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Everything posted by RendHeaven
That's why he's my goat I want to be banned by him
you're wrong; my racism is authentic and neurosis-free!
Deserved! 👏
I don't know if that's completely fair framing. Any of those kids could have abnormal talent without us knowing, like being at a state championship level of their sport. So seeking socialization doesn't necessarily mean your skills suck. Conversely, Harry could have conceivably built a similar level of skill by practicing with a small tribe of like-minded experts. So again, isolating yourself does not equate to world-class talent. You may vaguely have a point, but it's actually tangential to Leo's claim. Leo is not saying that isolation benefits any skill or talent. There is a real case to be made that socializing leads to skill and talent (think: mentors). If you want skills, you should seek community and challenging environments with people and standards. Leo is speaking more on depth of mind and self-satisfaction. These are both abstract intangible qualities that cannot be shown off even if you wanted to. Nobody can understand the fruits of your silent lonesome. Unless they too choose to honor their inward sanctuary, in which case there is a flash of mutual acknowledgement. But even then, idiosyncrasies make it such that there is a fundamental disconnect. You can't share your solitude. By definition. Only you can understand you. That's what makes it so valuable and precious and scary. This is why it's a goldmine which nobody cares to unearth. Has nothing to do with developing tangible skills...
My favorite professor once told me to my face that I am "like a 6 cylinder engine running on 1"
@Michael569 All time max was 28 strict. But I've lost shape in the past year because I stopped prioritizing the gym. Right now I'm at around 18 max. I want to PR and get to 30 by the end of this year
And bro feels the need to hoot and holler about how he "won" by hogging the last word and spamming emojis to signify that he's unaffected when secretly he's seething lol
Maybe this is just true, and you're being a drama queen No you
I agree, but I have literally never seen it with my own eyes. With the hundreds of monogamous couples I've interacted with of all ages, including my parents and in my own relationships, there is implicit fantasy and mental construction (neurosis) galore. Which is not a bad thing if there was reflexive self-awareness or independent will behind it. But as far as I can tell, what I observe is all group-think, unconsciousness survival, and convenience. Keep in mind the "neurotic vow" is usually implicit and silent. Even without an explicit vow, the neurosis rears its ugly head through interpersonal tension or perceived sexual threat and mood manipulation. From what I can tell, a monogamous relationship with minimal artificial mental constructs and fantasies requires nigh-superhuman development from both parties. To give your whole heart to someone with no strings attached and 0 control is anti-survival-instinct - requires mutual operation on a whole new playing field. So there's no disagreement from me here, I'm just emphasizing the gravity of our conclusion here. Having a truth-compatible, freedom-compatible monogamy is not a trivial or obvious matter. It's a rare gem. I'm glad Have you ever witnessed a relationship with your eyes that made you think "wow I'd like to emulate that!" If you have, I'm curious what quality was inspiring, and how it informs your current view on relationships
RendHeaven replied to Ryan M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I find the book of Job to be special. Sermon on the mount is valuable too. Just be mindful of your own mental constructs. -
That's good open-mindedness. However much is authentic. There's a difference between giving up freedom on your terms vs giving up freedom on someone else's terms. And the trick is that people will believe they are doing the former when they're actually doing the latter. I know the food metaphor is somewhat crass but I see strong relevance here. If you really valued nutrition and health, why the need to make such an absolutist vow to never touch unhealthy foods ever again? How often does that work? Is that actually mentally healthy? Why can't you just trust yourself to eat the healthy food? Why invoke shackles? Why are you at war with yourself? If you really loved health you would simply choose to eat the healthy food without making a binding vow that blocks junk food. i.e. if you really loved your monogamous girl, you would simply choose to have sex with each other without making a binding vow that blocks all other genitals on the planet. I wonder if you properly wrestled with this^ suggestion I wrote before? I've thought about this at length, but if I ever become seriously monogamous (there is a real possibility of that), it will be incidental/de facto monogamy. i.e. we will fulfill the conditions of monogamy without ever binding each other with expectations and restrictions. If I am to give myself to one girl, it will be a daily promise renewed each morning, and I will devote myself to her fully knowing that she owes me nothing in return. The frame is: "I am exclusive to you because that is what I have chosen per my own sovereign will and current values. This is not to placate you or to gain the approval of society. I cannot make a forever promise, because I am not a static being and I cannot predict my values in 20 years. If this does not last, I will gently let you go for our mutual benefit, but I pray we can take this to the grave. Right now I am yours because I have chosen so. However, you are free to be whatever you want. I will not gatekeep your genitals, and I will love you no matter what transpires. I wish you would give me the same charity, but I will not burden you with any expectations whatsoever. I want to devote myself to the real you, untethered from my agenda." How's that for "chasing sex"? I understand.
