Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Pretty obvious not to do that. You might as well cuddle a crocodile.
  2. University academics are the prey. The university is the predator.
  3. No. It's has too much thinly spread, filler content. It's not tight like Dark Souls. Rainworld is not a skills issue. Rainworld is just a shitty gameplay experience. A cool world does not make the gameplay good.
  4. Use a better company.
  5. Ally, AmEx, and Discover are some of the best. They all offer about 4% now.
  6. Elden Ring was a disappointment. No desire buy DLC for it.
  7. What's wrong if your girlfriend sleeps around with a bunch of people besides you?
  8. It means nothing because you are not conscious of what is being talked about.
  9. Academic philosophy is a very specific kind of game. If you wish to play that game and be accepted by others who play that game, then yes, you need to study the historical work. What is it you seek? Truth? Understanding? Consciousness? Love? You can get all those much better by not playing academic philosophy. In the end, no academic philosopher understands reality. I recommend you get your priorities straight and focus on what truly matters, not some human-invented scheme. You will be dead soon. Life is too short to waste it in mental masturbation.
  10. Socializing is so easy once you gain some experience and overcome your own BS. Like really, why would socializing be hard or anxious? People do it for fun. It's like playing a videogame. You just built it up as something hard in your mind when really it's one of the easist things in the world. Truly, social anxiety is the biggest load of BS. It's as silly as being anxious for walking out of your house.
  11. There's no need to guess. We'll see what the polls say a month before the election. There's plenty of time until then for things to move around. It's gonna be close either way I think.
  12. 1) You are not properly understanding those teachers and teachings. 2) Understanding is not just conceptual, it comes with a change in your state of consciousness. How can you be awake and not understand the ultimate nature of reality? The two go hand in hand. To realize God is to understand the ultimate nature of existence. Consciousness has the ability to comprehend itself. When this comprehension rises high enough it becomes awakening. Yes it can, by itself becoming infinite. Your finite mind is just infinite mind which is half asleep. Awakening turns finite mind into infinite mind. You will still exist and your mind will still exist. There's a long way to go before death. There are many degrees of self-comprehension and you don't need the highest degree to experience awakening.
  13. Go talk to girl.
  14. Makes no difference. Keep going out and learning to socialize.
  15. It's right for you if you love understanding reality.
  16. @Water by the River The issue with everything you said is that it admits that there exists consciousness higher than your own. Which most enlightened folk and nondualists would like to deny. So you are trying to have it both ways. When I claim higher consciousness, you ridicule and deny it. But when I corner you about why you cannot walk through a brick wall, you tell tall-tales of higher Buddhas and astral deities in other dimensions. And you plead human finitude. You justify your limited human dream as being necessary and enjoying it. But when I speak of pursing and enjoying higher consciousness you dismiss and ridicule it as something indulgent or misguided. So all this means that you are an enlightened bullshitter. Your spiritual bullshit is precisely designed to prevent higher consciousness. And THAT is the reason why I teach in the manner that I teach. I do not care about tales of astral realms. I asked you why you cannot walk through a brick wall on Earth. And the only plausible answer is: because you lack consciousness. If enlightened people would just admit that they occupy a low state of rat consciousness then I would never say a single bad thing against them. But that is the last thing they want to admit. So here we are. I hope now everyone is crystal clear on this matter. I will not be wasting any more of my time explaining myself to you.
  17. The value of contemplation is to get your mind to think for itself. AI could help with that, but more likely you are gonna turn it into a crutch which will short-curcuit your own independent thinking. Before you contemplate, try visualizing yourself entering a positive and empowering state. I will release a course soon that will teach you how to do this.
  18. Yes, of course. I even know a few such people. Something like that.
  19. Just use a fuckin scoop.
  20. You said so many wrong things there that I will bother to correct them.
  21. I am not claiming I can. I am claiming it should be possible with sufficient consciousness.