Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Once you run a business though, it's not just about an income, it becomes about profit maximization. Just look at how corrupt the entire self-help industry is. It places profit maximization as their their top value.
  2. Empire of Chimps is exactly what politics is. And Trump is the orangatang lord.
  3. I made some decent money, but nothing wild like others in my position would try to do. Once you go down that path its hard to come back. Like, how much more money does Owen need? There is no end to it.
  4. More frail than solid. His whispering voice is like a deflated balloon. Really bad optics for a leader. He's like a car with 500,000 miles. You're not sure if it will get you to the store, nevermind a roadtrip. They've done political science of how dictators get deposed. It often happens when they get so old optically that everyone around them gets shaky and starts looking for a replacement. This is why authoritarians always try to project physical strength, virility, and hide any of their health problems. Because as soon as a doubt is raised people get shaky and scheme for a replacement.
  5. Gender roles in general are full of roleplaying. Women roleplay being cutesy and dudes roleplay being alpha bros. Look at a video of Andrew Tate puffing his cigar shirtless while acting tough. His workshop is literally dudes punching each other in the face.
  6. You don't know if the accussation is false until you investigate it earnestly. So watch your assumptions. A legal system exists for this reason.
  7. Not particularly. Just anyone who wants results from self-help. It does not require any prior self-help expertise. A newbie or a teenager could immediately apply it and start feeling results. You don't need a backlog of theory to start applying the practices. But if you have a backlog of theory then this will help you put all that theory into practice.
  8. The person who I would need to be to do that kind of marketing could then not do the kind of videos I do. There's a reason why everyone is not doing my kind of videos. Because they chose profits over higher things.
  9. Much deeper than that.
  10. Yes
  11. I am pointing at a deeper issue which you guys seem to have no interest in. So suit yourselves. I'm not going to beat you over the head with it. If you don't care about higher values then you don't care.
  12. The concern is not even Biden's current condition but where he will be in 2-3 years.
  13. I'm not asking you for a single sentence answer. Rather investigate what creates meaning in your experience. You're not looking for a verbal answer but a comprehension of a complex and nuanced mental dynamic.
  14. I'm not saying marketing isn't useful. It's necessary for business. But the cost of success in that domain is that you turn into a bullshitter, manipulator, and devil. There is a cost for what Owen teaches and how he lives which he isn't fully aware of and doesn't tell you about.
  15. Change is interal the dream. You can change some parts of reality but that's internal to it.
  16. Send me a PM when the course is out and we can work out some kind of discount.
  17. Yes
  18. That's exactly how it works.
  19. Weird. You need to do specialize research into how uranium is detoxed. This is a rare situation so don't expect it to be part of common knowledge.
  20. Everyone knows what a dream is. You have them every night. Now just expand that notion into a more crystalized dream, which you call your life. If your night dream was coherent and lasted 80 years you would just call it life. That's because there is no other, more realer reality.
  21. For sure
  22. If you don't see value in it then don't buy it.
  23. This is a circular definition. Examine more closely what means is.
  24. @Javfly33 Beware of spiritual fantasies. That's what the mind is best at creating.
  25. Yes. Alien mind will only be a small part of that course. Most of the course will be my most advanced understandings of consciousness and awakening and deconstructing every human illusion.