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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. @The_Alchemist This is so rich, lol. The projections and name calling are hysterical. I don't even know how to respond I don't think you understand mastery.
  2. It's actually not thin ice at all. Mastery (as taught by George Leonard, Robert Greene, Leo, and even you in your original post) is universally recognized as one's unyielding commitment to an unfolding process. You actually said it best: [Mastery] brings rich rewards yet is not really a goal or a destination but rather a process, a journey Practice: the path of mastery, exists only in the present This is precisely why it makes sense to say that reality/existence = mastery. We don't call reality/existence "mastery" because it does some things "very good." See this difference? It's quite a large gap. The journey is essential, the destination is a symptom Notice that someone can have a certain gift that makes them appear masterful to others, but they themselves aren't actually on the path of mastery. Many of the clips in this thread tend to show off the flashy public victories. But that is fundamentally not the essence of mastery. Mastery at its core is a private thing. The commitment to an unfolding process is renewed time and time again in solitude. There has never been a public-made master, ever. Even Jesus had to undergo 40 days of solitude in the desert before becoming a public figure (well the devil was technically there too, but the devil was himself so ). You may notice that we're now in a spot where it becomes hard to "showcase" mastery in its essence. Nobody films their mastery happening behind closed doors. In fact, Leo tried that but got bullied for it lol. It seems like flashy public victories (symptoms) is all we have access to. Hence my suggestion for including a written description of how that flashy public victory actually stems from a deeper commitment which may not be obvious from the video itself. Earlier I dropped a video of Jacob Collier playing piano without any words. Let's fix that: What makes him a master in my eyes is his obscene skill (across multiple instruments) coupled with his emotionally open attitude which has been honed throughout the years (you can actually track his progress by digging through the history of his YT channel!). He talks about music as though it were his child. He frequently speaks about how music is an explorative process for him: he will spend days in his room on his keyboard just to hear and immerse himself in new and interesting sounds. This guy has dreams bigger than himself and every year you can see him rising to those dreams. So you see, his mastery goes beyond just playing the piano really well. It's just an innocent suggestion lol I have strong opinions, but I don't expect anything to change.
  3. Yes, my mistake was assuming that she was talking about her own experience. I'm glad she politely corrected me! @Preety_India I hear you. Personally, I'm just skeptical whenever people complain of unfairness on this forum, because that tends to be avoiding self-reflection. I believe Leo more or less shares the same perspective as me, hence his disengaged attitude toward this topic. I think certainly you can, especially if your concerns are serious. This is good news
  4. Wow... I can really feel it from just your writing. Now I'M getting emotional ?
  5. Well, then! All the less reason to assume "abuse" If a person is consistently getting warnings, it makes sense to me that they are misbehaving. I still stand by this. It's a perfectly reasonable solution in the rare case that a mod does actually become abusive.
