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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. Says who? Speak for yourself lmao The fact that rapists exists means that rape is desireable. Duh. And let's not even mention the overabundance of people who feel undisclosed rape fantasies
  2. Equating God with rape is not "simple" at all. You have no clue the majestic complexity and beauty of rape. Rape is all that there ever is, was, or will be. You are pure unadulterated Rape in all of its glory across all dimensions and conceivable forms Rape is the Apex of Sheer Terror and Unity and Force of Will. Apotheosis. Disclaimer: this is a genuine high-level insight. not to be taken as a meme, and not license to start raping people in real life (shouldn't have to be said). These are private insights that I usually keep to myself. Society is not ready to hear any of this, but I trust you who are reading this to be mature
  3. 5-MeO-DMT kills me too fast for me to even register that I have a body that is capable of sex. 5-MeO-MALT, on the other hand, is annoyingly erotic and probably very conducive to sex. Although I would never.
  4. Yes
  5. 💀💀💀
  6. You rock so hard
  7. bro you appear so catastrophically weak right now, and you did it to yourself lol. Evelyna just owned you by calmly discussing the topic while you spin in circles freaking out I'm sorry but that's such a funny sentence
  8. Nothing - other than my petty ego being smashed apart
  9. This happens to me on every trip ever haha. You realize that 100% of your human tactics to find peace are just distraction from facing the blade of TRUTH head-on
  10. Yes, if he has burnt off all of his desirous "karma." (exceptionally rare) Otherwise no.
  11. This is a good corollary, but do not make the mistake of pretending that your current human experience is boundless and unlimited. You experience myriad limits at this very moment which you cannot undream willy-nilly. At this very second, you are not qualitatively equivalent to God proper: The Supreme Architect of The All
  12. @numbersinarow I just thought I would actually help this poor man get some real results in real life. You seem to dismiss the importance of changing attitudes. Well, that's a trap. Even if you somehow had all of the correct information (which you don't), if you had the wrong attitude, your life will still be in shambles. The best thing that OP could do here is to stop debating his ideals online and to go take action IRL. That is the fundamental attitude change that needs to take place. That is what I am pointing to. It's just a distraction to begin nitpicking logical fallacies at this point, because NONE of that gets anyone closer to BANGING HOT GIRLS. If we agree on the goal, then let's cut the fluff and draw a straight line between A and B. From your other posts, I can tell that you lack experience with women. If you want HOT SEX, then get off this forum, burn all your beliefs and ideas, and start building real-world experience with real humans. This will be laborious but worth it.
  13. As GOD, yes. And that's why you are exactly as you are right now, right here. THIS all is already GOD's Highest Will. However you find yourself right now - GOD has deemed it perfect. GOD is too Loving and Intelligent to bend to the will of your petty ego. GOD is not interested in making things easy for humans because difficulty is part of His Loving Intelligence. GOD has already laid out more than enough puzzle pieces for "great fortune, health, wealth, and happiness" in your life - but it's up to you to scavenge those pieces and to reconnect them one by one. GOD will NOT randomly shower your ego with life-upgrades one day just because your monkey mind is begging for it. This is AI-generated content but has a relevant message. Check it out:
  14. High energy chill is my ideal!
  15. I see. Good points. Like you, I take responsibility for what I can control, and I allow whatever I cannot control to simply be. Before you get jaded about the efficacy of these "quick strategies," keep in mind that EMF damage is most likely to occur in proximity to the emission source. Hence I do not mind when my best friend wears bluetooth earbuds to the gym a couple meters away from my body, but I personally would not strap bluetooth earbuds 1cm away from my brain.
  16. detrimental effects may occur over decades. I'm talking 30-50 years. yes, you're right, we can't "know" the safety profile until it's proven. ...and that's why it makes sense for me to stay away. the burden of proof is on the camp arguing that it's safe. NOT the camp arguing that it's dangerous. It's an extremely simple set of action steps for the most part: phone on Airplane mode when in your pants pocket (literally just tap 1 button) swap bluetooth earbuds for wired (its cheaper and doesn't require to constantly charge) unplug your wifi at night (you don't even use it anyway)
  17. Yeah, psychedelics will reveal that if you listen lol. Rather banal🥱 Never had that issue.
  18. Lol, checkmate. You guys forget that Leo was a philosophic supernerd for the first 25 years of his life. He now disregards books out of graduation of the material; not bypassing.
  19. That's duality. Imagination is Eternal.