Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Post your best police cam videos here. This YT channel is AMAZING!
  2. This thread is a collection of short illustrative examples of low and high perspectives of all sorts. But do not just post anything here. We are looking for short, potent, clear examples that convey a view in nutshell form. We are also trying to illustrate specific features of views that make them low or high, such as demonization, strawmnning, projection, pig-headedness, etc. Only post exceptional examples which illustrate a point. Be selective about what you post. Less is more. Don't post long videos that meander without a point. Think of this like clips you would show your child to teach about low vs high worldviews. Your child is not going to watch a 30 minute video for this. Be selective!
  3. Opening this up cause we'll be seeing a lot of these corrupt MAGA perverts crawling out of the shadows over the next 4 years and it's good to have a catalog of all them and their crimes in one place. https://apnews.com/article/matt-gaetz-congress-ethics-report-538cb5387bf95925245bf87fa6b1adcb Post all examples of MAGA corruption here.
  4. Calling it: One of Trump's idiots is gonna turn out to be a Putin spy for sure.
  5. This is a catch-all thread for any comments or discussions you guys wanna have about any entries from Leo's Blog.
  6. That analogy doesn't hold. The children are not deep down some ideological rabbit hole. And sex education is nothing like this work. For Rogan's audience to benefit from my ideas they would have to be willing to admit they are wrong about Covid, anti-vax, mainstream media, conspiracy theories, Trump, libertarianism, wokeness, post-modernism, etc. Which is not going to happen. They will instead react with a furious ego backlash.
  7. Even they have to work to become wise and not screw everything up.
  8. Anyone in the culture wars ends up radicalized. That's the price for using the culture wars for clicks. It takes a lot of integrity to not chase clicks.
  9. He does not imply otherwise. However it's very easy to get seduced into thinking Christianity can be reformed and salvaged. Jordan does not pretend to be more than he is. However it's easy to think that his way of making sense of reality will work. It will not. Much more skepticism is needed towards all these Game B theorists. I see it becoming the next trap. I've spent a lot of time closely studying the flaws in their thinking.
  10. Many many possibilities. Like deconstructing science to promote anti-vax delusions. Or using the reality of God to validate Christian Nationalism. The Rogan audience will not use my ideas to find truth, they will use it to double down on their biases because they are too lost down the epistemic swamp to admit of any wrongdoing. Rogan's audience has become much more radicalized since Covid alongside Rogan. The show ain't what it used to be. Bernardo Kastrup had a great analysis of these dangers, which at first I dismissed but now I see the wisdom in his position. Kastrup has a lot of integrity.
  11. I've thought about it a lot and realized that it would be very dangerous to introduce my teachings to Joe's audience. The teachings can be misused by conspiracy minded people to justify whatever falsehoods they want. This is a much more tricky issue than it first appears. The commitment to truth just isn't there. These teachings are too serious to serve as mere entertainment.
  12. If you want to own Tesla stock, the best time to buy is when everyone hates it. These protests will not sustain. All this outrage will fizzle once people get bored of it. And Musk will split up with Trump soon enough anyway.
  13. He is under the illusion that Christianity is the highest path to Truth, Good, and Beauty, and that his version of Christianity is not a religion. This is a mistake, not by my standards but by his own. To be a Christian and then claim that it's okay that you never reach God because what you were after was just a practical model for living, is a serious self-deception. In this work we don't just take for grant that a practical model for living is the correct priority. We question that to see its limitations. 1) My work is not all about God. It's also about making sense of all of reality and living virtuously. My work is not as narrow as you claim. But a clear understanding of God is needed to achive this. 2) It's all interconnected. You cannot get politics right or science or anything else unless you are able to avoid self-deception. In case you haven't noticed, Christians also have shitty politics. Because it's all connected. The irony of accusing me of this in the context of Christianity. Jordan is not doing Gospel, Leo is? Which is why Actualized covers so much more practical ground that Neo-Platonism. Jordan's view was seriously evaluated, without any strawmanning, and it turns out to be just more religion. In the end there is no argument I can make against religion if you just like to do religion. Go ahead. My job is to make sure people don't get stuck in traps of the mind. So yes, that is the standard. I will set the standard for mankind because no one else has. My job here is to set the best standard. The reason people follow me is because of the unique standard I set. If you just want to be part of a spiritual community, sure, go ahead and join any religion you want. This is a person who doesn't care about truth. This is religion as a social club. But it never stops there. These people then think they understand God and spirituality and the whole world. They are not humble social club goers. What we're really talking about here is corruption and its spread. Because the point of philosophy is to understand reality. Without God-Realization reality has not been understood. Philosophy suffers from people who do philosophy without understanding its ultimate goal. This is why we have so much shit philosophy and why philosophers like Plotinus are so rare. A philosophy that misses God is junk and will lead to many other self-deceptions. Yes, if you don't care about truth then my work is not for you. Most people do not care. My job is to be one of the few people that does. This makes the work niche. It is the function of Intelligence to point out the traps that keep mind from reaching its highest Intelligence. That's what is happening here. If you don't care about reaching the highest Intelligence then any old teaching or social club will be good enough for you. -------- In the end, if you just want to live comfortably inside Maya, there is no argument I can make against it. Enjoy your life in The Matrix.
  14. Hard to say because you don't know if you're the creative type till you give it a good try. Try and see how it feels. It's true that most people aren't cut out for it. It takes an artistic mind. But artistic mind still requires tons of training up.
  15. I sit however I want and move however I want. All that matters is your focus. Everything else is noise.
  16. Observe your own intelligence occurring in your direct experience and contemplate what it is.
  17. I will soon do a 2-4 week nonstop retreat.
  18. When you take 5-MeO-DMT you will realize your spiritual teachers are fictions.
  19. I've said for a long time that hardcore retreats are necessary. This is not a new position for me. I documented some of my retreats years ago now.
  20. There are many valid techniques. Noting is better for keeping the mind on track. Just focusing on nothing is really hard without getting lost in thoughts. Noting helps avoid getting lost in thoughts.