  6. Lol classic case of seeking external validation thru her. Even though you don't want her romantically anymore, you expect - for some reason - for her to confirm and approve of your existence. You feel like she owes you something because you can't bear the thought that you're a side-character. You've tricked yourself into really believing that her of all people should see you as a main character. After all, you shared so much together, and you sacrificed so much for her - doesn't she OWE you some sort of respect or acknowledgement? The reality of course, is that she doesn't owe you anything. All of this is between you and yourself, my man. It has nothing to do with her or your mutual friend. You must focus on manifesting your dream life, starting with you. This means looking inward. Get really, really serious about self-love, self-acceptance, and self-approval. The outer world is a reflection of your inner world, as they say. If you build yourself up to be someone who is overflowing with self-love, the people around you will intuitively catch that vibe and give you all of the approval you'll ever need. But you can't "put the cart before the horse" (because you need the horse in front to pull the cart!) and similarly you can't focus first on the outer world without addressing the inner world (because you need the inner world to "pull" the outer world!) You know, what I'm writing here is pretty funny because I'm sure you already understand everything I'm saying here. I'm not really saying anything special. I'm just adding fuel to the fire that's already within you. Learn to treat her like she's dead. Because she is. Don't tell me that your life plan going forward is to continue to leech self-worth from her. She's fucking dead, it's been 8 years. She is no different than any of the thousands of other faceless people you see when you walk down the street. Get new friends, meet new girls, expand your boundaries, and never settle
  7. This whole situation is cloudy because we don't know what kind of misbehavior you've been accused of. You're being "transparent" about your feelings of injustice, but that's actually the easiest transparency possible. Anyone can cry about how they've (supposedly) been wronged. The more difficult transparency involves telling the whole story - including moments where you don't look so pretty. Notice how you painted this whole scenario in such a way that the mod is the bad guy "abuser" and you're the innocent angel? (it's implied that you've done nothing wrong - don't deny this) If you had described exactly what you were accused of, why this behavior seemed bad to the mod (this shows that you can step outside of yourself), and why you still don't agree with the final judgement, that would be much more convincing. There is also a reason that these matters are generally not public - it's easy to use democracy as a shield to get away with devilry. It's not unheard of to charm your friends into blindly agreeing with you and getting things YOUR way by outnumbering your dissenters. If you still believe that this mod is being unfair to you, DM Leo. And be humble. This is his house. We are all guests P.S. What if the mod is actually right about you? I've gotten "unfair" warning points in the past that seemed like they were maliciously targeting me in the moment, but in hindsight they were (partially) right to call me out. So even though I still don't 100% agree with their judgement, I've learned and matured. It's wise to self-reflect before running to other people
  8. Exactly, and yet at the same time, this thread is specifically NOT a collection of "people doing things very good." Rather, it's a collection of "people embodying mastery." A lot of the videos I see on here seem to be merely "people doing things very good." This can either be because maybe I am too close-minded, or maybe the people posting don't actually understand mastery (or maybe both). This is why it's worth sharing a descriptive sentence or two - it's a way for us to all learn and grow. Simply throwing out a video of someone appearing to do things "very good" and therefore implicitly declaring that this is mastery can be misleading and anti-growth IMO
  9. @levani lmao the moment you mentioned "unlocking jhanas," shredding, and violin playing, I immediately knew "this guy watches frank yang" and then at the bottom of your comment you mentioned frank yang
  10. It'd be nice if posters would explain what about their shared videos in their own words strikes them as mastery (as differentiated from simply "very good")
  11. I don't have any access to a gym because of quarantine, so I've been trying calisthenics at home. Chris Heria is my go-to guy rn The hardest part for me is breaking plateaus, I had some crazy gains in the beginning but now I'm pretty stagnant.
  12. you're probably doing something with your voice that makes you boring or uncomfortable. record yourself talking next time and re-run the tape and ask yourself: is this a fuckable voice? your communication is a billion times more important than your looks. I think it's hysterical that you listed all of your body stats but nothing about your posture, eye contact, smile, tonality (dynamics, pitch variance, conviction, non-approval seeking), or humor.
  13. I would definitely be open to dating 21 year olds once I'm 37 lmao. Not sure about 19...
  14. I disagree... 2016 Leo was pretty fucking edgy, and it worked beautifully. His sharp attitude was actually what got me into spirituality in the first place. Obviously back then he wasn't fully developed though and he has lost that edginess overtime, but I don't think edginess necessarily equals corruption. Behold, 48:50 to the end
  15. Hello, I read "boobs" and here I am. This, maybe? My favorite is "What is Actuality?" which has been mentioned many times on this thread already
  16. wowww the first essay post by leo in months! (years??) this is delicious
  17. I am 148lbs (male, 21) with the goal of putting on more muscle (aiming for 152lbs by February). I exercise and take roughly 135g of protein every day. I am mostly vegan with the exception of eggs. I believe the internet calls people like me "ovo-vegetarian" lol As a woman, you probably don't need as much protein as me. Optimal protein intake depends on weight (heavier people need more protein than lighter people). Optimal protein intake depends on your goals (are you looking to be more fit? or just to maintain your current health?). Optimal protein intake depends on the frequency and intensity of your exercise (athletes and bodybuilders need more protein). A quick google search says 60g of protein every day is a healthy range for the average woman, which seems right because most women aren't heavy athletes/bodybuilders looking to maximize fitness.
