Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Since many of us here are INTPs I thought it would be useful to start a collection of resources for this personality type. If there is high demand, we can do the same for some other popular types.
  2. @Blackhawk You are being dumb so I will no longer waste my time on you.
  3. Only because you aren't conscious enough. This is irrelevant from the perspective of truth. Truth is not about serving you.
  4. No The physical difference between ice cream and torture has no objective reality. That's what ONENESS means.
  5. It doesn't matter. The Truth is that all differences is imaginary.
  6. The difference between torture and ice cream is purely imaginary. That's a bias you have because you're selfish. The problem isn't that God/Love is too shocking, the problem is that your level of selfishness is so astronomical that you can't even see that torture and ice cream are identical. That's how fucking selfish you are You honestly believe your selfishness is truthful, haha.
  7. Seems highly suspect. The fundamental problem here is that if you think you can outsource the marketing of your business (the most important part of all business) to someone else, you're fooling yourself. You need to take complete ownership of the marketing problem if you care about success. You can find marketing courses that are way cheaper that will teach you the basics you need to know, which then you can apply yourself in creative ways. Don't be expecting some business-in-a-box solution to your biggest business challenges. You gotta build it yourself. My bottomline principle in biz is this: If you can't figure out how to make the money come in, nobody else will do it for you.
  8. That's pretty cool. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have helped him.
  9. Enough of this ridiculous topic. Do not turn this work into a mockery.
  10. Depends on the dose. High does are always challenging, although not due to fear or resistance. The consciousness there is so radical that it is simply incompatible with human life.
  11. You will have to pass a panic attack to reach that point.
  12. They did a trademark strike on me and deleted the video without any input from me.
  13. Watch all the videos I linked in my blog. Luis Elizondo was one of the highest members of US Intelligence, with the highest security clearances. Fravor is also a highly credible military guy. And there's many more. You're just in denial buddy.
  14. I know. And what I'm telling you is... that's precisely why you're not fully Awake. Complete the circle: the finite IS the infinite. If you think there is a difference between the finite and the infinite, you're stuck in subtle duality, not nonduality. It's very fucking sneaky.
  15. That's because you're a child. If you actually listen to their interviews you will see they admit of alien craft. Keep inhaling that copium.
  16. Direct experience is ideal. However, reality is far too complex for us to only rely on direct experience. Your knowledge base is full of stuff which is not direct experience and you could not survive otherwise. Have you ever directly experienced a nuclear bomb? You see the problem?
  17. Lol US military has already confirmed the existence of alien craft. You just stuck your head in the sand about it. Videos have been released. And more will come. You cannot record a UFO with a smartphone. Military cameras are barely fast enough to track them.
  18. No words can describe how freaky a 5-MeO-DMT trip is, especially if it is your first time doing psychedelics. It is more freaky than getting abducted by aliens. If you are not careful you will have a panic attack.
  19. Don't start with vaping, you will freak yourself out. Start with plugging. It will still freak you out.
  20. @SQAAD Why do you deny the vantage point of the characters in your dreams? When we say life/reality is a dream, that is PRECISELY what it is. That's not an analogy. That is literal. Why are you making it so complicated? It's a dream. The end.
  21. I think SDS is sufficient if you want to torture yourself. No need to go to extremes.