Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's mostly how I live. If your inner world becomes rich and deep enough it basically becomes more rewarding than most things the outer world could offer you. Most people live lost in the external world, like children lost in an amusement park.
  2. Owen's whole approach to life is very specific to his personality type. It is not suitable for many people. But for those who have a similar personality type to him it might fit like a glove. The trap here would be to take Owen's way as the best or only way -- to think that you have to be like him to be successful. For example, Owen's way does not suit me. But I can still take tidbits from his approach to life. The meta lesson here is that it's important to be selective when learning from strong leaders, because they will try to convince you that their way is the best or only way.
  3. I'm not gonna watch the debate. But Biden's age is clearly a big problem which cannot just be swept under the rug even though Trump is the monster that he is. But anyone who capitalizes on Biden's age problems to ignore and distract from the monstrosity of Trump is not being honest. This is the situation we find ourselves in politically. It's not a good situation and there's no bullshitting our way out of it.
  4. Obviously one of the surest ways to get rich is to provide services to insanely rich spoiled people. Because they are so rich they just don't care about wasting money. Catering to frugal people is a lot hard because it reduces your profit margins. This is why luxury brands earn crazy profits for selling useless junk which nobody needs. A Rolex is essentially a useless piece of junk.
  5. If you were infinitely conscious you would understand that everything is magic.
  6. I need to ask you a favor. Murder your ego for me
  7. So Cat Infinity is legit but Toilet Paper Infinity is not? What kind of games are you playing?
  8. That's the rub. Hard to get laid when you aren't around humans. The real solution here is to change your lifestyle to be more social. Rather than trying to drag a girl back to your crypt.
  9. It seems that way because you are not conscious of the pure infinity but are focused on gross forms. It's hard to notice infinity because it is formless. Cat Infinty isn't really a visual thing, it's actually formless. But this emptiness has all the forms inside of it.
  10. Don't know, don't care. I do not care about deciphering the worldviews of dead philosophers.
  11. There is Toilet Paper Infinity. Where every brand of toilet paper comes from.
  12. On the blog. Use google.
  13. You don't use text to build rapport. You use it to invite her to a fun social event. "My friends and I are going out to the club on Friday. Will be much fun. Come with us."
  14. A cat is much more than a concept. Go look at an actual cat. Of course. Chair Infinity. No, a chair is a figment of Consciousness. The Universe dreams chairs. No. A chair is existential. Your issue is that you don't have enough consciousness to understand what I said. Which is why I made the Cat Infinity post.
  15. I find this most true with acquiring material luxury items, like a fancy watch or expensive TV. It never makes you happy like you hoped.
  16. Thanks for the love, guys. I appreciate it.
  17. Okay, so then do nothing and be a nobody.
  18. The rate is annual, the interest payments are made monthly.
  19. I don't know enough about it to comment.
  20. The best way to relax
  21. Depends on what you consider to be the function of philosophy. Many people consider it to be the study of ideas of old dead men. So in that case yes. You can spend the next 2 years reading Hegel and still not understand what his actual view was. Or you can just go to Wikipedia and read about monism and idealism and make more progress in 20 minutes than you did in 2 years. Again, what is it you actually want out of being a philosopher?
  22. I told you that there are no gaurantees. You keep wanting them. Then don't take any risk. You will achieve nothing but you will be safe from any failure. If you are asking such questions then you have already failed at success.
  23. It's a very toxic-feeling chemical in my experience. One of the worst. But your results may vary.
  24. The bottomline is that you will never know what you are capable of until you give it your best shot, and you make use of all the expertise, methods, and tools that worldclass experts offer. You guys want some kind of guarantees and promises of success, but success doesn't work like that. You know who succeeds? People who take risks. The risk is work for no reward. That's what investment is. And no investor wins on all his bets. You have to get comfortable with lots of effort and failure. It's like you guys want to say to me: "Leo, I will only do effort if you promise me success." And my response is, then you have already failed at life and there's no helping you.