see elements of selflessness in cooperative acts too. Your reply has let me see how these dualities collapse such as seeing how selfishness can lead to selfless acts and vice versa. Our selfishness is about survival, but it also to enable us as beings to experience life with respite, relationships, and community. ---------------- Why do humans praise conscious selfless people like MLK, Jesus, Ghandhi and Buddha? Don't they all share a similar characteristic? Is it not Good with a capital G to live as wholesome as one can be, to self-actualize?
  16. Try to expand your sense of "I"ness. You are not the thoughts themselves. So even if you have the thought, "I am real", this is just a thought and it distracts you from the higher Self, which is the I that experiences the thoughts. You are the silence before, in-between, and after the thought, "I am real"
  17. I am not fully convinced either. I think having a pure heart is Good. People can agree on what is good or bad, and they do it all the time. For example, sticking your hand in fire for no reason is not good. Living with deception is not good. Going back on agreements is not considered good, especially from an impersonal standpoint. For example, If I were to hang out with one of you who do not believe in good or bad. And if we went out to dinner and agreed to split the check, and then after finishing my meal, I left you with the check. That was not good and any conscious human would recognize it as not being good. If we could not make the distinction of good and bad, I do not even think society would have evolved as complex as it is. To me Good is what is good for the whole. Fairness and Cooperation. Even monkey's understand Fairness and Cooperation:
  18. It feels like space. what is the substance of space? nothing you can point to. Where does everything occur in? Space.
  19. I agree with Inliytened1, keep pursuing meditative practices and gradually understanding existence. The more you practice, the more you see the difference between what is delusion and what is True. What is True is what is there all the time. The short answer is Awareness, Godhead, I am that I am. This deep self is not subjected to our typical emotional states. The "person" who is being subjected to it is a mental construct of ourselves. This all theoretical. It is worthwhile coming to know these distinction and then come full circle to realize their unity. It brings more clarity and our self-concept (mental construct) evolves into a healthier one. I wouldn't say our body-mind is an illusion, but more so our stories that revolve around it are.
  20. Seeking enlightenment is seeking Truth. If you do not care for Truth or if you do not care about being deceived then enlightenment is not helpful. Consequently, seeking Truth relieves all of those symptoms you mentioned or at the very least frees you from their imaginary grip.
  21. Yes I have actually! I'd categorize it as a non-dual experience. Alex Gray actually captures this experience well with his art! It's such a beautiful experience to have
  22. Conversations are good! However, when we start to get confused or frustrated through that process, I think its a sign to sit in silence and let yourself come to know what's the next step. Btw, I would not say this is schizophrenia without more information. If anything, I immediately thought that this is how Christians connect to Jesus. I feel like we can connect to the spirit of others by getting to know them and it serves as a guide.
  23. Everyone here is just looking for truth and we all do our best. With that said, you still made valid points. It's very easy to get caught in our bias. If anything I see this post as a good reminder to be self-reflective in how we communicate to others and what we want to say.
  24. Time to let go of all thoughts and go into your heart. Sit in silence, the answer is there.