Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You will outgrow all those fools with time. Self-actualization is a long investment, not a get rich quick scheme. Don't envy the blissfully ignorant. It is a facade and it will not hold up. Also, stop comparing yourself to others. You are not them. You just lack expereince socializing, which doesn't allow your full self to blossom in social situtations. That will change with massive experience. As an introvert you will be as socially carefree as extroverts.
  2. God is that which dreams itself into existence. God is One. Which means God is All. Which means, God dreams ALL into existence. There is only One Creator. Here you are.
  3. You are certainly imagining all that nonsense as a story. It has nothing to do with guilt. You simply lack the proper state of consciousness.
  4. Of course. It cannot be otherwise.
  5. As far as maps go, this is a shitty one. Ego is a function of state. Plain and simple. Stop dancing around with cute metaphors that just feed the ego. Change your state and there will be no more ego.
  6. Deconstruct the finite biographical human self in order to realize the Infinite Cosmic Self.
  7. You can drop all your guilt but you still won't awaken. Not even close.
  8. The dream is not a function of guilt. That's just silly. The dream is not a thought or even a collection of thoughts. It's much more substantial than that.
  9. It's too expansive and complicated for most people do to. Those cheap consumer gadgets will not work. You need a professional EEG machine and the training to use it. And even then, it's not some magic pill to enlightenment. It will just make your meditation more effective.
  10. It's not impossible. Schedule a 10 day retreat. You will not awaken otherwise. Or if you're lazy, psychedelics.
  11. Yeah, well, that sensitive soul of yours has murdered thousands of living beings in your life.
  12. That you are inhabiting anything limited is an idea you're imagining. You are free to be a murderer if you want.
  13. You can act however you want, including hurting others. This has always been the case.
  14. That's child's games compared to awakening. Not an image. INFINITE SELF.
  15. @Hello from Russia In a row. Precisely the thing no one wants to do. The thing you most don't want to do, is where enlightenment is hiding.
  16. Girls will flake on you all the time for no reason. Get used to it.
  17. There is a huge difference though between being conscious that you are dreaming up all the bubbles vs normal human consciousness. You can, for example, stop dreaming the entire universe. This is not something within the possibility of normal consciousness. You can know everything. You are God.
  18. It requires 100+ hours of continuous intense concentration to shift one's state of consciousness to have an awakening. Realistically this is what's required. You are not at all intense enough about it, so nothing happens. Take psychedelic to see instant shift in state so you understand what you're missing.
  19. @Soulife96 Nothing is necessary. These are just tendencies and rules of thumb.
  20. This is way too generic. What you've basically said is: my LP is to have an LP. This is not helpful. You need to get clear about what is most meaningful for you to create and which impact is most meaningful to have. Get concrete. What are going to be fruits of your life's work?
  21. It doesn't. People are just stupid. The end.