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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I personally think demons, which I have encountered myself, are self-manifestions of our psyche. The solution is definitely stop believing in these numbers phenomena because it is unstable and turn to something that is stable such as the present moment and present consciousness. Stop all thought stories, do not believe them because you don't know if they are coming from a place of love or fear, and sit with yourself. I have more of a christian leaning background and conceptually way of seeing spirituality because I prefer it. So I would pray to the Holy Spirit which is just my way of saying, communicate and connect with source of all in life. Speak your piece and listen. Stop the numbers, stop believing in anything, come into your being and look into the silence inside. The answers to life has no words, it is intuitive and self-evident. The mistake this person made is believing in numbers as a way to seek answers.
  2. One thing at a time, one day at a time. If you don't like improving at something, then thats fine. At some point, slacking around will catch up to you and you'll realize how shitty it is to do it.
  3. I watched the video and my reaction is -- whatever. I could type out my opinion of why this person is wrong or why I see Leo in a different way than him. In the end, I don't see this as a cult, I am here voluntarily and I rarely bring up Leo in my personal life. I found psychedelics before I even found Leo. I understand why an outsider may see this as a cult, but it's fine. A cult is a lot more drastic if you actually research about them.
  4. My vote goes for DMT and Psilocybin.
  5. I know some people will use a traffic cone too and pull the head out from the smaller hole to give the chicken a feeling of being hugged. These methods are way more humane!
  6. Not every source of animal products come from factory farms: I personally believe we could evolve to more humane ways of raising animals. I think it could start by making companies accountable for their treatment of animals and by enforcing transparency in order to have people care about how the animals are treated which will force companies to adapt. Even if it means the public consumes less meat, or meat becomes a more expensive product.
  7. I respect that definition of sentience and meat. I personally find plants & insects to be sentient creatures. I was just suggesting all animals eat meat, if they can have it. Eating by itself is a biological act, it does not require any belief or thought. Even if I am to forsake all beliefs as a caveman, raw meat will most likely be more appetizing than a plate of grass when I am in starved state. The claim that people do not need to eat animal products for their well-being is not factual for me. People do get physically sick on a 100% vegan diet - okay, so the solution is to eat more variety of plants, nuts, seeds, fruits, and to supplement. But I got a problem with receiving an important vitamin like b12 solely from a supplement because 1. Supplements are not FDA approved. 2. Health experts recommend getting most if not all vitamins and minerals through food which makes sense to me from an intuitive standpoint. I take vitamin D3 as a supplement, but I still make sure to go outside and gets sunlight, and/or eat fish. So to me, eating meat is necessary for biological function because I cannot get b12 naturally from plants, not to mention a host of other nutrients. I agree with the essential amino acids. I still consume plants, potatoes, beans, seeds, and fruits. What about B12? and Vitamin A since animal sourced Vitamin A is different than plant forms.
  8. It's not the best argument, thats true. Informally, I am just stating that eating meat is a biological act, practiced by animals. I've already stated the best argument which is that plants do not cover all essential nutrients necessary to live an optimal life.
  9. @Scholar thanks for posting it! I never said they need to eat meat. I am just stating that they do eat meat when it is available. Mammals have different stomachs and some are better able to digest and extract nutrients from plants. @Serotoninluv If you include insects in your definition of meat, I'd say that covers all the basis. When I look up "animals that do not eat meat" on google, elephants are first one. Furthermore, googling elephants, google says they are strict herbivores, but it is possible to find them eating insects and here is another video of them eating fish. So they are at the least capable and appear to desire it if they are hungry.
  10. @Scholar I don't justify it through lions though. All humans & animals eat meat presently and historically! @Serotoninluv I agree. It would be very great if the government enacted laws that would make animal farming more humane and sustainable by making their process as transparent as possible, penalties for torturing or abusing animals, etc. Ideally, I would prefer to source animal foods from local farms. At the moment, my family buys high quality eggs and meat, so it is sourced from chickens or cows that are not caged in all day.
  11. I wouldn't have it any other way! When I die, my body can't go to waste! FEED THE MAGGOTS. But seriously, all life consumes life.
  12. How I justify it: 1. It's healthy to eat animal products because they provide necessary nutrients such as B12, vit. D, vit. A, K2, creatine, taurine, collagen, and Omega 3s (DHA & EPA). Animal nutrients are also easier to digest. 2. Plants are living things too, so no matter what, you will eat something that was living. 3. Vegan diet is extremely unhealthy and individuals do experience many side effects - loss of hair, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, digestive issues, bloating, constant farting, and more. Even when the individuals has a "balanced" one. 4. It's natural for an animal to eat meat, which I am as a human being. How do you justify hurting yourself by denying yourself essential nutrients for your vehicle? How do you justify the collateral damage caused by agricultural farming? How do you justify using laboratory supplements as your sole intake of certain vitamins?
  13. No. Try practicing thankfulness/gratefulness. Look around and be thankful for what you have physical and with what you own. edit: there are things that impact my levels of happiness like diet, sleep, and having activities that give me something to do and progress in.
