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Everything posted by Rebec

  1. I have a technique from Teal Swan. Try to get to the core of your 'false' believe, by asking one of these questions and then continue question your answers until you reached the core (when you can't question it any futher) ; - Why would that be a bad thing? - What would it mean if that were true? If you want to resolve childhood trauma, try shadow-work (google it for helpfull resources). My personal preference is the Completion Process by Teal Swan. Good luck with your journey! ?
  2. We are living (according to many) in the 'late' stages of capitalism. What comes after capitalism?
  3. Thanks everyone for all the inspirational thoughts. I have a lot of new input to contemplate about! Namasté, Rebec
  4. Tao te Ching - Stephen Mitchell English translation
  5. First, grasping or wanting to have something is resisting your current (ego)mindstate. “What you resist, persists”. So sit back, relax and observe (your mind). Meditate / Self inquire / Pounder over (or whatever your preference is; watch Leo - How to get started with self actualization for other techniques) what are you gaining when you’re giving advice or help others. Do NOT accept some bullsh*t answer from your mind. You want to deal with the root, so take your time and be brutally self honest. Remember in every situation you are involved or you act in, you’re gaining something. If you get stuck, try ‘the Work’ by Byron Katie (apply on those examples you mention above, to find the root). Worksheet free availible from her website. Watch some YouTube videos to become accustomed with this technique. When you feel that your problems come from your childhood, try innerchild work / shadow work (Google for techniques or watch YouTube videos). I personally prefer a more spiritual innerchild technique. My favorite is ‘the Completion Process’ by Teal Swan. Watch YouTube video from Teal Swan - the Completion Process, to see how it works or read her book, also called the Completion Process. Then read this powerfull quote by Eckhart Tolle - from the book the New Earth. <quote> You can’t expect things from the universe. The universe can’t make you feel safe, fulfull you, make you happy or tell you who you are. <end quote>. Connect the dots with the feelings and thoughts from the inquiry process above. There should be a link ;). If old habits after this process still arises, try making a triggerpoint in your head, by giving it a name. For instance you notice you’re giving advice to someone. Do not judge yourself, but name it like ‘advice’ or ‘helping’.
  6. You're not an indelicate communicator. When you (start to) self-actualize, there is a (ego)-need to help yourself as well as others in the process. It has really helped me to realize I can't help or give advice to others. So I stopped, no more advice to others, no helping others, no more opinions of others. Just let it be. Crazy thing happened; people stopped being a victim around me or telling me about it. When people actually want advice or help, they will ask and it will be genuine. So relax, sit back and observe. Good luck!
  7. More than 20 years I was a vegetarian (never liked meat). About 10 months ago I switched to vegan. Best thing I ever did! Everything changed, I feel so, so much better in every way possible! I always thought it was the meat. But it isn't. It is the dairy, the eggs, cheese. Dr. Greger or Mic the Vegan (youtube) are helpfull sources. Start simple, by replacing your daily products. Slowly adjust to more and more plant-based. Good luck with your journey!
  8. Hi, Enlightenment shares 14 out of 15 characteristics of a Personality Disorder (DSM-V). As I go deeper down the rabbit hole my (ego)mind is telling me that I am creating a personality disorder. Could someone please comment on or enlighten me on this topic. Thanks, Rebec
  9. Thanks everyone! @Mighty Mouse ; Wow great quote! @pluto @SOUL @star ark @thesmileyone ; well said, althought I realize it’s all rational explanations, my mind wants so desperately to grab on to something ? @Nahm ; ‘And so it is that we do not exist until we do; and then it is that we play with our world of existent things, and order and disorder them, and so it shall be that non-existence shall take us back from existence, and that nameless spirituality shall return to Void, like a tired child home from a very wild circus.’ Malaclypse the Younger Lets say that I am (in lack of a better description of this me) somewhere in the middle. I exist as a nameless being, in and out of a great Void, trying not to fall of the edge. In short; I don’t have a clue.