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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I agree. I also appreciate Christianity significantly and even identify as Christian. Sure mainstream Christianity can be dogmatic, but I do not practice it that way. I find value in the commandments, sin theology, and words of St. Paul. I simply prefer the narrative and label of spiritual experience versus other traditions too. and if you read the work of saints like St. Augustus and St. Francis, you will see how devoted and enlightened spiritual Christians were.
  2. It seems like you're trying to accept and do something you do not want for yourself. There is nothing wrong with desiring an exclusive monogamous relationship. Nonetheless, if you are absolutely sure. I would focus on making sure the emotional intimacy is strong. Set ground rules and expectations, and define what you both think it means to be in an open relationship. You guys have to be open, transparent, filled with trust, and that will make your emotional intimacy tight. If you believe and interpret your SO's sexual relations with other women as meaningless than you won't feel devalued. I notice, a lot of people in the spiritual community view monogamy as close-minded, but not seeing what monogamy has to offer is close-minded. Personally, I think polygamous relationships devalues individuals in the relationship or at least makes you feel that way because the emotional and physical intimacy becomes shared and distributed.
  3. I've done this and it is okay. Consider how a serious dose is about 100-300 ug in one day! how could a 55ug over 3 days be bad?
  4. That is true, abstinence is the best way to not get pregnant. But there's really no chance of getting pregnant with a condom unless the condom breaks.
  5. The purpose of protest is for individuals to organize and collect together to communicate a specific message to the government. The purpose is to enact change through policies or in general to express dissatisfaction with the current system. It's sort of like asking, if someone cut you in line at the grocery store, what is the purpose of saying, "excuse me, you cut me in line, that's not cool." Protesting is the collective big version of that small interaction. Assuming, you are talking about the protest related to the George Floyd case. The purpose is to enact police reform, change police interact with suspects, holding police accountable who engage in excessive force, raise awareness about how black people are disproportionally mistreated by police officers. So In other words, people expect police to them like a human and with some respect. This is not historically factual. Black Americans have demonstrated that civil disobedience and coordinated protest does make change happen.
  6. I personally like and participate in nofap. Ever since I learned about it, I have done PMO way less and plan to get rid of completely. Spiritually and personally, I do not see it as helpful in my path to living with Love/God or self-actualization. I could always been doing something better. Sometimes masturbation could be self-love or physical expressions of love with someone else. Other times it's straight up hedonism. Your mind will take otherwise innocents who are like you and twist them into pawns in your imagination for your own pleasure, its opposite to love. It's better to express love with someone you love and loving you back.
  7. It's a lot more. 1.5-2g is like 100-150ug. and most tabs go for around 100-150ug. Doing six tabs is absurd and kind of dangerous.
  8. haha yeah I have definitely had some visions of his paintings, especially the eyes and its representation of consciousness. I would say his art is inspired by DMT, but is also most likely inspired by meditation and other psychedelics. He seems like an experienced user for sure.
  9. Just listen to high quality authentic music. Sometimes I really like Biggie smalls because of how real his music and the portrayal of life his story as a narrative, plus its rapping is fun. I do think music and what you consume has an impact on your attachment to ego desires. There is positive authentic music. Usually after a good mushroom trip, I don't want to listen to 6ix 9ine, I want to listen to Here comes the sun by the Beatles.
  10. @ivory I believe the dose I took was 40mg, but honestly I am not 100% sure. I should also add that the entity felt like feminine and extremely loving, like a mother's love. And it was interactive, when you fell into the love and smiled, it smiled back and looked at me dearly. It really opened my mind to the visions expressed by Christian art and solidified my belief in Angels. The mythology of guardian angels. Not that beliefs matter, but if someone asks me, are angels real? Yes. they are. I also did it last summer, and I have more with me at the moment, but that trip was so shocking that I have not tried it again since because it is very intense. One day I will go for it again. Alex Grey's art is spot on. @Leo Gura It was absolutely amazing, beyond human imagination. I would love to hear a trip report of yours if you ever experiment with N-N DMT Leo! These psychedelics really get you to the core.
