Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't think any president is as in charge as people imagine. It's the administration which is doing a huge team effort. That's one of the reasons why I don't care so much about Biden's mental sharpness. It's not like Trump is so in charge. Trump has no idea how to run a government or what any policy really means. It's all handled for him. He just spouts off with his ego and takes all the credit. And the Trump admin is gonna be full of corrupt monsters.
  2. It wasn't just a bad night. He is legit near death and way past retirement age.
  3. Exactly. You guys are too addicted to new advanced theory, not enough on embodiment and deep application. So in that sense this course is the perfect counterbalance to all my usual videos.
  4. Not as important as genetics. Could you be understating it? I have no idea what you are capable of. I did that at the expense of my work and business. No, much more than that. But I am not telling you that your genetics are not sufficient. Maybe you got the perfect genetics for your goals. I know nothing about you.
  5. I would be open to that, but he's just got no chance of winning. Dems are not going to have Biden step down for RFK. I'm cool with having Biden step down and find some replacement but I doubt he will do that. It could only happen by Biden's own decision.
  6. Of course. Biden as a corpse would still be better than Trump. You have no idea how disasterous a Trump admin would be. The fact that anyone thinks Biden is worse than Trump is just an embrassment to the human race. There is no comparison at all.
  7. Staying healthy is important but has nothing to do with muscle mass. Gaining muscles mass is often done by comsuming unhealthy things. Gym rats are not doing it for the health.
  8. There is no such thing as lack of muscle mass. Your body has exactly as much much muscle as it needs to do its tasks. You don't tell cats and dogs to lift weights to be healthy. They got exactly the muscle they need to do their thing. The reason you care about muscle mass at all is for egoic reasons. A dog doesn't care about his muscle mass.
  9. Not really. It's a question of opportunity cost. You'd get more sex if you spent the time you spend at the gym talking to girls instead. Going to the gym for the sake of girls is quite delusional. If you wanna go to the gym to please yourself, fine. Just be honest about that. Don't do things to please some imaginary girl.
  10. All that means is that he has good genetics. He didn't create it for himself. In fact, all of his success is built atop that foundation of solid health, which he assumes everyone who follows him also has, but they don't. You cannot bluster and bullshit your way into good health. You use good health to bluster and bullshit. This is what the entire health industry is built upon: people with great genetics singing about how healthy they are and how you can be like them when in fact you can't unless you got good genetics too. Taking mushroom supplements and New Age herbs is not going to give you Owen's level of health. He's just fooled himself on that point because he takes his own health for granted. Just to be able to do pickup consistently requires good health. Because it demands so much energy. All this is taken for granted within the community. This doesn't mean Owen lying, his worldview just takes certain things for granted because he is not focus on truth, he is focused on selling you a dream of success.
  11. I didn't invent that. That's a classic Buddhist technique. But I brought it to your attention in a way you could relate to. It's not about new techniques, it's about getting results which you have overlooked.
  12. If you're 60lbs overweight of course it's good to lose that. But you don't even need to go to gym for that. Gym rats are doing something else.
  13. @VictorB02 You gotta learn the lesson that phone numbers don't mean shit. They give them out 30 times a week. You're one of 30 dudes she gave it to. Girls give you a phone number just to get rid of you.
  14. I don't. Which is how I know what I'm talking about.
  15. You made this too easy:
  16. @Miguel1 I get it. Survival is corruption. It's a hell of a force. Good luck wrestling with it.
  17. Most adults are just children.
  18. Gym rats gonna gym rat. Going to the gym to get girls is stupid.
  19. Please spare us the BS.
  20. @Clarence You will not be able to do both courses at the same time. The new course will demand 12 weeks of committed watching, reflection, and practice.
  21. @Mesopotamian You are doing a lot of projection of your own hangups and insecurities on women. This is not a good use of your mind.
  22. Once you run a business though, it's not just about an income, it becomes about profit maximization. Just look at how corrupt the entire self-help industry is. It places profit maximization as their their top value.