  18. And you had the GALL to say "I have average looks" in a different thread??? Shut up, you beautiful beast!
  19. "The Unanswered Question" By Charles Ives (1908). I interpret this music as representing Reality: Man, God; All of it. It's as Meta as it gets. It blows me away that such profundity can be communicated without any spoken word. (Do note that there are many other interpretations of this work. Such is the beauty of art. Nonetheless, Ives himself has given us some hints on how to interpret this, as we'll see below.) The following excerpt is from Wikipedia: Ives provided a short text by which to interpret the work, giving it a narrative as in program music. Throughout the piece the strings sustain slow tonal triads that, according to Ives, represent "The Silence of the Druids — who Know, See and Hear Nothing". Against this background, the trumpet poses a nontonal phrase — "The Perennial Question of Existence" — seven times, to which the woodwinds "answer" the first six times in an increasingly erratic way. Ives wrote that the woodwinds' answers represented "Fighting Answerers" who, after a time, "realize a futility and begin to mock 'The Question'" before finally disappearing, leaving "The Question" to be asked once more before "The Silences" are left to their "Undisturbed Solitude". The piece ends with the strings "humming softly in the distance, like the eternal music of the spheres." I consider the woodwinds to be the mind of Man, frantic to answer the "Perennial Question of Existence": Why is there something rather than nothing? Who or What am I? The small army of woodwinds each have conflicting answers, making a meaningless mess of noise. Who's answer are we to trust? The question itself is fascinating, posed by a solo trumpet. It is "nontonal," which roughly speaking, just means that it doesn't make musical sense. Isn't that incredible? THE PERENNIAL QUESTION OF EXISTENCE is represented as nonsense! (e.g. unintelligible, absurd) By the end, the mind (aka the woodwinds) realizes that there are no "external answers" to this most intimate question, and they cease to answer. They've finally "let go." The meaningless question rings out one last time, but all that remains is the strings, or "The Silence of the Druids who Know, See and Hear Nothing." This is like Absolute Nonduality, completely void yet perfect, All-consuming and Eternal. The whole of the piece represents the collision and eventual collapse into unity of the confused seeker and God. If you listen to it enough you may cry.
  20. Orange alllllways thinks himself Yellow
  21. Hopefully link in my tag below helps. Maybe read through my whole journal from the top also
  22. See, you get to tell me, "Please spare me the outrage," because I'm loyal to you (& I'm not outraged to begin with lol). It won't work like that when the mainstream starts digging up your quotes. The context of what you said was perfectly clear to you and me but not to everyone universally. To the average ignorant person (and even to some advanced people who simply don't share your frame of reference), there's actually nothing "perfectly clear" or "obvious" about what you said. This makes all the difference It may seem negligible and stupid to you now, but to someone else it may be the difference of whether they accept your teachings (as a whole) or not.
  23. @Leo Gura I think there is some deep truth in this, but it comes with a lot of caveats and conditionals that need to be spelled out. For example: time, place, mood, energy, trust; the seeming paradox between "wants" and "raped"; etc. And you ought to be more clear about what you mean by "rape," because the word "rape" inherently comes with the cultural baggage of being an ugly unwanted act of deprivation whereas I believe you are intending to speak of a beautiful gift that is desired by both parties. This is tricky because I do believe that "rape" is actually the correct word to use, it's just that you need to use it with an asterisk afterwards and some appropriate context. So on one hand it's in your best interest to rephrase your claim for the sake of clarity and communication but also on the other hand for your public image. Public image, Leo. Public image. You sound horrific in this quote I love your work and agree with your thinking so I see past it, but others won't.