  11. Okay, so I've attempted N-N DMT three times so far. The first two times were in my room and I used a wooden vapor genie. Both times, felt like a powerful psychedelic trip, but no real launching, no breakthrough, just felt like a super strong and sudden mushroom high. Trip report time The third time, I had an experienced friend essentially guide me through it. Before going through with it. I went into his bathroom and essentially prayed that I would have a good trip, created a lot of self-love and self-acceptance. My friend was kind enough to let me use his bed for the duration of the trip. He played soft piano music for good vibes. Using a sandwich method, I was able to pull 2-3 good hits and afterwards with a blanket, I laid back on my friend's bed, and he left the room. Initially, I was freaking out because as I lay my head, I felt myself go deep into my mind, and my body felt unusual. I quickly relaxed and just braced for it. I face the colors and twirling visions in my mind, and then suddenly what I can only interpret In language, a floral pattern was what I was aware of. This floral pattern spoke to me telepathically and essentially communicated to me, that if I continued to see others outside of me as separate or different from me, then conflict would naturally ensue. Perhaps I was stunned by this floral "entity" and saw it something to be feared and it revealed to me how bad that feels. Then in the spur of the moment it says If I instead see others a part of me, there would be Love, so I am like okay and then right after I fall into deep intense Love for the world, myself, and the entity that was there. I felt love for all the humans before me and I got this feeling everything was one Big Wave. I literally cried, and then suddenly, I hear the piano music which compliments my compassion, love, and connection to everyone I knew in my mind. Slowly, my sense was coming back to my body. I came out of the trip, with a psychedelic high, and absolutely stunned, total shock, and in disbelief. And I am someone with lots of experience with LSD and psilocybin. N-N DMT is amazing. and my conclusion is that entity was angel that exists inside of me. N-N DMT feels like a microscope for the mind.
  12. I'd say it has multiple qualities to it, but the first quality is the main point. 1. your sense of self will become boundless and you will start to see everything as a mirror of yourself. 2. Everything is made of the same thing. Dualities will bleed into each other. 3. All concepts or maps appear limitations that don't grasp the actual experiential nature of the thing. 4. Everything exists within you. 5. You will be in a state of full being and peace. You will be awake, but everything will be relaxed and still as if you have just received a massage.
  13. Nak Khid seems dogmatic in that thread, which goes against the principle that you mentioned. He also appeals to authority and does not specifically describe what tradition he is talking about or any personal revelation. It sound kind of like : Manichaeism ( He also falsely says that common traditions believe that God is finite and not the creator of evil which is not true actually in any of the Major religions (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, etc.) I don't get why Nak Khid does not deserve to get his thread locked if he himself is not practicing open-mindedness?
  14. Just let her be. why does she have to like asmr?
  15. Nice! thank you for sharing, ill check it out!
  16. Happy Birthday Leo you have a made a tremendous impact in my life and I really do wish all the best for you!
  17. The video is beautiful and raw, I really enjoyed it and sometimes teared up myself because I have experienced some of the acceptance and love Leo is talking about. I remember when Leo came out with infinite reality like 3 years ago and I was like how would Leo top this? how much further can he go? haha. Leo you are a beautiful man when you speak your truth. The ending concerns me a little only cause, I can't tell if you are actually going to die physically, or will you be reborn and be true to Unconditional Love?. I am curious why 'dying' is seen as the highest act of love. Why not devout yourself to helping others in a more risky way? Like I have been studying Christian saints and some of these guys like St. Francis Assisi would go help people with Leprosy. Is this dedicated not the highest form of love? To give your life for others?
  18. Awesomeness! looking forward to it!
  19. Yes because I am immunocompromised, so they're helpful for me, and I have never had an ill effect from getting a vaccine. Didn't realize there was a lot of anti-vaxxers here, but I'll check out some of these videos. edit: Can anybody post a legitimate source on the types of heavy metals in a vaccine? In this pdf, they link multiple studies that indicate no casual relation with neurological disorders and vaccines. I do think vaccines are harmful if a person does not have the immune system ready to fight it because I have read literature related to that. I am more inclined that the impact of pollution and processed foods in combination with abuse of Pharma drugs are the cause of unhealthy babies who develop neurological disorders.
  20. why not just attend a 2-4 week retreat before making that kind of decision?
  21. All I need is to hear all the ex-vegan testimonies and see how emaciated some of the youtubers (vegan foot soldier) look to know it's not a healthy diet.
  22. They're psyche manifestations of our worse selves or "lower selves". Angels are psyche manifestations of our Higher selves!
  23. Pick up another hobby to excel at, something artistic.