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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. Awesome, will look into it
  2. Hmm, bad analogy. To understand the world, I'm willing to read the whole bookstore and more. No shit one book isn't enough! To understand marketing though? I'm not too keen. I'll admit I'm looking for something easy. I suppose I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way haha. Time to get my hands dirty. Thanks for your advice.
  3. Uh oh. Make sure you're not just regurgitating nonduality jargon Leo's told you. If you've had profound awakenings of your own, awesome. But I can see some ego doing the talking here Don't make the mistake of proclaiming outright that existence is "not real." You don't actually know this. It's real and unreal superimposed upon each other at the same time. If you experience this directly, you might find it delightfully simple. But that in itself is complexity. Remember, we're talking about literal infinity here! OF COURSE it's complex. And OF COURSE it's simple. It HAS to be both! Try not to settle on definitive conclusions about reality, that's a telltale sign of delusion.
  4. Lol sorry. "Reality is not complex" is a SORE understatement. If anything, the less you use your mind the more complexity is revealed to you. That complexity might go full circle and morph into simplicity, yes, but it is still complex nonetheless.
  5. Alright, so are all of these courses equally valid? Can I take one of them and say: "Aha! Now I know marketing." Thanks for the reply Leo
  6. "learn marketing" is something I hear ALL the time. Pretty misleading advice, if you ask me. Maybe if I had a comprehensive library of knowledge to fall back on, I could easily expand that library on my own time. But I've got nothing right now, and I don't even know where to start All the gurus have different opinions. Does "learn marketing" really mean to check out what each and every person has to say personally? Or is there any place with most of this info assembled and organised? Is that too much to ask
  7. Oh boy. That was so... dense. Try being lighthearted. It's much more fun.
  8. No porn is a good idea. No fap is meh.
  9. @Leo-Tzu Spiral Dynamics is more about consciousness/state of being rather than the activities you do. Just because you don't have a car/hot girlfriend/business, doesn't mean you're NOT orange. You can have a pure orange mentality and still be lacking on the materialism front. Similarly, you can be pure yellow or even turquoise while dabbling in materialism as you see fit. You can be highly conscious AND have a super hot girl friend! Don't make the mistake of thinking hot girlfriend = lower position on the spiral dynamics model. You say you don't know what to do, as if there is some sort of problem lol. I don't see a problem. You are somewhere on the spiral and that's just the way it should be. Just remember, what you do does not equate to your relative position. This model is about your consciousness so take a look at your mentality and attitude. I don't know anything about you, but by the original post alone I would guess that you are smack dab in the middle of stage green. I say this because you seem to be repulsed by stage orange, which means you're either above or below it, but at the same time you're on this forum so that alone puts you above blue. I'm guessing that you aren't quite as yellow yet as you'd like to believe, because a yellow person wouldn't have to ask this question in the first place. Of course there's a mix here and there though. So really, there's nothing to do. But don't take my word for it... do some more self inquiry!
  10. THANK YOU!!
  11. Recently I'm starting to become aware of this sense of what I'd call "pseudo depression" running my life. I consider myself to be absurdly attractive (arrogant, I know ) and I'm multi-talented across many fields. Some of it is natural talent that I was born with, but more importantly I take distinct action steps every day to ensure that I'm on a path of mastery in these fields. Though I'm an introvert at heart, I've trained myself to be an extrovert so I have no problem forming friendships. If you asked me if I was happy, I would immediately respond "of course!" I've never been depressed in my life, and I think I'm incredibly blessed to inhabit the body/experiences that I have. I say all this shit to emphasize that I SHOULD BE HAPPY. I'm doing a lot of shit in my life and I've got realistic goals that I'm pursuing, but with each step I take I'm starting to feel more and more that these endeavors are hollow by nature. Whenever I'm out with my closest friends, I'm acutely aware of how pointless it is in the back of my mind... I'm still able to have fun and laugh, but at the end of the day when I'm back alone at home I feel like the whole experience was a bunch of sand falling through a sift, and the kicker is that I've begun to detect this feeling AS IT'S HAPPENING whereas previously I would only see it in retrospect. Whenever I'm practicing piano (one of my fields of mastery), I feel this nagging of "so what if I get better at performing?" in the back of my mind. Mind you, music resonates with me and I take the time to practice every day because I am genuinely motivated by my love for it. All that being said, I still feel a sort of unease, a slight discontent at the very fact that I am on this path. I'm starting to feel this unease in all areas of my life, from the college I attend (which I should be happy with!), to my family and relationships. Obviously at the end of the day I COULD have more money, or more girls, or more THINGS, or even more experiences. Maybe even more friends. More, more, more. But some part of me intuitively FEELS like all that shit is just shallow and stupid, and by no means am I experiencing a lack in any of those areas. This is why I've started calling it "pseudo depression." I'm actually happy, or so I believe. But there's an underlying hollowness that won't seem to go away. Recently I've been meditating harder than I've ever done, almost out of desperation. Ah, perhaps solitude will reveal the answer! But no, actually, being alone just leaves me more nihilistic if anything. I actually feel content with my meditations, but I haven't had any brilliant breakthroughs the way I'd hoped. I've tried talking about this with my close friends but we're all still very young and this flies straight over their heads, it's actually kind of funny. Just today I tried talking about myself one on one with various close friends, and each time I tried to bring up this phenomenon they just couldn't relate to it at all. I'm posting here to see if anyone has gone through this/is going through this. I don't expect any "solutions," nor do I think there's really any advice I could get at this point (though you're welcome to share anyway!) I've seen Leo's video on the dark side of meditation where he said you might straight up get depressed. This just feels a little different though. I'm happy but unfulfilled, let's say. I'm meditating furiously, almost as if to "reconcile" the void, but it really is like trying to destroy a rock by rubbing it with a feather. Please share your experiences guys.
