Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Big problem for Biden is that he presents no big vision of change. It's all minor incremental, defensive stuff. Nothing bold for his base to get excited about. Meanwhile Trump presents his base with a juicy vision of overturning the entire liberal order. Biden had to come out and say that in 2025 we are: Legalizing weed Increasing corporate taxes Wealth tax on billionaires Green energy Federal right to abortion Reforming the corrupt Supreme Court Ending Israeli war Cracking down on monoplies and corporate wolves Cutting 500 drug prices in half Cracking down on corruption and white collar crime. Cracking down on illegal immigration Regulating AI companies and Big Tech Major funding for education Major funding for infrastructure Raising minimum wage
  2. Simple solution, you just ask a girl if she's single within the first 2 mins of talking to her. Done. DO NOT try to sneak your way into a girls pants over a course of days and weeks. Make it clear what you want. Also, DO NOT invest energy into a girl unless she's going on dates with you. Stop trying to build a connection with a girl over text or online. It's BS. If she's not agreeing to dates then screw off. Waste of time. If a girl is interested in you, you don't need to make any effort to butter her up. You just invite her on a date and she eagerly agrees. If she makes excuses that means she isn't attracted to you and it will never happen. STOP CHASING WOMEN. Just invite them out and if they don't come out, drop her.
  3. Yes. Paypal or card both work.
  4. Biden just got back from a trip to France for the WW2 victory celebrations, meeting with European leaders.
  5. That's standard set theory dogma but it doesn't touch the real essence of numbers.
  6. I've never been interested in a lavish lifestyle. My life is modest and spartan. Sure: travel, seminars and workshops, hiring top consultants and coaches, hiring employees to work with. For me that would be a betrayal of my higher values. If you care about maximizing profits you are already lost.
  7. Of course. It's just a combination of ignorance, selfishness, and capitalism. The American Way.
  8. I will once it's ready to release. I'm telling you guys first because this place is my testing grounds and you guys are the hardcore base.
  9. Bad example. Half the prison population are clinical paychopaths, which means they don't recognize that they did anything wrong. They have dysfunctional brains. So that's why they can't be reformed.
  10. All video games design enemies to be weak, otherwise they would be no fun to play against. The fun comes from finding and exploiting an enemy's weakness.
  11. I just care about higher values more than I care about money. That doesn't mean I don't have to keep an eye on making money, but to me that's mostly a chore I would rather not do.
  12. It's hard to say, there's no one right way to live. The thing that would really evolve Owen is surrendering his insane ambition. What comes of that, who knows?
  13. That would almost certainly ensure your corruption for life. This is Trump's life story. He was given $450 million by daddy. How do you think old money got their money? From expliotation.
  14. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  15. As I said, there are many factors to attractiveness. It is some factor. It's a question of significance.
  16. That's what I went for but it didn't give me good health. Health is too deep of a thing to bullshit your way into. You can't just lift your way into good health unless you already have it to begin with.
  17. Bias. Americans are brainwashed with consumer American culture and live in an American bubble. They don't travel. They aren't educated. They have the same level of development as Trump or Bush so they see him as one of their own. To be fair, other countries and cultures are also stupid in this way. They all fall for nationalist vibes and strongmen. China, India, Hungary, Russia, France, UK, Italy, Brazil, etc. Remember those C and D students from high school who were ignorant and lazy and sloppy and didn't even try for excellence? Well, there are 100+ million of them and guess who they will be voting for? They couldn't find China on a map if you gave them a million dollars. These people live like animals. They do not think or develop themsleves, they run on group-think. They haven't sat down to contemplate a damn thing in their lives. They do what church or boss or friends tell them. Friends drink, they drink. Like monkeys. This is your average voter. So what can you expect? They have zero understanding of how government works. All they understand is vibes. Own those gay pedo Libs! That is the level of thinking that we're dealing with. The #1 predictor of whether you will vote for Trump is simply your education level. The more ignorant you are the more appealing Trump appears. And if you were highly intelligent you would see that Trump is a dangerous degenerate within 5 minutes of hearing him. But of course, no one wants to admit that they are that ignorant. It's too painful, so instead excuses are made for why Trump seems appealing or reasonable. But the simple truth is that Trump's entire political movement is pure idiocy and depravity. No better than Hitler's relative to his time.
  18. Harsh talk tends to wake the mind up from its complacent slumber. Sweet talk of love puts the mind into a fantasy. The truth is that pain is a better teacher than sweetness and kindness. Suffering is your greatest teacher. People who are too sweet haven't actually accomplished anything difficult in life. Dealing with harsh reality is beyond politeness and kindness. All that kindness flys out the window when things get serious and survival is at stake. That Claude talk is a cartoon version of tough love. Real tough love is not that ridiculous, but it can feel like a smack-down as your fantasies and BS are punctured.
  19. I won't go so far as to call him a con-artist. I think he genuinely believes in what he's doing. It's just that he lives in one of those tech-bro bubbles with too much money and no deeper values or purpose.
  20. Yogis destroy their knees.
  21. I didn't go for girls. I went for my own ego.
  22. No, I don't call that delusion. Yes, losing weight certainly improved my self-confidence because I hated myself when I was fat. But you don't even need to exercise to lose weight. That's a myth.