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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. And yet, insecurity is likewise bullshit. What remains...?
  2. @Rinne How have you survived with 500+ posts on this forum with such decrepit epistemology?
  3. The first 2 were not enough??
  4. lmao your bar for intelligence must be buried beneath the floor. Willingness to deepthroat analysis and data does not automatically equal intelligence. If anything, being so eager to lap up data shows lack of intelligence. These "blackpillers" aren't doing a shred of independent unbiased case studies. Rather, they're just in a feel-good echochamber of prejudice-affirmation. Where is the intelligence in that? - Side tangent - The more intelligent you are, the more wary of data you should be. If you're the type to fling around data points to confidently make claims of certainty, you're dumb. It's unbelievable how slippery the field of statistics is. A true student of statistics knows that there is no such thing as 100% confidence in any conclusion of a sample study, unless we somehow conduct a population study (this is basically impossible) but even then the means of obtaining data from the population can contain the biases of the researcher. It's actually so fucking hard to arrive at certain and true claims using statistics lol (even within the relative realm). This is such an underrated topic tbh, Leo should make a video on it. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible at all to arrive at certain and true claims using statistics. Statistics done right is still a "best guess" of sorts. And I admit that there are great survival benefits that come from intelligent "best guesses." But culturally I notice that we conflate these survival benefits with Truth all too often, and more importantly we're quick to assume we are in possession of a "best guess" when we actually have a "mediocre guess" at best.
  5. @Preety_India I understand. That was a strong response. I suppose the takeaway is just to understand that Leo is purposefully coming at it from a narrow "lower" perspective because he is catering to the needs of men who don't understand basic attraction yet. You're right that such a perspective lacks holism when we begin investigating higher degrees of intimacy & connection. @Peter Miklis She's not wrong per se. We just struggle to see each other's needs
  6. You're conveniently assuming that the guy is already attractive, so you hand-wave that aspect of the equation away and fixate on the luxuries of "wonderful friend," "caring protective guide," "leader and companion," "falling in love," "bravery and graciousness," and "marriage." But what if the guy in question is sexually repulsive? Lmao. All of your fantasy fixations would turn to ash as you scramble to put a padlock over your genitals. Heck, I swear YOU YOURSELF wrote a journal entry about how you hate "beta males" or something along those lines. So really you already know the answer to your own question. Obviously a man can ascend and forgo myopic, degenerate sexual conquests. But that generally comes later after he has attained a solid grasp on basic attraction.
  7. I've never had alcohol in my life (21 y/o), and I don't see that ever changing. It's absolutely possible to make strong friendships. Just seek the right people. It's ok if they drink and you don't. Be careful not to come off as judgey, and they'll still love you!
  8. Mhm, when I read the first few pages of my own journal I die inside as well. What gives me hope is that I've had 2 people now DM me telling me that reading my journal has tremendously helped them through their own breakups. One guy even said he cried tears of feeling understood which is just incredible. Imagine if I had just taken down all of my posts out of petty self-protection... I'm glad now that I didn't! It's wild how little control we have over our long-term reach/impact, but that's a positive thing in my mind.
  9. Personally, I've had my E and I ratings flip flop back and forth in the past. Pretty exciting!
  10. That's literally my LP lol. "Leo but less serious"
  11. Hah just wait for page 3 where I recall how I felt "replaced" when she immediately found a new boyfriend It's common practice for me to have chill 1-on-1 zoom/discord chats with forum members. I'm super down for that if you're feeling comfortable, either way DM me from my forum profile
  12. I'm really not a fan of this "nice guy" vs "asshole" framing. These words are masks for what's really going on. You can be nice as fuck and simultaneously sexy. You can treat every woman as a queen and have your cock worshipped. (I recommend this) On the flip side, you can also be a degenerate asshole who repels women. The vice versa (common notion) can also be coincidentally true. It's possible that you can be "nice guy" trash or "asshole" king. So fundamentally, your "niceness" has no effect whatsoever on your attractiveness Stop associating "niceness" with attractiveness whatsoever! There is no causal relationship. If you're spiritually inclined, strive to be nice. It's good practice for getting in touch with the Love that you are. If you're concerned about your attractiveness, focus ENTIRELY on improving your sub-communications: tone of voice, eye contact, posture, smile, looseness, balancing your edge and humor, clarity of intent, freedom from outcome, embracing sexuality, holding warm sensual energy and gently teasing her into it, leading, being trustworthy, showing her your presence and attentiveness through small gestures in non-qualifying ways, learn to "read the room," feel her internal energies and apply pressure-on pressure-off in ways that make her feel good, have a beautiful rich internal world as an ever-present backdrop from which you extend an invitation of adventure. You're welcome, that's everything you'll ever need to learn if your goal is to have women with soaked panties fighting over your cock. Notice that none of that stuff - the stuff that actually matters - says anything about niceness. You can master the above list and be a saint or a devil. Or you can be a total noob at the above list and be a saint or a devil. So please y'all, drop the terminology of "nice guys finish last." That's like saying "men with cousins finish last." The claim just lacks substance. Whether or not you have a cousin doesn't mean shit regarding your attractiveness, just as your "niceness" doesn't mean shit. How about this for some nuance: Guys with shit tones of voice, shit eye contact, shit posture, no smile, body tension, no balance in edge or humor, no clarity of intent, total attachment to outcome, rejection of sexuality, cold calculating energy, inability to tease, inability to lead; men who are untrustworthy, who have no presence or attentiveness who self-qualify, who cannot read the room or feel internal energies, who don't have any regard to making the girl feel good, who do not have a rich internal world - these guys FINISH LAST. In fact, they don't finish at all. They get ruthlessly destroyed by women for being sexually repulsive yet acting entitled to sex.
  13. Are tears of joy normal for you?
  14. I love that. Ground your trust in impermanence. Then it becomes easy to love.
  15. He recently openly claimed to have a SD yellow bias. I don't think he's ever announced himself to be fully SD turquoise... careful with the accusations! Excellent. This I agree with. I was a non-psychedelic user following Leo for nearly 4 years. I faired perfectly fine. Did the sober practices where they were called for. INTP love looks different from more flashy, mainstream appearances of love.
  16. Inappropriate?? Explain...