Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Hello! There's your value. A charming homeless guy will get more pussy than a nerd doctor. Because women value emotional stimulation over everything else.
  2. Mankind has survived far worse with far less technical capability. There is no reason at all why mankind cannot simply suck all the CO2 out of the atomsphere. It's merely a question of the political will to do so. And as suffering increases political will will increase. We can make the temperature whatever we want on this planet. You should be more worried about an asteroid strike. Now that would really fuck us up. P.S. We can genetically engineer bananas more delicious than you can imagine. Don't be so myopic.
  3. There are very clear common factors of value for men and women. It's not hard to figure them out. You are not going to value a homeless hunchback as much as a 6ft tall NFL player with a $10 million home. You can pretend like your values are all unique and special as a snowflake, but it's super easy to predict what the majority of women value in a guy. You ladies are as predictable as robots in most cases. And that is because a woman's survival needs are pretty consistent for all women. Same is true of men.
  4. It will auto-correct itself. That's how suffering works.
  5. No. I had no clue spirituality even existed back then. My vision was simply about living a passionate material life. That is an illusion I have disabused myself of. I exist forever. Everything is literally awesome. A fork is awesome. You just have to stop taking it for granted. The highest beauty is beyond human life.
  6. The average guy is so lonely and desperate that he will be happy to get any girl at all. The higher value guy you want to land, the higher his standards will be, the harder it will be lock him down, the more insecure you will feel around him. BTW, the same is true with high value girls, so spare me your tears. High value has a price.
  7. If people want to demonize me, they already have plenty to work with. I am not going to alter my work to please trolls who would demonize me anyway.
  8. I keep telling you it's Infinite Love. Not sure how much clearer I could be. All I teach is Love. If you consider that dark, that's something about you.
  9. But you can't "make love" if you cannot even get a casual hookup.
  10. Do whatever you want but I ain't waiting a month to have sex. This does not hinder my ability to have a relationship. The thing is, strong successful men don't wait around for things. They see a thing and act on it immediately. This comes with the territory of being effective in the world. If a man is willing to wait a month to fuck you, this is not a guy you should be fucking. This is a lame beta guy who has no idea how to lead. A real man is clear about what he wants and is very proactive about it. Women find this highly attractive. Because this is how shit gets done in the world. This is how success is made. This is how wars are won. This is how empires are built. This is how rockets are launched. This is how fires are put out. This is how lives are saved.
  11. You must learn to appreciate the bitter-sweet nature and intelligence behind survival. Survival is not just some dirty, stupid process that we must eliminate. Survival is the thing that keeps you alive and there is a deep intelligence behind it. Without survival you could not awaken. All of spirituality is predicated on successful survival. You can't attend a meditation retreat or read an Eckhart Tolle book or watch an Actualized video if you're dead.
  12. Of course. That comes automatically for me.
  13. They are not mutually exclusive. There is no genuine relationship with a woman until after sex. She is not invested enough for there to be a relationship.
  14. So often that you should stop even calling it "rejection".
  15. That is true for low value guys who got no game. The whole purpose of game is to make one so attractive as to condense that typical few months time-frame down to 4 hours. It sounds crazy, but it's possible to do. If you think about it, there is no good reason why it should take a few months to build a deep rapport with a stranger. It only takes that long when people are doing it lazily, unconsciously, by accident. But if you take conscious control over the process, it can happen much faster. From a guy's POV, waiting a month to sleep with a girl is just a giant waste of time and energy. As a guy we can figure out whether we want to sleep with a girl within 5 minutes. The rest is just cat and mouse games. Even though it's called "game", ironically it is women who play the most games. A guy is very clear about what he wants. So the guy's "game" is just a reflection of the game that women force him to play to get what he clearly knows he wants. Because if a guy does not play along with your games, you will reject him. Things would be much easier and simpler if we could just approach and say, "Hey, I like you. I think we should fuck." But this doesn't work. It's too truthful. Hence the game. Okay, game on.
  16. The real question is, how could it be dual? It's duality which contradicts itself and makes no sense.
  17. Yeah, well, the whole point of pickup is that it makes all such logic irrelevant since attraction is not logical. So you can tell yourself you will never sleep with a guy who "sells himself" to you, but when you meet an attractive, high value guy, all that logic will become irrelevant. Emotion > logic Doubly so for women.
  18. This story is years old. Don't use baby powder.
  19. They are similar. But contemplation specifically focuses on asking questions and gaining answers/insights whereas introspection is a more general function of looking inward and observing the operations of your own psyche. You could also call introspection mindfulness. To me contemplation is a more cognitive, verbal activity. Introspection is more about feeling. Although of course you can mix them together.
  20. You should read the warning in the video's description box.