Yeah that's like the first thing he tried lol.
That's incredible. I love this community
Ah. Guess we're done here.
All perspectives have truths and blindspots. You are over inflating his blindspots and dismissing his truths, and then acting snarky about it. I am calling out your attitude, not any specific thing you said. Notice your defensiveness. You have a fair point. Good thing he's already owned up to it at the top of this page.
This is a totally insincere strawman. When you reduce his argument to this, it allows you to overlook everything he's saying without any real mental engagement. Your tone overall is sarcastic and hostile. If I recall, you identify vegan, yes? Try to see if you're able to psychologically, intellectually, and emotionally hold space for the fact that many people genuinely improve their health after emphasizing meat consumption. I know it feels better to ignore or deny this reality and to assume that meat eaters are stupid devils. But if you tread that path uncritically, you will have handicapped sensemaking and you will be at war with yourself & others which is not a fun place to be.
You do lean animal based. But your plant and carb recommendations make it more nuanced and well rounded. Such appeals don't mean much to Leo (or advanced minds in general) I agree with a lot of your recommendations. But how can we be sure we are not self-deceived on a subtle level? We read some books, saw some good results... and that's it? We've found the ultimate answer? Seems a little too convenient. Vegan shills make similar claims despite having mutually exclusive opposite advice from you. So figuring out optimal nutrition is not as simple as gathering a bunch of testimonials. Just cause you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it can't happen. He just said he has tried your recommendations already. It's not that he's demonizing, it's that he's rightfully calling you out for assuming your rhetoric is universal. I shouldn't speak too much on his behalf, but I'm pretty sure he's still mostly carnivore. Having blind confidence in your words and building an aura of authority is good for getting clients on instagram, but that whole game is anti-accuracy. A more accurate framing would be to acknowledge what has worked for you and other people you know, don't assume you know anything objective, recognize idiosyncratic variance, be capable of steelmanning the opposition, and overall have a more curious/exploratory stance with soft recommendations rather than "I know how to fix you, do as I say"
Man I literally used to live in Tucson until I moved to Japan 5 months ago. Are you kidding me?? Missed my chance to stalk Leo IRL
White rice has less arsenic and phytic acid relative to brown rice. This is true, but eating as he recommends will have benefits for a lot of people.
Thanks! I'm more like a freedom + anti-cultural indoctrination shill. That's my bias. The non-monogamy rhetoric is a downstream consequence of my deeper need for individuation and sovereign will
This one right here has been the story of my life. The instinct is to put myself down before others can - it's pure protection because for the longest time I couldn't handle the sting of oncoming judgement. But after much reflection it became clear that this self-cruelty was synonymous with self-love. I hold myself back out of love. Just like my parents did. I am my parents, they live through me. Thankfully I'm in a much better place now. The key for me was to face the sting head-on. I realized I'm getting judged and wounded no matter what, so the only thing I could do is surrender.
Good points!
I don't disagree. But whether repression is genuine or non-genuine is up for the individual to decide. I push back against this idea that all men should/would adopt monogamy if only they were more mature. That's clearly an arbitrary mental construct that the self-righteous ego is propagating, and if you think otherwise, I'd like to hear why. same🤝 This is a strawman. Non-monogamy is not like making food your top priority. Non-monogamy is like allowing yourself to eat more than one dish. It's really not a big deal. Monogamy is the one insisting that you can only have chicken for the rest of your life, and you are bad for having a milkshake even once. No milkshakes for the rest of your life. It's not even that I need the milkshake per se. It's moreso a true aversion to being told I can't follow my authenticity. Maybe once a year I will want a milkshake. Am I really such a bad boy for that? It's simply not authentic for me to say "I'm only gonna have chicken forever." The only reason I would ever agree to this is because culture told me that that is how I should behave. If you're gonna frame this as "chasing sex," then you're not being sincere with me.
You won my vote. Give this man some power.
@Clarence @Schizophonia I heard mipt can have aphrodisiac effects... thoughts?