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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. The way I interpret this is: The content of your experience such as thoughts, feelings, sensations, are not grounded in anything. It is literally grounded in nothing, it came from nothing and is nothing. If you actually stare at sensations with your awareness, the sensations is nebulous, the mind, takes the sensation and then creates an image and fit for the sensation and produce a name like "My thumb, which is then disguised as what your eyes see. however you can reach states through psychedelics with eyes closed, where the difference between your right hand and left foot are not clear at all. All your sensations, thoughts, feelings, are one big soup with artificial distinctions, in a vast space of nothingness. Edit: On the other hand, you are not wrong. If I am walking on a dessert and I see a mirage, mirages are illusions, but the mirage is still there when I am looking at it as an experience.
  2. I am not surprised you feel that way. Rice is fine, cottage cheese is fine, potatoes are fine, and the beans are fine; however you are limiting your access to key nutrients such as B12, Vitamin A, creatine, and maybe more through this diet. I'd recommend replacing wheat products with vegetables, fruits, or seeds. What I like to eat is broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts (good for soup), carrots, apples, oranges, kiwis, pineapples, and hemps seeds. I'd recommend adding eggs & chicken. - protein sources - get pasture raised sources if you can. I'd recommend adding extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and nuts for healthier fats.
  3. There are therapist and psychologists like that out there. I've a grad professor begin a class with deep breathing and arm movements to facilitate breath work lol. You'd probably enjoy Carl Roger's works as he has a humanized approach to therapy - his popular books are On Becoming a Person and A way of Being. you might also like: If you like Psychedelics, you may also find Psychedelic's explorers guide helpful.
  4. It depends on the perspective of Jesus you want. I would say, look into the New Testament, Christian saints, and learn about early Christianity.
  5. @Leo Gura Are there degrees of Love? and can they be shown through action? Are some actions more loving than others? How could it be measured besides actions? You often say everything is Love and that would include actions that society considers 'evil' or 'wrong'. Consider a person who is filled with Love for themselves and others, won't their actions and perspective demonstrate a 'higher' more encompassing love than someone who has not experienced Absolute Love/Infinity?
  6. Nah, you just don't understand what the words are pointing to. There's a whole thread about Christian spirituality on here. I will post some of the resources I posted there.
  7. This question is confusing. Something and Nothing are existing at the same time. The somethings that you are experiencing is actually made of nothing. Nothing appears as something, but its essence is nothing. The problem is thinking that something has to be made of something, and nothing cannot be made of something.
  8. I feel that you would get a lot of out of studying the topic of habits, dopamine, and lifestyle change in more detail. In my view, In one way, you are correct, and in another way the process is more complex than only different doses of dopamine. The brain-body works holistically. I learned some significant and helpful concepts from the books Awaken the giant within and The power of habit regarding these subjects that let me see that growth is done through many approaches and they intertwine. One thing that's helped personally is, over a few years, I've learned to discipline and hold myself accountable in things I like to do. Like Playing the guitar, making music, school, and reading books. And then I slowly extend it to that require little effort and then increase. Some habits are deeply ingrained and consistently reinforced by external cues that prompt the chain of behavior. And that could be a thought, a memory, a friend, a family member. So you have to be mindful and create your own external cues. I have done many trips and they have also been really helpful with habits and addictions. They have a good way of cleaning all impurity making you become in aligned in the present moment.
  9. @Soullee In my experience, The realm is not outside of you. Think of DMT as being a microscope for your mind. And if we all have the same minds because we have same DNA and we are all from the same source, then its not inconceivable that you and I may come across similar beings in our psychic realm.
  10. Haha very funny video. They're real. They're just not in the psychedelics, they're in you.
  11. @Rilles YES! I can relate. In the midst of playing music, I reach transcendental states where I am just playing without any planning. I just started producing about 1-2 years ago, but have years of music experience (I played in a metal band), so I am slowly learning all the techniques of music production, to make the sounds in my mind a reality. My strategy for creativity is also taking walks in nature to get in touch with myself and my surroundings. And getting in touch with the senses and this can be fast tracked by naming 5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste. Lastly, I will listen to music for inspiration and a jump start. For real though, I've had times where I tried forcefully creating projects, and nothing came of it. However when I am relaxed and careless, I come up with high quality riffs, hooks, leads, and lyrics, so it's important to maintain that mindset and do things that bring you closer to the source of creativity.
