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Everything posted by RendHeaven
Other way around; I'm actually sad that you stopped taking japanese haha now that its been a few days, has anything shifted for you? Or is life still messed up
nothing more rewarding than God proper
5meodmt is the most delicious 5meomalt is the second most delicious
nooo not japanese class 😭
Strictly false, my dear friend!
Do share
pork is really unideal under the paradigm I'm sharing lol. sorry schizo </3 well, you don't have to believe me. and you'll be fine since you eat all whole foods with nuts, fruits, and veggies
Yes, even as a pro-meat advocate it's clear to me that robert got obliterated haha. "I don't know what a polyunsaturated fat is" at 1:08:03 is embarrassing. The whole point of maxing out on beef is to keep PUFA low. This is why I cannot stand by carnivore proponents. Their healing anecdotes are actually real, but there's no understanding underpinning their rhetoric. Not to mention that ketosis is generally an unfavorable state to be in long-term. Oh, and since they're getting no antioxidants from plants, and they don't differentiate between pork, chicken, or beef, and they overcook and char everything (excess heat oxidizes the animal fats prior to consumption) they're going to get fucked by CVD and then science will be in a further uproar: "RED MEAT BAD! CARNIVORE INFLUENCERS DIE FROM CVD!" and the possibility of integrating beef into a healthy sustainable diet will be further mocked. bleh
I can take it please share (insert spongebob begging gif)
Instant puddle
Its been really hard finding 100% grass fed ground beef in japan lol. Japanese wagyu steaks are stupid expensive so I can't have that every day, and the average supermarket ground beef is factory farmed grain-fed beef in really small portions (typical miniscule japanese serving size lol). The country is built on raw veggies and raw fish after all, to great success... a testament to the resilience of whole foods. To my dismay however, cancer rates are skyrocketing in Japan, and even my health-conscious mother who has basically eaten mediterranean her whole life got hit with stage 3 colon cancer last year (worry not, she lived and is thriving now. I have her on pomegranate juice ever since loolll) and I cannot help but suspect the seed oils. There are some concerning animal studies about intestinal tumor growth related to LA consumption, but as usual we cannot jump to conclusions about humans. Of course, regarding cancer it's not just one food at fault, it's a variety of environmental factors such as microplastics, heavy metals, excess blue light, and other misc. forever chemicals in cleaning/hygiene products It's a dystopian picture but its a beautiful study.
This is an earnest steelman. I appreciate the sincere effort to understand, even if you may have disagreements This is fair, and likely true. These days I tell my friends to just follow a "balanced diet and drink pomegranate juice." I hate to complicate things Jason would propose Linoleic Acid in the adipose tissue as the test variable (measured using skin samples). After initial measurements, we can make dietary interventions to raise or lower (or maintain) adipose tissue LA across a period of time (1-5 years lol... yeah... nobody's gonna fund or participate in this one, haha...) From there we can track any variety of markers, from autoimmune condition, cancer risk, CVD risk, bloodwork stats, inflammation markers, hormonal balance, body composition, etc. His hypothesis is that eating a diet rich in saturated and monounsaturated fats while avoiding high PUFA foods will lead to general positive health outcomes over a period of time (relative to a PUFA-rich diet, which is the norm). The main complaint with similar studies that have already been done is that not a single participant is truly "low LA" enough for the benefits of low LA to be made clear. Raising LA in someone who already has high LA is actually cardioprotective (and Jason has a mechanistic explanation for this relating to lipid peroxidation theory) But lowering LA below a critical threshold is also cardioprotective. So it's strictly wrong to announce that humans should simply eat more LA. But then you may say "but how can you know that? where's your study?" And that's exactly the problem. There is no study for this! (yet). Everyone is high LA and the possibility of a low-LA human literally does not exist on the map. Since the introduction of seed oils into the food supply chain in the early-mid 1900s, almost every human in the developed world has been infiltrated with excess PUFA (even on the level of their mother's breastmilk), and even the health-conscious people who switch to a home cooked whole foods plant based diet end up having a mix of MUFA (which is good) and PUFA (which is bad, according to Jason) from their diet, but the negatives of the PUFA are rendered invisible by their high antioxidant intake from fruits and vegetables, and in this context, the lowered saturated fat means less circulating LDL which means less liproproteins are at risk of oxidation which means the results look good in favor of PUFA on paper (generally leading people to think that PUFA is not a relevant actor, and the focus shifts to reducing meat and increasing plants which is actually helpful in this instance, but is not a full showcase of what is possible in terms of human health). Therefore Jason would say that there has never been an opportunity for a scientist to observe an actually low PUFA specimen (someone like Jason who literally only eats beef, milk, liver, rice, berries and pomegranate juice lol. eggs and fish in moderation for arachadonic acid and DHA respectively). He had his adipose tissue measured and the doctor taking his measurement personally commented