  12. I know this is a tall task, but do you think you can find that for me? I'm very interested in a direct quote...
  13. The key here is "in a way that gets others to listen." When I wrote about being charming, admittedly that was a quick and shallow response. But I'm still convinced that's one of the most important factors if you want your coaching to be taken seriously. Obviously, you have to know your shit. Your information has to be on point. But that's just half the cake. If people don't listen to you, or they don't want to listen to you, your information means NOTHING. I see tons and tons of self proclaimed life coaches on Youtube with anywhere between 100 to 10,000 subs. Those who don't have a solid following CONSISTENTLY have weak tonality, sound too serious/anal, don't smile or joke, don't appear internally grounded, etc. Simply put, they aren't charming so nobody cares about them. The quality of their information is irrelevant. On the other hand, take someone like Alpha M. This guy currently has over FOUR MILLION subscribers, but I've been aware of his channel since he had around 100,000. From day 1, this guy had solid tonality, consistently cracked jokes, and had a seriously grounded presence on camera. To top it all off, he would talk in depth about his own life and insecurities, which showed how human he was and that only served to increase his relatability. From the time he "only" had 100,000 subscribers, I already knew he would take off and blow past a million. Lo and behold, he's past 4 million and it doesn't seem to be stopping. Now I'm not saying you have to be like him, nor am I saying that your following determines your worth as a teacher. However, there is a real lesson to be learnt here for future aspiring coaches, I really suggest you guys look into this further
  14. rick and morty is pure orange lol. Very entertaining, very well made, but nonetheless orange.
  15. Completely depends on how charming you are haha, honestly.
  16. enlightenment work probably won't help you at this point, recenter yourself on something material/rational.
  17. I absolutely adore the Alchemist!
  18. REALLY cool I can't help you but wanted to say that I like reading posts like this!
  19. Well green is more or less "born" out of resistance to orange. What puts it "above" orange (and blue) is that it is able to see the flaws of an orange mentality... for example, someone in stage orange is blind to the idea that a paradigm shift could possibly even be an option.
  20. I actually saw that video too, it was very interesting because I couldn't help but have a feeling of understanding like "ooooh of course he did what he did..." Not saying that I agree with what he did, but he's very clearly wounded and it's nice to see that he's human. Mainstream media, on the other hand, insists he's a devil and that he was evil. Most people don't seem to understand that he's literally no different than them. It's actually ironic/cool that "global news" published the footage showing his human side.
  21. Man I really want to meet some of you people in real life just to have a real chat. Stuff like this is what I get really absorbed by, I find too many of my conversations these days to be too shallow. @Leo Gura How bout that tour tho
  22. I agree with your premise that avoiding porn can fall on any color of the spectrum, but JP certainly isn't approaching it from a turquoise perspective. He believes in MORALS and RESPONSIBILITY which are great within a certain context, but JP lets those things run his life. He's against all the rules that don't serve him, but he clings to the rules that do serve him. His new book? 12 rules for life. Lol. So much for freedom... no, he's definitely a fan of restraints but what he does is he chooses very carefully what he believes to be the RIGHT restraints. In a dualistic world, that works wonderfully handy dandy. But it doesn't serve Truth. If you're on a spiritual journey, that's a big no-no.
  23. Oi at least give him 7 lines bro