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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I agree. In my experience, people are too cynical and selfish to see the powerful vision of what a long enduring intimate relationship could bring. We're talking about true security and deep intimacy. Of course these qualities are worked on, you cannot just expect this without putting in the work with another person. But do people actually take an interest in that? No they just bitch about their partner. it's weak and lame as f***. It's like expecting to feel healthy while eating a bad diet. Some of the benefits are: Teach us how to love Teach us how to forgive How to embrace challenge that builds character Teach us about non-duality through duality. How to serve others Access to deeper forms of intimacy How to respect others Discipline & self-control Access to consistent feedback from our partners so we can become better individuals. Marriage is spiritually the formation of two egos into one, a collective ego. A collective ego can do more than by themselves. Being a monk is an equally respectable path though. You just marry God instead. however, if I'm being honest with myself though, I love having a feminine companion in my life and I don't think it stops us from having valid experiences of non-duality cause aren't we all God anyways?
  2. Marriage is highly valuable. Not only does it fulfill human needs, but it is a challenging experience that is spiritually enlightening in itself. I also think it is the best situation for children to grow up in. My parents always had a good marriage so I see a lot of value. Hard to explain to others though cause I can see a lot of pessimism here about it lol.
  3. Yes it is. Sin, meaning, missing the mark. Casual sex is a short term pleasure. It is not thought through or done with high consciousness. What does that kind of lifestyle build to? If I am to suppose and assume that our life needs to be meaningful which requires a vision, a long-term acquisition of skills and knowledge to build a good life, a good community? Where does casual sex fall into that? Further, treating sex as something casual actually diminishes the beauty of what sex is for yourself and others. It's like when people treat psychedelics like a party drug, they diminish the sacred activity behind it.
  4. I'd avoid believing or assigning meaning into numbers like that. It is likely to lead to falsehood. and Yes you can communicate back to any being or spirit because you are it. Search for God, not numbers or meanings behind number (unless you are a mathematician)
  5. I get my omega by fish and intaking a spoonful of cod liver oil daily. I personally use "On Target Living Alaskan Cod Liver Oil Organic Lemon Flavor".
  6. which ever way you choose, do it with awareness and you will get a clear image if it aligns with you.
  7. I would add foods like hemp seeds, Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flax/chia seeds for the iron, zinc, extra fat, and omegas. Could also try supplementing iron, DHA&EPA, b12, and zinc If you are not already. Get a blood test for accurate assessment cause you may or may not be low in one of these.
  8. Killing yourself is the least spiritual thing you can do. Life is sacred. There is more spiritual gain to be had by overcoming suffering and desires of life.
  9. +1 Also I'd like to add to stop judging yourself so much OP. I am an amateur song-writer. The biggest cause of writer block for me is judging my work and trying to be sound like something. Forget what you sound like in your head, and just create. If you are not satisfied with a loop, leave it, and add another track, and that might spark what you are missing in that loop. You have to trust yourself and let go of the thoughts you have about it at the moment. Just Play. Be a child when you make you music. FEEL the groove. do not forget why you love music in the first place. Do you like psychedelics? take some psychedelics and play your instrument, you will notice how much thoughts and training actually holds you back from creating and experimentation.
  10. You transcend it by fearing so much that you cannot stand it and just accept a version of yourself where it could happen, and you move on and be happy. that's the only way I have transcended apprehension.
  11. Emotional attachment with your partner is good in a relationship - not to the point of codependency - interdependent is the healthy version. - Book recommendation: Codependent No More for a deeper analysis I think you need to lead and set boundaries, discuss together the vision you both have as a couple together. and if she is not with it, then drop her and find a woman who will align with your vision. She may be doing this because you have not really demonstrated to her that you want her in your life deeply, so she is probably keeping options open. The irony is she probably insecure about the relationship too. If you want your girl to commit to you, you're going to need to commit back, and your guys behavior need to be serving each other. This is the essence of a deep loving relationship. Otherwise, why else would she be scrolling looking at men and why are you scrolling looking at women? There is much deeper work to be done as a couple than scrolling through social media. Think about your whole self-actualization journey; now you need to do this in context of having a partner, like the relationship itself is its own ego. I have been in a relationship for 10 years and I feel very secure about my partner - my partner scrolls through Pinterest on how to be a better woman for me: cooking recipes, house decoration, party planning, and her own career stuff. My point is, her focus is on us. *note* I don't mean to say you need to control your partner or force her to stop using instagram, but instead find a person who shares your vision. Once you explain your vision which will progressively deeper over the years, you will notice that she either agrees or does not, and vice versa. Let her explain what her vision is and do you agree with it? You must let go of your selfishness if you want a committed partner. if you want to bang a bunch of girls, then go do that.
  12. Find your life purpose; Do your passions and meaningful activities!!! Go lift weights, practice martial arts, go create a life apart from your partner, as hard as that can be sometimes! I promise she will love you more for it!