that they have never seen someone with PUFA as low as him. Having lived with him for 6 months last year, I can personally attest to the freaky levels of health glow that guy has - he almost feels like a cartoon character at times with how ailments deflect off of him as if he has a holy aura. I remember getting a cat allergy attack, and he just smirks at me like "oh yeah I used to have that too. It was so much worse than what you're going through right now" and I was like "for real??" and he was like "yeah after losing all that LA i don't feel a thing" ... just yet another wild anecdote on top of everything else he has shown me (i'm sure he has mentioned by now that he completely reversed an "incurable" autoimmune condition, with picture proof, where his doctors were going to put him on meds for life. And all he did was avoid seed oils, drink pomegranate juice, and eat beef every day LOL.) The healing power of food is real, as I'm sure you are no stranger to. Whole foods heal. Plants heal. But beef can also heal - and it saddens me that this is so hastily dismissed. I think if all sides were honest, the beef praisers (like me) and the beef skeptics (like the scientific community) would both have to admit that there is much we don't know. Is beef a time bomb, or the food of gods? I wish this convo could be opened up without prejudgements. I think we can at least agree that beef does have notable nourishing power not just for its complete protein benefits, but also the amazing B-vitamin and mineral bio-availability. Jason would take this a step further and claim that the low PUFA of beef makes it better for health-maxing than chicken or pork, but we can leave that as speculation for now. I actually live in Japan now! Hit me up if you ever plan a short visit, so many cool cultural places to discover, insane nature too : )
I like it. It's a reality check. The reader's feelings shouldn't matter here. If this "negativity" upsets anybody, then it has done its work well. I'm not a fan of the shoehorned positivity. I can just hear the cartoon trumpet fanfare as the new message attempts to feign an uplifting emotional trajectory. Practically speaking, the added lines shift emphasis to imply that "greatness" is the goal; transcendence, truth, and good are framed as virtue-pillars to feel good about oneself. The focus is subtly no longer on reality checking, but rather on feeling good. Which is exactly what the original message is warning of!
You likely have a more feminine disposition. If any ladies read my report above, I doubt they would be impressed since I'm just describing one of their surrender states. I'm sure many would think "oh yeah i remember feeling like that"
I have always had nothing but respect for you
Schizo beat me to the punch so I'll comment more on the epistemology side. I'm not anti-consensus on principle. Obviously consensus is useful, and certainly preferable to made-up ideas pulled out of one man's ass. And powerful, centralizing consensus (such as the modern science paradigm on nutrition) is rarely entirely right or entirely wrong. Sometimes I speak snarky (for my own amusement) so it seems like I'm irreverently dismissing decades of hard-sought insights by millions of professionals, but that is not the case. I would say I'm 80% on board with the professional rhetoric. Most recommendations are sound. Eating whole foods, limiting processed foods, exercising, sleeping well, not smoking or drinking, etc. is good advice. My only bone to pick, really, is the red meat/saturated fat issue. Saturated fat is not only not-harmful, but is in fact, beneficial. This is so obvious to me right now that I struggle to explain it in the same way that a psychonaut can only sigh and chuckle when a skeptic tries to naysay his mystical experience. So I am not blindly dismissing all of modern nutritional science, I am pinpoint critiquing one flawed aspect of its understanding, which is only flawed because of the echo chamber effect. If science re-did an investigation on saturated fat from scratch starting today, using a population of healthy unbiased humans, it would not find a single health risk, and this will shatter the certainty of so many medical professionals and dieticians, and nobody wants that. The issue is that science is unable to do such an investigation "from scratch," since it is tethered to its decades of research, and frankly it does not have a truth incentive (also it's a lot harder to find healthy unbiased humans than you might think. Most healthy people are already indoctrinated into the "plants over animals" camp, which skews results. Healthy animal-based eaters exist, but are rarer, and often not studied. This will hopefully change within the next decade.) The steering wheel on the ship is already jammed left, and it will take a herculean effort to bring it back to center, which is simply not worth it in the eyes of most professionals, ESPECIALLY since they've self-deceived into believing that leftward IS straight. For the sake of truth, the entire ship has to turn rightwards (to reach center), but the devil has gotten ahold of the entire crew which is convinced that going right is to go astray (not knowing that they are already astray, but to the left)
This is crassly and rebelliously flung around only because people demonize meat and recommend limiting or forgoing meat all together, especially red meat. Vegans, Vegetarians, Pescetarians, Mediterranean dieters, Plant based advocates, new-age healers, average, well-meaning health-conscious people, and "scienced-based" nutrition studies have all formed an incestuous cohort under the unifying banner of "blame red meat." Which is stupid, because we evolved to eat meat. This is dumb, yes. We are omnivores, and the optimal diet obviously includes animals and plants.
