Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Publishing that 900-page Project 2025 paper was one of the stupidist things the right-wing Christians could have done. They showed everyone their true colors and now the Dems will use this to smear Trump for the next 4 months. The right-wing Christians are so foaming at the mouth they can't keep their fascist mouths shuts for 6 months. If Trump loses, it might be just from this. Trump has a lot of back-peddling to do.
  2. Trump rubbed himself off on Biden. Corruption at work.
  3. It's great.
  4. Trump is now distancing himself from Project 2025 because he knows that if mainstream voters catch wind of this it might cost him the election. Because the optics of it are so bad. Trump wants to have it both ways: to have the MAGA idiots believe in Project 2025 while denying it publically to swing voters so his admin doesn't look crazy. But if he enters office he will use every bit of Project 2025 to gain and lock in power for himself. Of course Trump doesn't actually believe in crazy Christian Nationalist ideology. But he will use it to grab power.
  5. Go to bed late and wake up late, is how most guys do it. It's not really suitable for 9-5 job. Need a job that starts later.
  6. That's not immunity. Many poor people break the law and nothing happens to them. The law doesn't get everyone every time.
  7. Deep state does not have immunity. They can all be arrested for breaking laws.
  8. Google Kino Escalation Ladder. Read it, then practice it every night you go out. It's easy. You just need balls and practice.
  9. We have suicidal people on this forum. Plenty of them in the mental health sub-forum. It's sad and I hope they seek out face-to-face help because a forum is not enough to fix that. I have spoken to some of them and they are very stuck. Unfortunately I don't have the time nor skill to coach every one of them. I've gone through very difficult health problems so I understand how hopeless and miserable life can get.
  10. Hmmm, that's unfortunate. I was looking forward to it. But I heard they set it in NYC, which I don't like for this kind of film.
  11. The only problem I got with Cali is that it is overpriced and overcrowded because everyone would love to live there. Of course you gotta find the right areas. There are plenty of bad areas. But OC is great. Cali traffic is bad, but so is Austin traffic. Austin is full of homeless too.
  12. That's just a right-wing narrative. Don't buy into it. California is so overpopulated because it has been the most successful state in the country. Red states dream of California's success. Yes, California has it's problems but most states do. The whole US is not gonna turn into California because California has a progressive supermajority. We have the opposite problem nationally.
  13. The Middle East has nothing to do with Russia's doorstep.
  14. Vote and help educate others and raise awareness by speaking in a mature and intelligent manner.
  15. Why am I not a crocodile?
  16. Taking thinking with your dick to a whole new level.
  17. It would take 50 other withdrawals for the US to actually be isolationist. The US operates like an empire. So we have a long way to go to isolation. The US is pushing NATO expansion too aggressively, which has needlessly provoked Putin. There is no need to be so paranoid and provocative. Putin needs to be given some room otherwise many people will die.
  18. They agree in the abstract, but they would not be willing to vote for someone who would actually be serious about that issue. What they really care about more is culture wars. Because to actually vote based on curing corruption would require surrendering all your selfish personal desires, like guns, abortion, identity politics, Jesus, tax cuts, Gaza, etc. And the average voter is not mature or wise enough to do that.
  19. But it is. It doesn't matter whether they are close or aren't. Suicide can happen either way. Just because someone is close to my teachings does not magically make them immune to suicide or mental illness. If you want to demonstrate that my teachings cause people to commit suicide then you have to show that people who follow my teachings commit suicide at higher rates than the general population. But even that would not be enough because you would also have to take into account that people drawn to psychological and spiritual work could have a higher rate of mental illness than the general population. Soonhei was not mentally well. His posts on this forum do not read like the posts on a well-adjusted mind. I know because I was deliberating about whether to ban him because the stuff he was posting was frequently weird and nonsensical and just felt off. I decided to be kind and let him stay because I didn't want him to feel bad. Exactly. Because you're looking to blame my teachings.
  20. It's quite easy to explain. Some people who are drawn to psychological and spiritual work have mental illnesses or are unhappy and suffering deeply in life. Out of hundreds of thousands of viewers, a few will have serious mental health issues and will be suicidal. The US national suicide rate is: 50k out of 350M, which is 0.014%. Now multiply 0.014% x 100,000 Actualized viewers = 14 suicides/yr. Actualized.org has had over 100M lifetime views. So the question is: What is it that you expect? Let's assume that only 1M unique people have watched my videos in the last 10 years. That means there should have been 140 suicides. 3 suicides out of all the people who watch my videos would be a really good rate. The real issue here is that people do not understand how high the average suicide rate is and what it means. More than 1/10,000 people commit suicide every year. Each of my videos gets 40,000 views within 1 week at least.
  21. Half of them won't care because they have been brainwashed to foam at the mouth for owning the libs. The other half will realize they made a mistake but by then it will be way too late.
  22. All social programs will be slashed. House costs will continue to rise even more. Project 2025 calls for the elmination of the Department of Education, gutting public schools, and making education a vehicle for Christian dogma. Trump will set the corporate wolves free to prey on the middle class, pilliaging whatever they can. Corporations will use this opportunity to enslave and exploit the middle class. But none of this will even make the news because of the criminal campaign that Trump will wage on his Democrat opponents and enemies and the mass deporation of migrants and other absurd actions.
  23. Notice, just since I made my blog post about this issue the right-wing has already made a big advance towards a Trump autocracy.
  24. Of course. Awakening is only suitable for a few rare people. Awakening is amazing. But very few people are mature enough to appreciate it or reach it. That is true. But even those gurus you mention don't live like monks. They have famalies, they make money, they have fancy houses and cars, they run a business, etc. So in a sense you have made up that myth/ideal of an enlightened person being a monk living in a cave. That is definitely a fanasty which you should drop. I have underscored many times that the pursuit of truth is itself a bias and that you need to customize self-actualization to your own values and unique personality. In no way do I say that everyone should follow my personal path. That would be wrong.
  25. The thing is, it's a lot easier to break government than it is to build it up into something effecient and fair. The damage that Trump and his Christian stooges will do will take decades to fix. They have already corrupted and broken the Supreme Court for a generation. And that's before Trump went full dictator mode.