Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Princess Arabia I hope you like alien crocodile pizza
  2. @bambi I've had difficult trips. Just because you don't consider my trips difficult is not my problem.
  3. Why? Why aren't enlightend people omnipotent? Consciousness is omnipotence.
  4. Of course I know about all that. You are not telling me anything new. I have never claimed to be the first one to talk about astral realms. I don't even talk about them. But the question still stands: You regard yourself as enlightened. Why can't you walk through a brick wall? - - - - You keep regrading the things I say as tangential to consciousness, the exploration of astral realms and illusions. But that has never been what I talk about. All of my work is focused squarely on comprehension of pure Consciousness. My goal is to understand Consciousness so deeply that I could walk through a brick wall, which your enlightened smartass cannot.
  5. Yes, I agree. But it should be possible to selectively undream some stuff.
  6. @LoneWonderer You got emotional baggage to clear out before you are free to access serious metaphysical matters. Keep clearing out all the human crap and slowly raising the dose.
  7. I love the taste of dark chocolate so it is acceptable within reason and assuming you will be doing heavy metal detox throughout your life.
  8. No. Becoming more social is more important. Depends on your goals and priorities. If your goal is to get laid, yes. That situation is shit. Move.
  9. I believe that if one became super-humanly conscious one could walk through a brick wall. But no human is anywhere close to that level of consciousness. Which is one of the reasons why I say that enlightenment is low consciousness. If enlightennent was high consciousness then enlightened people should be able to walk through brick walls, but they can't. What's unique about my explanations of Consciousness is that I can explain why humans cannot walk through brick walls and also how they could. No nondual person has a good answer for this. Because they don't actually understand how consciousness works.
  10. Yes. It is tautological. Whatever happens is what must have happened, even if you change it, then that must have happened. In this way truth is inescapable. Because any attempt to escape truth is itself a part of truth.
  11. The now (not) dead Noam Chomsky showed that human's language skills are genetic. The only reason you can underatand and use language is because you have the right genetics.
  12. The confusion here arises from your use of the notion of "you" or "I". The I that you are talking about is the finite human self. But imagination goes much deeper than what the finite human self can imagine, will, or change. When I say that you imagine that psychedelics don't work on you, I don't mean the human you, I mean the Universal God You. I mean the same You who imagines gravity. Gravity is imaginary but a human self does not have the power to unimagine gravity. You are stuck in the gravity dream. God imagines gravity, the human just obeys gravity. There are two orders of imagination at work: 1st order: the physical world. "Outer world". 2nd order: your conceptual mind space. "Inner world". A human self has some control over the inter world, but not the outer world. (You can't unimagime gravity, unless you are sleep-dreaming). God's Mind places imaginary limits upon the human mind. Which is the only reason why a human cannot walk through a brick wall. Your human mind can imagine and will to walk through a brick wall, but God's Imagination will override that, so you will not be able to walk through it. But you can inside a sleep-dream because there God's Imagination is turned off.
  13. Of course. Yes. But you're not fucked because you can do a lot to correct stuff like social anxiety. Social anxiety is really just pure bullshit. You can overcome it entirely. It just takes work.
  14. God is an ocean of unfolding dreams. Change is part of that, but you can't change the change. There is a certain inherent flow to this thing which is the flow of absolute truth. Some call it the Logos. But really it's just TRUTH.
  15. Getting hung up on such details is just a waste of time. You can frame God/Infinity in many different ways. There's not just one right view of it. You can quibble over theology forever.
  16. I never said it can't. Yes, that's how it works. But in the end no one is in control of that whole fractal tree. I was speaking about an ultimate comprehension of that whole tree, not just some local part. If you only focus on local parts it seems like there are controlling agents. But I am speaking about insane levels of awakening here, not the local human perspective.
  17. It's absolutely perfect. Don't doubt yourself. The whole point of this work is to realize that GOD IS PERFECT.
  18. No, I am always talking about existence itself. I never distinguish God from Creation.
  19. One time I bit a crocodile. Lessons in karma.
  20. My awakenings are supernatural and even beyond. Alien Consciousness is beyond anything humans even imagine as supernatural. It's super-supernatural. Human ideas of what's possible in the supernatural realm are very limited and prosaic. All that standard New Age mystical stuff. It's boring! Serious consciousness is beyond all that.
  21. I am not the only one to get it. But I get it in an usually deep, multi-faceted, and rich way. And I communicate it in a uniquely direct and clear style. There is no control at all. God is an infinite runaway ocean of dreams. No one controls it. Infinity is a magical self-unfolding process. All of existence is Absolute Truth. Nothing can change this truth. It is a perfect tautology. All you can do is be conscious of its perfection and beauty. In the end what you realize is that you can't change Absolute Perfection. All desire to change it comes from a lack of consciousness of its Perfection. It truly is Perfect! Like, really.
  22. Hindus took weed and datura, and who knows what else. Magic mushrooms grow on all continents except antarctica so it's safe to assume they ate them too. But none of that is even needed because a certain percentage of humans are born awakened and mystical. So the real answer is just genetics.