<10mg plugged is very (annoyingly) sensual. MALT does not make me "horny" in the way that I like - usually when I'm horny there is heavy emphasis on genitals, masculine-feminine polarity, and my desire is single-minded on the female figure like a laser, it's like the whole world goes away and nothing matters other than conquering her body. It's an addictive, amazing high. But with low dose MALT it feels like I've turned into melting syrup, lots of involuntary squirming, shallow breathing, as if I've suddenly turned into a woman in heat myself. No genital desire or imagery it all, just pure melting, flow, warmth, and a vague desire to hold and be held (by nobody in particular). And yet it's unmistakably erotic, bodily, and feminine. It feels as if my dick disappeared, in fact, that all men have been erased, and the very air itself is rich with estrogen. And I am suffocated in it like a fish in water - or more aptly, I feel like an ice cube dropped in a pool of lava. Objectively speaking its actually a very pleasant experience, but my masculine ego did not enjoy it at all lol. 15mg+ plugged seems to bypass everything I've been describing, and mind begins to explore infinity without any notions of bodies or polarities.
@Schizophonia I'm sadistic by default : )
Understandable Just remember that there is no real healing without a real threat to your ego. What stops you from thinking clearly? It's really no different than everyday thinking IMO. For example I can think about my mom on MALT just as well as I can think about her right now in a "sober waking state." The only difference is that on MALT the ramifications are supercharged. "Mom" has infinitely more unreality and interconnections on MALT, but the core thought is the same. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't. No good or bad Not mutually exclusive. I love to think and surrender/let go at the same time Don't force it. The juiciest contemplations are instant and effortless. They will come spontaneously with more consciousness and less agenda. i.e. up your dose and stop trying to heal. But if you're not willing to do that, then just don't worry about "contemplation" they say that because most humans have erratic, fear-based thoughts. So it's better to just dissolve those and chill. But once you are advanced, there are higher-order thoughts you could have. But again, don't worry about that for now
anthem level
Consensus reality is threatened, at times to the point of no return, yes.
Contemplation comes so naturally for me that it has never occurred to me "how" to do so. In fact, I'm always shocked and dumbfounded time and time again when my "normie" friends take something like LSD and merely report "cool colors and moving objects" where I would draw hyper-dimensional interconnections on half the dose (which I fondly call "the webs," i.e. the beholding of consciousness by consciousness, admiring the precise intelligence of its current form, recognizing that there is no difference between what is and what could be, but seeing how and why it must be this way) This agenda to "heal" most certainly blocks pure contemplation. You're unable to admire the selfless uselessness of beings and objects unrelated to your healing. You also don't dare to dive into the abyss beyond death, the formless Origin where sheer, blinding, majesty reigns and no humans are allowed to exist. I don't have any answers for you, whatever works for you, you must figure out for yourself. However it may be worth it to trip without any agenda at all. Pretend for a second that you have nothing to heal, and become curious and interested in what lies beyond. Consciousness responds to desire. If your contemplation attempts are fruitless, it's likely a lack of desire. As for the substance, I would recommend a medium-high dose of MALT. It will absolutely obliterate you, but that is precisely the love you crave. We spend our whole lives running from the one thing we want more than anything. We're so silly for that.
Damn. That's kind of a shitty omen. I've been planning on testing oral MALT for a while now. I'm still going to go through with it, for science. I'll report back here when I do.
This description is spot on. The "horny" thing is very real at low doses. It makes you squirm and pant and crave touch. It's a very feminine feeling which I found to be somewhat threatening since I typically identify hypermasculine. I still managed to surrender to it just fine, but I'm not particularly eager for more lol. At higher doses the "horny" thing generally dissipates and you go straight to infinity/imagination/godhead which is a million times more threatening (lol). So MALT is a challenge for me regardless of the dose. But it's still my second favorite psychedelic (only after 5meodmt) because the rewards you reap are proportional to the threat level. And perhaps the biggest lesson you will learn is that no matter how severe the threat, how terrifying the trip, nothing... really happened. Here you are. You are absolutely, irrefutably safe. Wow.