  14. Yes, there has been significant change in my experiences.
  15. You could just keep psychology and spirituality as a personal interest and do a trade job as your career like carpentry or design something artistically.
  16. Listening to someone and validating their feeling is a skillset, so is the experience of working with various different people. Most of this is learned with experience rather in school though. It's a whole mindset. Therapy is very different than having a regular conversation. In addition, there are various forms of therapy like music and art therapy. There are also different approaches to modifying patterns of thinking and behavior. I know what you mean by hands on though and this is why my hobby is playing the guitar and song writing. It's hands on and it has progression which gives me something to enjoy outside of my career.
  17. I'd consider first what kind of jobs you can work with that education/training. Will you need extra education or certification to work in a place you like? that pays you what you'd like? What kind of jobs can you get with that degree? I got a degree in Psychology because I am truly interested in it, but in the US, it can take longer to make good money and can require extensive schooling depending on what you want to do. In the US, a person cannot do a lot with a Bachelors in Psychology compared to an engineering degree in the market. But with a psychology degree and a master's in a specific field, you could get a nice career. I am personally interested in this kind of actualized content, but it can be irrelevant to the work. I work with children, adolescent, and families regarding behaviors, social skills, and in general mental well-being. I don't get paid a lot at the moment, but it's rewarding work and I feel like I make an impact. I am still developing my vision and at the moment I am working on getting a Behavioral Analyst certification which will put in a position to make a stronger impact and gain independence. You could get a psychology degree and then go into: neuroscience, counseling, industrial and organizational psychology, research, social worker, or clinical practice at a doctoral level, speech therapy, and more. I feel like a philosophy degree would be great if you really like to philosophize and love to teach. When I went into psychology, I knew I wanted to help people with mental health and I thought psychology 101 & 102 had interesting topics that I wanted to explore further - understanding how the brain and body function, brain measuring instruments, humanistic psychology, psychoanalysis, perception, and social psychology. ------- I may be projecting my feelings on financial security, but I wish I gave it more thought when I first began college. I could have been more strategic about it.
  18. LSD is a liquid that is often placed in a little square tabs or sugar cubes. One could also directly drop it on your tongue using a dropper. LSD is derived from the ergot fungi. Psilocybin is a mushroom that you eat or make into a tea. Some people grind it for easier ingestion.
  19. Obviously viewers need to take responsibility for what they put in their bodies and need to take care of what they're prepared for. This means, measuring an appropriate dose, and taking care of set and setting. Studies indicate that taking care of these things will assure a positive experience. Secondly, psychedelics help with mental illness. I am diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I have seen therapy for years, and psychedelics have significantly helped my progress, self-esteem, confidence, ability to conceptualize things, and improved my approach to challenges. I have friends who deal with depression who have found it to be cathartic and overall positive in their life. It is best to take an individualized approach. It's also helped me out of a depressive funk! There are so many benefits and you could easily look it up! Generally speaking by the end of the trip, you will just feel at home in your body, you will have sorted out any physical or mental tension, appreciation for basic things (breathing, water, and food), and you will learn to empathize with other living creatures. plus more! If you really want to learn about this, you need to read up, I recommend The psychedelics explorers guide for a complete understanding.
  20. Going to the gym or joining BJJ classes. Something that will you get you to use your hand and will help you see improvement on yourself.
  21. You gotta create a strong belief system in your mind that associates those foods with tremendous pain. At the moment, you may be treating them like they are still pleasurable potential foods, but here we are talking about how it is unhealthy and how to stop eating them. You must re-assess what you believe about these foods and their relation to you. In other words, treat them like you treat heroin! Once you have that kind of belief and understanding, they won't even become an option for you. You'll walk into the kitchen and you will only see viable food option which eventually become only healthy foods as you resolve and define what is potentially pleasurable for you. This is pretty much how I quit eating Doritos as someone who had trouble and overindulged on them often. I learned this technique through Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant within book, so I recommend that.
  22. Bobby is being close minded and is projecting his own experience with New age onto others. He misses that Christianity has a history of non-duality, mysticism, and psychedelics; teachings that overlap with other religions. Maybe I'm wrong, but he does not seem qualified to talk about spirituality or christianity.
  23. From the POV of duality and thoughts, there is me and you. From the POV of awareness, there is just that, awareness. And all together, it co-exists paradoxically to create the individual experience and the collective experience. So that the collective may experience itself in an individual ways.
  24. I am biased. Psychedelics were pretty much my gateway to the spiritual path. I found meditation after trying mushrooms. I was always curious, but mushrooms really opened the door experientially which is what I really needed. I still find tremendous value in 'sober' spiritual practices and do them. Despite what people say about psychedelics being temporary; in my experience, the general feeling and core wisdom sticks with me. It can work like a "rare candy" in Pokemon. In one way, I know what you mean because some people can have a weird reaction to it. However, what I have noticed is that people who are spiritually inclined and have an open mind seem to have no negative reactions with it.