Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. How to wrestle with crocodiles. How to sext with your hot witch girlfriend. How to get a hot alien girlfriend.
  2. @zurew This course is not about exotic novel practices it is about how to get results from all the stuff you already known for years but don't apply effectively. It's not about new ideas, it's about ruthless application of common ideas.
  3. Well, that's just one label for it. You could also just call it mind. I mean building up your inner game for all aspects of life. Some of that will be conscious and some subconscious.
  4. It synergizes beautifully with the LP Course. Yes, it will help a lot with actualizing your LP.
  5. You can ask that of the LP course and you can see that it's not a very useful question. We're dealing with matters of the mind here which do not lend themselve to clear-cut material measurements.
  6. Newsom strikes that balance perfectly. Of course the far leftists will hate on him because they are children. They hate anyone who isn't a socialist. And the right-wing will surely invent a way to demonize anyone on the left regardless of who it is. So that doesn't concern me at all.
  7. It is grounded in principles of how the mind works. Do I have studies on the effectiveness of my course? No.
  8. It sat half completed for a long time. My understanding of the content has definitely deepened over the years, so it's more potent now than it would have been if I released it years ago. This course is not about awakening.
  9. Not at this time but I'm still considering what extra stuff I might add.
  10. Hard to say until I record it. My focus is not on length or theory but on tightness and practice. So it will be less long-winded than my normal videos, but focused on driving you toward results. It will feel quite different in style from my usual material. Focusing on length of content is the wrong way to judge content. What you should be concerned about is its quality and potency.
  11. After you eat your vegetables you can have the dessert
  12. Exactly.
  13. What you guys don't realize yet is that you have spent years learning theory and principles from me, but you've yet to actually program those principles deeply into your subconscious mind. It's just airy concepts still even if you took some actions. The magic of this new course is that after 10 years you can go back, rewatch all my old videos, and finally program those lessons into your mind. You haven't actually done that yet. So this is like a 5x multiplier on all my free videos. It is the missing piece that makes all the theory click into place to produce the results. I never taught you the missing key. Because I needed to make this course to sustain my work.
  14. To do what he does he had to drink his own Cool-Aid. Otherwise he would be disillusioned by all that human manipulation. Owen is so power-hungry he doesn't have qualms about using whatever manipulation techniques to get his way. Which then becomes his greatest weakness because it costs him integrity. There is good reason why the most mature, intelligent, and conscious humans do not care about marketing or sales. Marketing and sales is the domain of bullshitters and con-artists. Owen has drunk deep from that cup.
  15. This gives me a new course idea: How to become a TikTok millionaire by doing trick shots of ping-pong balls with your ass into rotating shotglasses. The perfect course for Gen-Z
  16. Yeah, I'm surprised Owen hasn't outgrown it by now. I can't be bothered to care about that stuff.
  17. @OBEler I won't lose it. And what really matters in that domain is not whether I have it but whether you find it for yourself.
  18. This election will be at least 50% about Biden's age.
  19. That's for later. People need help with more human things first. Teaching overly advanced stuff leads people astray. Alien Consciousnes is not going to do anything for your human life. You will still have all the human shit to deal with.
  20. What you're really asking is: What is meaning? Observe it in your experience.
  21. Newsom is by far the strongest, most presidential guy that Dems have. I'm quite confident he will be president within the next 12 years. He is uniquely talented. The only thing I worry with him is some kind of sex scandal. Overall, the Dems just don't have strong charismatic leaders. They are either batshit woke leftists or middling professional lawyer types. Newsom is a good middle road there.
  22. Newsom's political optics are so good. He really should have ran this cycle.
  23. Somewhere in the $250-$350 range. It innovates in the depth of the practical application. You will be amazed by all the new ways you can apply it which had never occurred to you before. It's like a whole mountain of applications have been hiding right under your nose. Even if you read those books or courses you're not getting the results you should be. Then again, I'm not necessarily promising something revolutionarily new. Most self-help material covers familiar ground.
  24. The reality is that getting joy from just sitting around and doing nothing requires insane levels of consciousness and development. And people who have pent up desires to burn through will not be able to do it until they burn through those desires first. For me, the joy doesn't come from just sitting and doing nothing mindlessly, the joy comes from a deep consciousness of existential matters about reality. But you could even call that a kind of intellectual seeking. If you want to literally have joy from doing nothing, that will not be possible without some serious awakenings and some serious ego-death. The ego is never happy just doing nothing. Especially if you have a decent sense of ambition, which you do. For most people to be happy they need to be working on things which give their life meaning, whether that's business, family, gym, travel, or whatever. Of course the thrill of success will be stronger than the mild joy of just be present. The thrill of achievement is a dopamine hit. The joy of presence is a serotinin hit. They are two different reward pathways. Dopmine hits are stronger but they are also always fleeting. So there's a tradeoff.