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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. Well first things first; there is no "you" that actually "moves" (because there is no "time") "up" nor "down" (these directions are powerful metaphors but ultimately arbitrary). It's really worth re-emphasizing how this is merely a mental label for ego-communication Divorce this "up vs down" mental image from actuality - it's a map! Therefore, it is necessarily partial and limited. But to answer your curiosity - Yes, deconstruction is required to begin to break through the illusion of "human life" and "reality" as we think we know it. You will not become God Realized if you believe that physicality, humans, space-time, birth, death, your parents, and you are "real." Along with anything else you hold as solid, unchangeable, or "true." Yes, everything you have ever labored for or defended - these things all collapse into Imagination at the highest levels. There literally are no "other humans" "out there." All meaning implodes such that it was never even there to begin with. Your whole life is a lie, RIGHT NOW! So yeah, deconstruction is required for God Realization. But mere deconstruction alone won't get you to God Realization - since - "deconstruction" itself is Imaginary. As long as deconstructing is occurring, You are Imagining it - and just doing the brute deconstruction won't help you make the quantum leap in Realizing: "Oh. Imagination." My recommendation to anyone who is serious - and this is what worked for "me" - is to do some serious, industrial-grade deconstruction on your own time. Daily. For Years. Learn to intellectually, emotionally, and in any other ways remaining - dissolve all things that you hold as "solid, unchangeable, or true." (you could pursue this path farther - and deconstruct deconstruction itself - until all that remains is indescribable, formless, all-being-non-being - seemingly unknowable and eternally mysterious. That would be like going "all the way down" on the mental map from earlier) But then, If God Realization is what your journey calls for, "book a plane ticket" - aka take a psychedelic. With the right groundwork, and a heart aimed at Truth, the psychedelic will fly you straight to God. And it will be so obvious. "Leo" was right all along. Oh. But I literally CREATED Leo from scratch to be a thing separate from me with his own internal world - none of which is real. I can collapse "Leo" into nothing in the blink of an eye, because HIS ENTIRE EXISTENCE IS PREDICATED ON MY IMAGINING HIM. Lol, whoops. Who do I tell? Nobody. Only "The Great I Am" is left. But what about the advaitan/buddhist "indescribable, formless, all-being-non-being, eternally unknowable and mysterious?" Lol. You just Imagined that too. But aren't you just identifying with the construction of God now? How do you know that you're not just deluding yourself? Lol. You just Imagined that too. But yeah, don't mistake us to be saying that "Imagination" is some sort of constructive human mind-activity on-par with your typical "deconstruction." God's Imagination is LITERALLY INFINITE - "born of" INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. Your shitty human deconstruction is a joke compared to Imagination with a capital I! So don't take any of this as an ideology or a dogma. In fact, don't even think about "God's Imagination" so long as you are coasting through your daily life believing that you are a human in a human life with "other people." Leo's teachings are here to help you make that quantum leap mid-flight. While you're still on the ground, focus on deconstruction and Love
  2. The key difference between "downwards" and "upwards" is that "upwards" emphasizes Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omnibenevolence, etc. as direct realizations. The "downwards" counterpart is not speaking of anything necessarily contradictory, other than that it either de-emphasizes or outright denounces Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omnibenevolence, etc. (particularly the first 2). "so many cultures" are imaginary >:))
  3. All pet ownership is egoic at the end of the day. I'm not sure about "slavery" though.
  4. Death appears real insofar as you adamantly believe that you are human. What happens when you realize, "Oh. I'm not human!" After all - make no mistake - You are not human.
  5. @Enlightenment Bruh did you seriously just call David Laid natural lmao Obviously the least natural people will claim that they're natural. Read between the lines! @28 cm unbuffed You're shredded but don't have anywhere near the same bulk as Chris Heria. Not a comparison. Everyone reacting against Leo is dodging this: What's possible or not possible is not the point. The point is that this stuff is all ego. And, it doesn't have to be that way for you if you listen to your higher values. Go meta.
  6. 1) Yes, just go for the 2g! 2) Personally, sitting and breathing with an open mouth helps. Standing or Lying down makes it worse. Also fast for a few hours beforehand. 3) For me, I've noticed that mushrooms help dissolve whatever I place my focus on. So, if you exclusively focusing on "outwards appearances" - that is exactly what will twist and warp. Nothing wrong with that, but that's still a very surface-level "dissolving" Try focusing on your your own mental concepts - and you'll notice them begin to twist and warp. Here's a fun one: Where do "you" end, and the "world out there" begins? Normally, you'd think that the line is at the outer layer of your body's skin. Next time you're on shrooms, just hold your attention on this concept. Don't overthink it. Don't try to achieve anything. Just hold that concept steady. The shroom will melt it for you. Another one: How do you know that there is anything outside of your door, once you've closed the door? Hold your attention on that concept. Don't overthink it. The shroom will melt it for you. Another one: How do you know that "physical" and "mental" aspects of reality are mutually exclusive and distinct categories? Hold your attention on that concept. Don't overthink it. The shroom will melt it for you. What are "other people?" Who are you? Hold your attention on these questions. Don't overthink it. Be open to any and all answers. To really tap into these deeper layers of deconstruction and insight though, you'll have to give up distracting activities. No 4k videos, music, food, or any other flashy appearances. Be willing to just sit there in silent exploration. It may also be helpful to watch this video sober first (again, even if you've already seen it)
  7. Where do you plan to live in the future, to avoid these value conflicts?
  8. There is no conflict here. All of this is yellow
  9. "Can the present moment really be described using language?" Of course it can be described
  10. Not necessarily~ Something characteristic of yellow is a fierce desire to pull others up to yellow as well. A turquoise person is fully capable of doing the same, but doesn't "push" for it in the same way. So, turquoise doesn't "want," in the way that the other stages do. Turquoise is also not particularly concerned with "saving" or "preserving" anything (to address the OP). The mode of being of a turquoise person is fundamentally different from even a yellow person. Turquoise accepts and allows. Turquoise wants Love [for all beings]. Turquoise wants impermanence in Permanence, and permanence in Impermanence.
  11. Your opinion of RSD, that they taught "Flashy game that sells and brings views but not optimal for most people" is untrue. Click here and watch the video titled "Tyler Picks Up Cute Girl On The Street And Shows You How" The whole point is that it's not flashy, and that it's optimal for the most amount of people lol
  12. @Rishabh R
  13. Untrue.
  14. @Megan Alecia Evil is necessarily finite
  15. Yes, it's fascinating... Nothing stops us from letting go right now... other than the imagination of some inhibition, which, nothing is stopping us from letting go of right now... other than the imagination of some inhibition, which, nothing is stopping us from letting go of right now...