Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. My typical weekend.
  2. It could only be a positive if you count the taste into your calculus.
  3. Very strict diet helps but doesn't cure the underlying condition.
  4. 1) Seems is the key word there. 2) Half the population are extroverts and naturally highly social, which basically solves this issue automatically for them. 3) Good looking people have it much easier. 4) Many people still struggle to date and have low sexual abundance. 5) Most people have quite low standards for who they are willing to date and sleep with, which makes it much easier. 6) Alcohol is like liquid game. What most people do instead of learning game is they just get drunk and let that be their game. Of course at great cost to health.
  5. I have tried everything I could think of.
  6. That's not a cultural difference, that's a developmental difference.
  7. It more depends on prior history of trips and accumulation of insight and connecting of dots in your mind over many years. Your mind gradually makes deeper and deeper sense of Consciousness/God over the years, which enables deeper awakenings. You piece together more and more facets, allowing you to see the full diamond of Consciousness.
  8. In my deepest awakenings there was a realization and surrender to truth so deep that all pretense of controlling the dream is given up. In a sense to become lucid here is to realize that absolute truth is completely out of anyone's control. Even God does not control the truth. Awakening is a kind of death of the self to absolute truth. You realize that you cannot change the truth even one milimeter. No, the opposite. No one controls truth. Those miracles are precisely the work of God and not your ego self. If a miracle happens it will happen by the course of truth being true, not your will. It is a complete surrender of ego. Ego is the thing that seeks to manipulate truth. I have some kind of autoimmune dysfunction. Hashimoto's is one manifestion of it. But not the only one. Medication does not help. No doctor can really tell me what or why my condition is. They've just run out of answers.
  9. Ukraine's corruption is unrelated to this war. Corruption is just rampant there.
  10. The key to math is that your units are always relative and subjective. You dictate what the units are which you care about. No objective units are ever found. Is a human one unit or a trillions units, or anything in between? That's up to you to select. It's a matter of perspective. But whichever perspective you select, you better be consistent with it from then on.
  11. @numbersinarow Maturity is the ability to not respond to despicable behavior with despicable behavior.
  12. @numbersinarow Give him a break. He went out of his way to research the topic and found something useful to him.
  13. Realistically for me it only happens on an intense hardcore meditation retreat. If you're just busy with normal life it's hard to stop it.
  14. That's exactly right. And you can have even deeper, even fuller God-Realizations.
  15. I am not infinitely conscious right now. But I don't need to be in order to understand that you are in a dream. It's not like I'm saying anything that serious spiritual traditions haven't said. You've been told that reality is a dream by every major serious spiritual tradition. The Hindus have been saying it for 5000 years. What more do you want? My teachings do not contradict any serious spiritual teachings. The only difference is that I give you the 100% undiluted version of it, without sugarcoating anything or playing to any of your human biases. I don't assign any special priority to our physical universe/dream. You could dream an infinite number of various dreams. Just because you're not dreaming some particular dream right this second doesn't mean you cannot dream it in the future. Yes, some people can do astral travel.
  16. Israel is not ethical. USA ethics are questionable too. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
  17. Excellent! You got it.
  18. What meaning or lack of it you assign to your dream is a secondary matter. The fact still remains that you are dreaming. As long as you have experience, that experience is the dream. I am not saying there's anything wrong with that. I'm just saying it is occuring and you do not control it.
  19. By energy he just means everything. You could call it consciousness or energy or mind or spirit. Just different ways to saying the same thing.
  20. As long as you are conscious and you are talking, you are dreaming. And you do not control your dream.
  21. That's one way of looking at it. But that Being is also you. As far as mathematical, I would not limit God in that way. But there's some truth in that since reality can be thought of mathematically. But I would say Consciousness is beyond mathematical.
  22. This is why I call this enlightenment stuff nonsense. Real awakening is comprehension of the metaphysics of Consciousness. You can't be Awake and maintain materialism.