Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You are not appreciating the depth at which the game is played. Girls aren't doing it consciously or on purpose. The game is baked into their entire attitude and how their mind runs. It's not something they are aware of or even know they are doing. But they are doing it. They will deny they are doing anything. Conservative girls will play even more games as they need to try extra hard not to appear slutty to themselves and others. She didn't show up to your date because she has no investment in you. And that is her game. And now she's acting as if making out with you was something friendly. And so it goes. This is par for the course. Which is why you train yourself to ignore her nonsense and proceed to solid logistics for a meetup. Don't get too cute over text. Use text to get her out on a date. And use text to make sure she shows up. Keep it simple and practical. Whether or not she sleeps with you on this date is irrelevant. You run your game the same regardless. See how far you can get. Conservative girls are often the sluttiest. The overall point is: don't let girls' antics derail your path. You keep doing you. Girls will keep being girls -- doing silly, flakey, and scatter-brained things.
  2. And what if you listen to Leo but don't do the work to discover it and instead use my ideas to create a toxic and paranoid worldview? When I give you the answers you don't do the work, you mentally masturbate. If you truly wanted to know you would do the work without my video. The only reason you're here is because you don't want to do serious work.
  3. Because Will and Absolute Truth are identical. Will is absolute. Curt was being silly. Stop listening to him. He will never awaken at the rate he's going at. If you become sufficiently conscious you will see that everything being created is your Absolute Will. You cannot change any of it because you are willing it already as it unfolds. All the restrictions are self-imposed.
  4. Just text her: "What days are you free?" Girls plays dumb games all the time. She already played a dumb game on you by not even showing up to your date. She has nearly zero investment in you until sex, so she's not worried about losing you. You're the one worried about losing her. So she has power over you. You are fundamentally not understanding how investment works for girls. She does not want to take responsibility for sex. She wants it to be an accident of socialization. That means you gotta play dumb along with her.
  5. I told your precisely how it is. But deep awakening is required. It's only paradoxical if you want to maintain otherness.
  6. You can either ignore her BS, flip it around on her, or flirt back. Ignore would simply be safest. I'll see you Sunday at 6pm. Wear something cute and don't be late. Flip it around on her would be something like: Don't worry, I'll make sure you're not weird next time Flirt back would be like: I will befriend the shit out of you. I will befriend your brains out. (This one is risky) If you don't behave I've give you a friendly spanking. Don't worry, this time you can be my enemy. I keep my friends close but my enemies closer We can fill your belly this time. (Risky)
  7. Rookie mistake right there. You fucked up in that you didn't expect her to flake and didn't re-confirm with her via text. ALWAYS expect girls to flake on you and plan accordingly. You always text her to confirm she's coming the day of, and even the hour of the date. If she doesn't confirm you don't leave your house. Sounds like she's being dumb and playing games. She does not want to take any responsibility for sex. Obviously she's into you. Proceed as if she will sleep with you. Escalate more heavily next time to make sure she's not gonna friend-zone you. Start rubbing her body in sexual ways and turn her on. If she tries to friend-zone you, continue to escalate and force her to leave you or accept your sexuality. If she tells you she just wants to be friends, don't flinch or get angry, just keep escalating until you force to walk away. If she walks away, fine, you did the best you could and it's her fault for playing these games. Girls will be very flakey and coy. Don't let that faze you. Just keep holding your frame and don't allow them to friendzone you. You know you want her so go for it. If she rejects you, let her reject you hard. Otherwise assume she wants it.
  8. It's not a human form. It's God. Your consciousness is absolutely Absolute. No other. No outside. No else. Just absolutely YOU.
  9. @mmKay I would rather have heavy metal poisoning than use Facebook.
  10. You are all there is. The problem is you're not conscious of it. There is only one channel. - - - - - I will not say more. Discover what's true for yourselves. Be ware, going this deep will melt your whole reality. Do not go there unless you must have the Truth at any cost. There will not be anyone there to comfort you. You will be all on your own. I will not be there to hold your hand. But there will be endless Love
  11. Don't overdo Kriya. That can be dangerous and counter-productive. 2hrs is plenty. 3hrs per day would be for someone who's already done it for years and is very advanced.
  12. My plan is most realistic. But regardless, Wall Street is accessible even in Iraq. You can play Wall Street from a village in Africa if that's what you wanted. That kind of attitude will not fly. You need to think smart and outside the box. I never said your clients must be from out of country. You could start a cash business within Iraq, for example. Or you could use BitCoin, or a friend's account from out of country. There are many workarounds. You're living in a chaotic and lawless place. You gotta play the game with that in mind. If you only think inside the box you will never break out. Definitionally, if you want an exceptional result you must think in rare ways. And escaping Iraq is the epitome of an exceptional result. You are gonna have to do things that other people are not willing to do. Keep brainstorming and researching possibilities. Don't give up. Eventually you will find a clever way. Cleverness is required here.
  13. Assuming there's anything more than your direct experience, or anyone else outside you.
  14. The bare minimum for my routine was about 60 mins. And then twice a day. It's a serious commitment.
  15. But is OSR sold anywhere? I couldn't find it. And how come it's so cheap relative to Emeramide if it's supposed to be the same thing? Makes me skeptical.
  16. @Holygrail If you are serious you should be doing it twice a day. Again, if you're going to do something, do it seriously or just don't do it. This half-assing of things produces horrible results. Decide what you want. Be clear. And then do it full-bore.
  17. No, that's not how Kriya yoga is done. Do it properly or don't do it. Kriya yoga is a serious, rigorous practice, not something you lazily toy with.
  18. There can be dozens of possible causes of brain fog. You will have to test them all one by one. Heavy metal detox did the best for me. But your results may vary.
  19. