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Everything posted by RendHeaven

  1. Lol poor boy.
  2. @lmfao I have a titanic soft spot for the s4 ending Yes, 2 days up to s4 ep16. I pulled an all-nighter, that's how enraptured I was.
  3. God dammit. I'm hearing this from everyone lol. That's such a damn shame...
  4. Arrogance.
  5. From Youtube support: "If your video doesn't generate automatic captions, it could be due to one or more of the following reasons: The captions aren't available yet due to processing complex audio in the video. Automatic captions don't support the language in the video. The video is too long. The video has poor sound quality or YouTube doesn't recognize the speech. There’s a long period of silence at the beginning of the video. There are multiple speakers whose speech overlaps." My take is to just be patient and see if they auto-generate after a couple hours pass.
  6. Pizza has nothing to do with your goals
  7. @Gabith She exists, you just have to put yourself out there and 'earn' her attention.
  8. All you really need to start is just a smart phone Laptop with a free video editor is secondary. Third comes microphone, tripod, lighting, blah blah blah. Ignore this.
  9. No you'll need a laptop to use most strong video editors, including Shotcut. If you have a laptop, I strongly suggest sending over your raw recording from android through google drive or something. If you don't have a laptop, I can't really help you but there probably are some video editors in the android app store... just don't expect them to have capability.
  10. Download an editing software. Shotcut is free and good for beginners
  11. @Lucas-fgm this guy gets it >:)
  12. That doesn't matter as long as they look like my waifu
  13. Since we're all sharing our "Wishlist," here's mine Integrity/Self-sameness Femininity/Loves men in general Spark in her eyes/Intoxicating giggle Open-minded/Listener/Exploratory Open-hearted/Trusting/Caring No depression or anxiety or body image issues Not addicted to phone/alcohol/smoking/social media/consumerism Embraces her sexuality but also has standards Spiral dynamics stage green+ Strong posture Note - this is all relationship criteria. I'm presupposing mutual attraction.
  14. Good. Just to play devil's advocate further - "But isn't it similarly an assumption to assert that there must be NO objective 'thing' that is real outside of observation?" Plato's theory of forms is the easiest example of "objective being beyond apparent senses." People have, for millennia, been coming up with (much more than) "a single thing it could possibly be." What say you to that? I get it. But again, people who don't get it just won't. There are a million ways to pick apart every word you use and back you into an intellectual corner, simply because of the nature of proof. To prove anything, you must begin on a solid ground of first principles which themselves are unproven. These first principles are generally common notions held by culture - which you aim to deconstruct. And so your playing field of so-called "proof" is fundamentally different from the playing fields of everyone around you, and your words reach deaf ears. I mean seriously, "Sensing is done by nothing AKA consciousness. What is sensed is the something that consciousness manifests as, as in a dream." ^This is totally meaningless lmao. It's the greatest catch22 of spirituality... to unconscious people, stupidity looks like wisdom and wisdom looks like stupidity. So if you've got the wisdom, how do you convey it as wisdom?
  15. No, there is a clear leap in conclusion here. There is nothing here being "proved." Ok so are the sensors real then? You're being vague with what you mean by real vs unreal. ^Take these seriously. Especially the hypothetical academic. "I have shown you here the possibility that reality is objective despite all things relying on perception," he says
  16. I see where you're going with this, but be wary of hinging a "proof" on the notion of "perception" as that implies an opposite "imperception" which is a transient construction. And if you're arguing for a kind of perception with no opposite, then you should admit upfront that you're messing with definitions. And I hate to be that guy but what you've written would not convince any materialist (a.k.a. 99.9% of humanity) otherwise - layman or academic. If you insist on riding the vehicle of proof-making as a means to change minds, you must cleverly anticipate and pre-address counterarguments, as Leo does I can already hear it, from the layman: "So what if everything relies on perception? There are still objects of perception that we all share! You can't tell me that the whole world disappears when I close my eyes! Look, I can still hear you talking to me even though my eyes are closed! And even if you proceed to cut off my ears, that doesn't mean you disappear entirely. In fact, especially in that scenario where you chop my ears off, now that's hard proof of your objective reality! No amount of wishful thinking will regrow my wounded ear and nobody else could of done it but you! That means you and I have objective reality independently of perceiving faculties!" The academic would be more shrewd: "You say that all existing things depend on perception, but then proceed to conclude that objective reality is impossible. But where in the two statements is there a necessary connection? What if objective reality is the case (in that there are objects "out there" beyond what appears) but our knowledge is constrained to that of the appearances, dependent on perception? In this alternative, your first statement is admitted, but it is shown that your conclusion has no necessary connection to the first, as there are alternative possibilities not accounted for. I have shown you here the possibility that reality is objective despite all things relying on perception." And so on and so forth... Proof is a dangerous game. If you're like me and you find that it's not your cup of tea, there are other vehicles for conveying the Absolute such as poetry, art, or music - which require no 5D-chessgames
  17. @machinegun Do you resonate with my latest journal entry?
  18. If I were Leo or a mod I'd close this thread immediately. The lack of quality and construct-awareness is unbefitting of this forum. "WhY dO GiRlS gEt aNgRy wHeN GuY tRy tO hAvE sTaNdaRdS???" LOL
  19. And yet, insecurity is likewise bullshit. What remains...?