Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Clarence Say as you like but I like genetic because it is more to the point. Consciousness highly depends on genetics. Which is why a rat is not very conscious.
  2. @Joshe It's something like 80% genetic and 20% environmental. My best guess. You're not going to get a more precise answer.
  3. You are taking that phrase "quality of someone's consciousness" too literally. It's a figurative notion. You can't literally look inside and see low qualities in your consciousness. We could say that Trump has "low quality consciousness" in the sense that his mind is quite corrupt. His ego runs the show and he gets a cheap thrill out of attacking people, conning people, bullshitting, stealing money, and influcting revenege. A low quality consciousness would, for example, get pleasure from torturing a monkey.
  4. Neti neti is not about programming yourself with a belief. It's more like a meditation where you detach yourself from any form as your identity. For neti neti to be effective you gotta do it in an intense, meditation retreat-like setting. If you do it intensely enough you should have an awakening event. This event is not a belief or concept or idea or conclusion. Hold no images in your mind of what you are.
  5. Don't call someone a fraud unless you have tangible evidence and proof.
  6. @Salvijus I am rolling my third eyeball
  7. When you believe nothing can be done, nothing can be done.
  8. I don't have enough information to know. Trying to compare Gaza to other wars is just not gonna produce good sensemaking.
  9. His doctor is not going to know about Tinnitus Mix. He will dismiss it as quackery. A conventional doctor will not fix your tinnitus and will tell you it cannot be fixed.
  10. 1) Due to the relative power difference between Russia/Ukraine vs Israel/Gaza. 2) Gaza is a tiny dense city, not an entire country. This is a war against terrorists more than it is a proper war against a nation-state. 3) There is little reason for Russia to bomb civilian buildings in Ukraine, whereas in Gaza there's almost no other option. These two conflicts are just not very analogous.
  11. I think chances of Tinnitus Mix making it worse are quite low. But there's no guarantees because everyone is different. You can test it in small doses. It's not like it damages your ears at low volume. If you can listen to music you can listen to Tinnitus Mix. The 2nd option also has a small chance of making it worse. There's rarely such a thing as zero-risk medical procedures. Every medicine can have a downside. But these methods are very low risk when used properly. But you should make your own decision. Don't do it just because I do it. Think for yourself.
  12. The stock market is very inflated. There can be a rug pull any day. Once people start the sell-off the dominoes will fall very quickly. I'm not saying it will be as bad as 2008, but there can easily be a 30% correction, with a crypto crash and an AI bubble burst. I'm not predicting its timing, but I pulled all my money out of the markets. I'm not gonna follow these Wall Street pigs to the slaughter.
  13. I don't dispute intent for mass destruction and some degree of ethinc cleansing. But also, it is a war. And war is destructive. Why did Hamas commit an act of war? That's on them. You can't commit an act of war and then act surprised that a war started.
  14. @Forestluv I was hoping you'd be around to catch my post. Hope it helps you out. Use headphones.
  15. Same way it crashed in 2008. You don't gotta wait 2 quarters to feel it. When the crash comes it will be quick and bloody.
  16. Oh god... Hyper-reality indeed.
  17. @Emerald @Princess Arabia Stop distracting us from enlightenment!
  18. No. This is precisely wrong. You are not realizing that avoiding extinction and suffering are NOT the best. That is your bias. You cannot say that suffering is bad, because suffering is an important part of life.
  19. I have seen how Lichtman reasons. And it is not good. This is the perfect example of how science is taken to be something legitimate and objective when in this case it is half-baked, oversimplified, and reductionistic. Just because some academic can isolate and formalize a handful of variables does not mean he is being intelligent, or that his model is superior to human intuition. I will trust my intuition over Lichtman's models. This election is unique and will not fit any model. This election will be very close. To think one can predict it is foolishness. We will probably be up all night counting every last vote in a nail-biter. And the economy might crash before the election.
  20. @Husseinisdoingfine A better video for you to watch is the one called The Power Of Letting Go. You just need to let go of your old expectations and career plans. Those were a fantasy. You will let go of that fantasy and then live in a more grounded and genuine way. Somewhere along the way you got suckered into this fantasy of academia as some ultimate goal and good. It's like you're in a religion -- the religion of academia. It's time for that fantasy to die. You don't need it. There is an infinite universe beyond academia. - - - - - But you need to make a change at this point to your attitude and life. Do not just sweep this issue under the rug and keep doing the same old thing but harder. You need to change or you will end up dead. We here are confident you can find a good life outside academia.
  21. Hey, ya'll, I need your help! I want to create a comprehensive list of video examples of prototypical stage Turquoise thinking. This is meant to be an educational tool for people learning about Spiral Dynamics. So towards that end, scour Youtube and find all the videos you can which exhibit stage Turquoise thinking. Try to find videos which are short and sweet. The more diversity we can display here, the better. Try to find examples from various cultures. We will create a mega-thread like this for every stage in the Spiral, from Red to Turquoise. But here, let's just focus on Turquoise. Each week I will start a new mega-thread topic for the next stage. Do not start a political debate in this thread! It is not our goal here to defend our personal political positions or to judge any stage, but simply to compile examples. Thanks for your help! I'm excited to see what kind of juicy stuff you dig up. Try to be selective with your choices. This can turn into a really cool list. Stage Turquoise Values: Consciousness Elevating mankind’s consciousness Truth Deep metaphysical insight Wisdom, the wisdom of nature Mysticism, spirituality, nonduality God, divinity Holism, integration, synthesis vs analysis Integrating all religions & science Left & right brain synthesis Honesty, transparency, authenticity Being vs knowing, doing, having Simplicity, flowing with nature Minimalist sustainable living Collaborative synergy Human wellness Healing at all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual Exploring altered states of consciousness Intuition Channeling: direct downloads from infinite intelligence Supernatural creativity Spiritual purification Awakening, transcendence, liberation Unconditional love, compassion for all Emotional mastery Presence, mindfulness Paradox Esoteric teachings Gratitude Unity Deeper & deeper levels of interconnectedness Selfless living Sacrifice self for greater consciousness Meditation, yoga, contemplation, self-inquiry Not-knowing Humility Spontaneity, playfulness, self-amusement The really big picture Stage Turquoise Examples: Sadhguru, Shunyamurti, Thomas Campbell, Yoda, David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen Young, Deepak Chopra, Stan Grof, Osho, Mooji, Ramaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, Yogananda, Martin Ball, Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, David Loy, Alan Watts, Wim Hof, Matt Kahn, Dalai Lama, Sasha Shulgin, yoga, holotropic breathwork, The Holographic Universe, Akashic Records, noosphere, opening the 3rd eye, pineal gland, out of body experiences, samadhi experiences, siddhis, paranormal abilities, clairvoyants, channels, mediums, Bashar, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, alternative healing systems, Maya, psychedelics, 5-MeO-DMT, StarTrek: The Q, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields, Dean Radin’s paranormal research, Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony, Gaia, biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Esalen Institute, transpersonal psychology, Jung’s collective unconscious, quantum field theory, sacred geometry, reincarnation, opening chakras, saints, sages, mystics, prophets, etc.
  22. @Husseinisdoingfine Go cut your rope into pieces and throw it away.