  13. This is not true. Being afraid of being vulnerable and emotional is weak. I have been emotional with girls and they do find it attractive when a masculine man can cry a tear or talk about how much they appreciate their mother - (in reason...). They want a wholesome male. Honestly, I don't know how to explain this dynamic. I get what you're saying, being strong is important, but if you work out and got muscles, it is obvious you are strong and disciplined lol. If you come across a problem and instead of complaining about it, focus and fix it in a wholesome way, you will appear stoic, cool, and strong. You don't need to be pretend, you just are. The essence of a man's strength is the measure of his ability to not be swayed by the material world. So if you are afraid of appearing weak or someone's opinion that you may be seen as weak, guess what you are weak. This is why in my opinion, the biggest fundamental problem guys have with relationships with girls is they have a shit relationship with themselves.. and as a result the world. Moreover, girls just want to have fun... with a guy who is FUN to be around with. Are you fun to be around with? I also will come out and disagree with others that the "Cold" approach is good. It is off-putting and easily seen as you having an agenda, so you better be good at engaging someone in a fun conversation in seconds. You'd be better off joining a club, going to Barnes and nobles and striking up a conversation, taking a walk in the park, or just really going out and going where people are.
  14. I don't think it matters honestly. I tripped many times on shrooms and LSD, plenty of moderate doses, before doing DMT and DMT was still mind-blowing and somewhat frightening at least at the beginning.
  15. It's not addictive. I have microdosed once a week for a few months, then stopped completely for 5 months, then came back to it for 1-2 months, then stopped again. At some point you get what you wanted from it and stop by yourself.
  16. I agree with this. And at the same time, my mind feels better letting go of all porn and saving sexual intimacy as something to be shared with someone. Once we record it, we turn into it something else, it can become vain. Fair enough. You are correct to say that I am religious. Glad I had this discussion with you guys as it gives me more to contemplate with.
  17. I am not doing any of the things you say, I am simply conscious of the harm and limitations of porn and masturbation. Most of what you said, could be used to rationalize any bad habit. Overcoming cravings is not a bad thing and giving into them is the sign of low level of psychological development and weakness. Why do you want to be a weak man? women don't go for weak men. Actually man, porn usage is indicative of your lack of options (unless somehow you prefer videos over a real woman), avoidance of organic relationships, and socialization with women. It's also in an indication of your neediness and lack of ability to stay whole with yourself. Don't confuse what I am talking about with actually developing relationships with women. I am not sexually repressed, I have hot amazing sex on a weekly basis lol. Living life without integrity/principles/values is low level of psychological development and you may or may not realize that, but it doesn't matter cause it's a dream, so play out the dream the way you want. How come you never answered the questions I posed? You’d be cool with your mom, daughter, sister, your lady friend doing porn? That’s self-actualized? You're alright with women being exploited? who is ultimately You?
  18. How would you define sexually open? and do you have any articles about this? I am European-American, so in my experience, people in Europe follow traditional family values, which I believe contributes to a healthy society. Perhaps they are more sexually open with their partner which is good!, but people in Europe are not having poly relationships. People are becoming open about their sexuality in terms of LGBT. Let's say that people are more sexually liberated in Europe, there is also higher divorce rates in western nations which indirectly causes trauma so it doesn't necessarily mean something good is happening if people are being sexually "liberated" Overall, I am just not sure how the sexual liberation movement, which I agree with, necessary means that porn and masturbation is healthy for an individual or a relationship. In addition, aren't Arab countries like Saudis the highest consumers of porn? so wouldn't that mean that less developed countries consume more porn? Plus if you are psychologically developed why would you engage in unethical media such as porn? wouldn't it make more sense to develop a relationship with a person to make love?
  19. I have to disagree. Ethically speaking, there is a lot wrong with porn. Of course the level of wrongness is a spectrum like anything else. But many individuals in the industry are exploited, have poor mental health, and poor personal development. Which became clear to me with documentaries such as “Hot Girls Wanted” You’d be cool with your mom, daughter, sister, your lady friend doing porn? That’s self-actualized? Just something to contemplate. Taking a dump and taking a nap are different. They happen naturally, like literally babies do it. Under limited circumstances such as solitary confinement or being stuck in a jungle, you’d still do it. Even if you tried to hold in your poop or stay awake your body will let go, which is what nocturnal emission is like. Totally natural. You can be wakeful during these moments, besides napping lol. Jerking off to porn is an intentional act. And you need exploited women and the industry to do it. Not to mention that the videos are an illusion, and by engaging you subvert your own wakefulness. Also if it were as natural and universal as taking a dump or taking a nap, why do individuals keep it secret? I don’t imagine you have lotion and tissues for your guest to jerk off in your bathroom or porn playing when your mom and dad come over. Okay, so what about jerking off without porn? The problem is, in my experience, you have to play out a scenario and fantasy in your mind which involves more delusion and self-deception, you have to again subvert your wakefulness. Do you have to do this to take a dump or to nap? I do not. I dont wish for others to take my comment as an absolute though. It is my perspective right now, I can see that others have a more loose perspective and I understand why, but I find a lot of value in the practice.
  20. Relationships are unavoidable in my experience. you have a relationship with yourself, with others, with ideas and objects. Practically speaking, relationships help us live longer and for me they are the juice of life.