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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. +1 +1 Very much agree with these. Do both man. Do feminine stuff and give a good fuck. (lol)
  2. @Peter Miklis right. So you agree with the nofap movement which is essentially practicing non-attachment to porn and/or masturbation. I'll side with the nofap camp here. Porn and masturbation are not high conscious activities nor aligned with high conscious values such as wisdom, self-control, and observing present moment. It invites players to engage in fantasy and delusion not realize and be with God lol.
  3. @Scholar If a person is whole, and coming from a place of wholeness - Suicide will not be the answer nor will rape nor will replacing hair without anesthesia. With all due respect, I do believe SoonHei was dealing with mental illness in some form. One of the most valuable supports I have is a therapist and I highly recommend everyone connect in person to someone who can display wholeness.
  4. Not my style, way too fluffy and modern. Where do the people kneel to practice humility? I feel more high conscious vibes from traditional Catholic Churches.
  5. This is the wrong attitude. You want a healthy Ego man. So yes go lift weights so you can be strong for yourself and others.
  6. Agreed! It's definitely a nuanced relationship. and each person needs to know themselves and their own limits.
  7. What do you think about the police smacking your face every time you speed? That's a recipe for teaching your child poor conflict-resolution skills man. You teach kids how to behave by shaping the behavior you want to see. If kids are doing "Bad" behavior, they generally do not know they are and are getting some pay off out of it - so the answer is to remove the reward and increase the reward for engaging in good behavior. Also have clear rules - "no ______" <-- fill in the blank.
  8. yeah, when you love and care about the person. If you want develop love and care for someone, do not practice pick up. I am biased though. Pickup just seems like mind games to satisfy a primal need. It's not holistic. Yes everything is Love, but there is a deeper experience of Love when you are doing it from a place of wholeness and knowing each other. Practice getting to know another person from a place of wholeness. Then once you are coming from a place of wholeness, then you make love and that will be better than any girl you get at a club.
  9. Actually, I think they are the real deal. Teases are like the little moments of bliss you get watching a movie scene that gives you goosebumps - that's the tease.
  10. Got multiple perspectives on this. Existentially - No. There's no one to save. or in another light, it's already been saved. Practically speaking - Yes, but its you who has to save your own world, and that's how you save everybody.
  11. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi
  12. Yes. That's because most people's experience of Christians are those who just adopt beliefs and ideology. So they think, thats what Christians are like; while never actually meeting saints, monks, nuns, or mystics who have a much more nuanced and deeper realization.
  13. I am pretty sure Leo has already covered those details in his psychedelics videos. The problem with that is everybody is trying to put all of their responsibility on Leo. They would fare better not doing that at all and owning themselves completely.
  14. The only reason why I don't say I am Jesus or God is because it is very easy for it to turn into, my ego is God, and it is easy to misinterpret it that way when speaking to someone. This is why I think Leo gets a lot of flak for those statements even though I know the - I - Leo is speaking about is before Ego. It is the same I that IS before my Ego. the classic phrase "I am that I am." There is a lot of wisdom in Christianity and Islam for maintaining the separation of Ego and God when writing about it and instead talking about that phenomenon as the Ego surrounding to God or the Son becoming in Union with the Father. In my experience, Hell is measured by the amount of separation between Ego and God. And the Hellfire, is the suffering you resist Absolute Truth. This became very clear for me on a DMT trip where I was presented to either maintain my Separation or to Unify with the Universe and essentially own all of Me. When you own it all. Demons turn into Angels. And furthermore, These beings - Jesus, Muhammad, Leo, forum members, angels, demons, Hitler. They are all you. When you see everything as an extension of yourself much like your body, all these separation disappear, there is no hell, You will have a unified Mind and that is exactly what Peace and Heaven is.
  15. Honestly, you know what would be more spiritual? Actually connecting with someone instead of trying to get in their pants.
  16. you gotta be humble bro. You're not as high as you think you are. you can read 1,000 books, but you still shit like everyone else. And not everyone is as superficial as you make them out to be, you are just closing the door to another universe that is other people. Relationships are actually the reason for living. A relationship with yourself, a relationship with others, and a relationship with God.
  17. no you didn't blow it. But if you start judging yourself and getting neurotic for being natural then you are blowing it.
  18. Hey, I work with family and children. In my experience, conscious parenting comes with clear communication, clear rules (ie. no yelling, no cursing), realistic and defined expectations, and being consistent. Not feeding poor behavior choices with your energy and attention, instead feed positive behavior even if it is a small step towards parent's desired behavior. Using reinforcement instead of punitive - too many parents are too punitive which just surpasses the "bad" behavior and does not teach the envisioned behavior they want to see. Parents may not even be aware of how their behavior to their children actually create the behavior they are so conflicted with. It can be pretty challenging to untangle. Resources: 1. Non-violent communication by Marshall Rosenburg. It is the most conscious way to communicate with another person. 2. Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser - Best way to consciously uplift children. Furthermore, I'd say we need some knowledge of behaviorism. You gotta learn what motivates individuals to engage in behaviors you like, and you gotta learn what is motivating "bad" behavior too which can only be known through observing behavior and environmental changes.
  19. I've had that happen spontaneously, so I think I know what you mean.
  20. but thats why psychedelics and techniques (meditation, mantras, contemplation, rosary) are so effective. they dissolve the ego. What method does not require the ego?
  21. Nothing since those things are Him itself. edit: unless you are pointing to a direct experience versus what is told you to about God. Psychedelics absolutely take a person to directly experience God. I still don't know how there are people denying this.
  22. Love, Peace, Unity, acceptance, and understanding with everything and every human being. It cannot really be put into words, but your experience will take on a dream like quality and all divisions will disappear. And you will cry and forgive, and align your mind with love/prayer. Edit: Also my understanding of Evil changed dramatically, the best explanation I have found is in the book the Prophet by Khalil Gibran