  12. Find another therapist. I have seen therapy for 7 years and I personally love my therapist, and have excellent rapport. In addition, I am in the mental health field and the number one factor of client progress is rapport. So if you don't have that rapport, I'd recommend someone else.
  13. Making music is sort of my life purpose, but it's mostly a hobby as my career is focused on mental health. I just can't live without making music, its something important to me. In my experience, taking a break is essential to my art as I play significantly better after like a 2 day break from my guitar, I am also a lot more creative and experimental. So I don't really see taking a break as a bad thing, it helps create a fresh perspective.
  14. Quite disappointing, but empowering to realize only you can truly heal yourself. Only you can let go.
  15. There's too much to share... Here I go though: The world is a mirror and doorway to yourself. Forgiveness will free you. Killing someone is killing yourself. Judging someone is judging yourself. Loving someone is loving yourself. Love is the only thing worth living for. All will pass. Life is a journey of transformation meant to grow your capacity to accept and love yourself, and indirectly everyone else. God does exist. He is the clarity and light that sits in silence within your mind. We are meant to fulfill the direction the light/God takes us. Ego is Good especially when it is aligned with Love. There is a time for everything. Everything exists within itself, for itself. if you close your eyes, you open another.
  16. I still deal with this because I experienced some childhood bullying. It is difficult, but it's been released slowly overtime through many avenues. I have had times where I released on psychedelics or weed. For me, the most powerful approach is Forgiveness. You have totally forgive everyone, including yourself. Don't underestimate that you have to forgive yourself for not doing what you 'thought' you should've done, etc. I personally learned a lot about forgiveness through Christianity.
  17. They're not overrated or underrated. There is tremendous joy in experiencing life with someone.
  18. gradually eat more calories until it is above what you normally burn per day. eat 300-500 calories more than your daily maintenance which is going to be impacted by your daily activity level. it's very helpful to monitor it by writing it down or using a fitness app. Eat high calorie foods with healthy fats like meat, fish, butters of all kinds. Milk and cheese is great to get those calories in.
  19. With these criteria, you could argue that university has cult elements. I just don't see these factors as cult-like. In my mind, I do not put the responsibility on Leo for how other's are interpreting and applying the material in their lives. It is always up to you to think for yourself, question authority, and verify for yourself. All of these challenges you came up against are great opportunities to self-reflect and learn about yourself, it's not about Leo. It's as if the people who are so easily caught up in cults are lazy critical thinkers and lack self-esteem; then get upset when they make their teachers more than what they are. Watching Leo's videos is like having a chat with a very smart friend/brother. Even If I did not agree with everything Leo says because of lack of experience and evidence, it is an opportunity to go, "huh, there is more that I need to discover".
  20. It does exist. I personally know multiple who got it and two (elderly) needed to go to the hospital. The one who didn't, said he had a high fever for about 2 weeks and had moment where he considered going to the hospital.
  21. I say yes, because you can usually check the references about any claim made.
  22. You have to be careful what kind of Christians you are listening to as well. Just cause someone identifies as Christian does not mean they received the message. Just think of the Westboro Baptist Church for an extreme example. There are a range of Christians are there, it's the most populated religion. There needs to be nuance when studying this religion. Speaking from experience, most people do not actually look at the foundation or early christian movements. I personally, think American pastors are poor when it comes to experiential knowledge of "Christ Consciousness". Look into the monastic Christians like the Franciscans, early Eastern Orthodox Christians, and mystics in Christianity. They make American pastors look like children.
  23. The question you could ask yourself is, could you be doing something better with your time besides jerking off to porn? In my experience, the answer is always yes. Do you value acting or real intimate sexual reality? I agree with OP. Porn is bad for you and your ability to build relationship with women (from a male's perspective). As I became more aware of the NoFap movement and read about their perspective, I slowly stopped. I pretty much see porn to be an ugly vice and full of deceit. It's also a toxic industry that takes advantage of people. so if you want all the baggage that comes with this vice to sit on your heart, then so be it. I don't use it anymore