Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. As I said, there are many factors to attractiveness. It is some factor. It's a question of significance.
  2. That's what I went for but it didn't give me good health. Health is too deep of a thing to bullshit your way into. You can't just lift your way into good health unless you already have it to begin with.
  3. Bias. Americans are brainwashed with consumer American culture and live in an American bubble. They don't travel. They aren't educated. They have the same level of development as Trump or Bush so they see him as one of their own. To be fair, other countries and cultures are also stupid in this way. They all fall for nationalist vibes and strongmen. China, India, Hungary, Russia, France, UK, Italy, Brazil, etc. Remember those C and D students from high school who were ignorant and lazy and sloppy and didn't even try for excellence? Well, there are 100+ million of them and guess who they will be voting for? They couldn't find China on a map if you gave them a million dollars. These people live like animals. They do not think or develop themsleves, they run on group-think. They haven't sat down to contemplate a damn thing in their lives. They do what church or boss or friends tell them. Friends drink, they drink. Like monkeys. This is your average voter. So what can you expect? They have zero understanding of how government works. All they understand is vibes. Own those gay pedo Libs! That is the level of thinking that we're dealing with. The #1 predictor of whether you will vote for Trump is simply your education level. The more ignorant you are the more appealing Trump appears. And if you were highly intelligent you would see that Trump is a dangerous degenerate within 5 minutes of hearing him. But of course, no one wants to admit that they are that ignorant. It's too painful, so instead excuses are made for why Trump seems appealing or reasonable. But the simple truth is that Trump's entire political movement is pure idiocy and depravity. No better than Hitler's relative to his time.
  4. Harsh talk tends to wake the mind up from its complacent slumber. Sweet talk of love puts the mind into a fantasy. The truth is that pain is a better teacher than sweetness and kindness. Suffering is your greatest teacher. People who are too sweet haven't actually accomplished anything difficult in life. Dealing with harsh reality is beyond politeness and kindness. All that kindness flys out the window when things get serious and survival is at stake. That Claude talk is a cartoon version of tough love. Real tough love is not that ridiculous, but it can feel like a smack-down as your fantasies and BS are punctured.
  5. I won't go so far as to call him a con-artist. I think he genuinely believes in what he's doing. It's just that he lives in one of those tech-bro bubbles with too much money and no deeper values or purpose.
  6. Yogis destroy their knees.
  7. I didn't go for girls. I went for my own ego.
  8. No, I don't call that delusion. Yes, losing weight certainly improved my self-confidence because I hated myself when I was fat. But you don't even need to exercise to lose weight. That's a myth.
  9. I've never had a hangover so I wouldn't know. It feels like your mind isn't clear, isn't working well, sluggish and stuck, skipping beats, slipping tracks.
  10. I went to the gym for 15 years. It did nothing to get me laid. Except for one time when a girl who worked at the gym hit on me and I went on a date with her. 1 girl in 15 years of gym. And I didn't even end up sleeping with her because I wasn't much into her. It's not muscles that make you healthy, it's health that makes you muscles. I did the whole gym rat fantasy. And I got nothing to show for it. Not muscles, not good health, not sex. Just a lot of bullshitting myself.
  11. Look, marketing can be a set of skills. No skill in itself is delusional. It's what you do with it and why you care about it at all. I don't know what Hormozi's worldview is. His marketing advice itself seems legit. But what evil did he do to make his millions I don't know.
  12. Much much easier than India. Our girls are super sluts Haven't you seen the Hawk Tuah meme? You were born into the wrong country, my friend. Out beyond the East there is the West. Hawk Tuah will meet you there
  13. Weightlifting is good for health. But again, that's not what gym rats are doing. Lifting weights does not even equate to muscle mass that much. I could squat 500lbs and my body will not look my bulkier. Most girls would not even notice. In fact, the best way to bulk up is not to gain muscle but to eat 50 gallons of ice cream and put on 30lbs. Girls will notice that more.
  14. In order to run around and do pickup for 20 years your development must obviously hit a certain glass ceiling. For Owen to reach the next stage he would have to give up pickup and marketing and recognize how toxic and delusional it was. Which of course he is unlikely to do. Tis hard to get a man to understand a thing when his job depends on him not understanding it.
  15. The country was stupid enough to elect W Bush twice. So we're really just staying consistent. I easily foresaw Trump's 2016 victory simply because as soon as I saw him run I said to myself, "Yup! Americans are stupid enough to vote for that." And that's really all there is to it. People keep being surprised by the stupidity, but that's what American politics is based on. This should be obvious from watching Fox News for 30 minutes. It's like, "Oh... I see... By stupid for stupid. Of course. Got it."
  16. What did you hope to get out of self-help other than healing? That. And I don't preclude the possibility of healing.
  17. That is a ridiculous thing to say. Allowing rich and powerful criminals to commit crimes without consequence IS corruption. The only reason Trump has any chance of winning is because the entire American political system and culture itself is insanely rotten, sick, depraved, ignorant, and corrupt. Trump has benefited from the corrupt deep state. Any sane and responsible deep state would have put him in prison by now. The way you guys twist the holding of Trump accountable for his crimes as corruption is dispicable gaslighting. What is corrupt is not holding him accountable and giving him free passes just because he promises you something your ego likes, like a tax cut, a border wall, or sticking it to the Libs. Voting for Trump IS corruption! Liking Trump IS corruption! Giving Trump money is corruption. Working for Trump is corruption. If you cannot see that it is because your mind is corrupt.
  18. 1) I still call BS on what Hawkins said. 2) I am not promising you a cure for diseases. 3) Mind has some influence on health and healing. I never said it has no influence. Scientific studies demonstrate a connection between mind and healing. 4) None of these points contradict.
  19. There are many factors to getting laid. Muscles are near the bottom of the list.
  20. It's not 100%. It's a foundation from which all effort happens. Of course. That's the rub.
  21. @Vibes Do us a favor and meet with Trump.
  22. Because Trump is the king of corruption. Everyone in his admin will be as corrupt and shameless as him. Trump is a magnet for theives, criminals, scumbags, Wall Street wolves, racists, sexists, and religious nutcases. What Trump has done to the judicial system alone should be criminal. You want to relect a guy who initiated a coup. It's insane that he is even allowed to run. Trump should be in prison for life. No, because it's just a wasted vote. I don't regard voting as a tool to virtue signal. I will only vote for those who can reasonably win.