Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The bottomline is that you will never know what you are capable of until you give it your best shot, and you make use of all the expertise, methods, and tools that worldclass experts offer. You guys want some kind of guarantees and promises of success, but success doesn't work like that. You know who succeeds? People who take risks. The risk is work for no reward. That's what investment is. And no investor wins on all his bets. You have to get comfortable with lots of effort and failure. It's like you guys want to say to me: "Leo, I will only do effort if you promise me success." And my response is, then you have already failed at life and there's no helping you.
  2. Consult with quality doctors not internet randos.
  3. No, I think he is doing it in a very ineffective way. There are many wrong, ineffective ways to game.
  4. I knew guys who got laid plenty and worked a 9-5 job. They just go out every weekend and collect lots of numbers and set up dates. One of my pickup buddies in Vegas is a doctor. He has a normal job. Another of my old wings was a dentist. If you do pickup 3 nights a week x 3hrs per night that's 9hrs, leaving you with time for a fulltime job.
  5. Keep dreaming.
  6. Depends entirely on you. Of course not. Most people are wage slaves and have no freedom to do anything but pay their bills until they die.
  7. That's introversion. That's not a party, that's a graduate-level seminar.
  8. Extroverts like being social. Introverts don't.
  9. Danger != guaranteed harm. Danger is danger. A crocodile is dangerous. Whether you end up bitten no one can tell you. Depends on what you do and your luck. Fact: crocodiles eat 1000 people per year. Will you be one of them? How could I tell you?
  10. No, because there is much randonmess involved and luck is certainly a factor. Improvement is not linear. You can and will have long dry spells. Getting laid in itself does not actually improve your game. Your game will improve even when you are failing. Like in a sport, winning the trophy does not improve your skill. It's the training that improves your skill.
  11. It's not just about mindless labor. At some point if your results are that bad you need to change your method because you're doing it ineffectively. You have to actually have insight into why things aren't working, not just do the same broken thing over and over. Getting results from game requires very specific things, otherwise you will fail miserably.
  12. I don't remember their names. There's too many cool bosses.
  13. Of course
  14. I have said nothing against their truthfulness. My health does not allow me to use psychedelics any more. But my health situation is pretty unique, so you should not draw too many conclusions from that.
  15. Insane ambition and seriousness. The idea of quitting never even entered my mind. That's how a serious person approaches life. I have done 1000+ approaches without getting laid. 400 approaches is nothing. You can do 400 approaches in 2 months.
  16. Both things are true: genetics matter, but also you have a lot of development work to do to actualize and max out your genetics. You are underestimating just how much can be accomplished through the right kind of labor. The reality is that most people are far too lazy to do the work necessary to become massively successful. It's not that you can't, but that you don't have enough ambition and seriousness to even make a serious attempt. If you knew how hard I worked to get better with girls you would cry and quit out of disgust. The people who succeed in big ways are just willing to endure that kind of labor and failure, whereas most people are not. Today's generation is weak and spoiled. They seriously underestimate the labor it takes to achieve anything meaningful. You expect and even demand meaningful things for free. For example, you expect beautiful women for free. You have no understanding of the worth of things and the seriousness of life.
  17. That's what they are, but that doesn't mean it's good for your health. You guys make a lot of such simplistic assumptions.
  18. Psychedelics affect people too differently to make an universal claims here. The bottomline is that you don't know how they will affect your health, so you should be careful. You don't know how much your body can take. One day it might fail.
  19. Don't like how it looks, don't like the world. No interest in playing in that world.
  20. It's just not enjoyable. A bunch of aimless wandering and content spread too thin and overly grindy. I found Bloodborne mediocre. Couldn't finish it. Sekiro can't bring myself to play.
  21. Yes. It's just a question of how much your body can handle, which no one can tell you.
  22. What exactly is it that you believe?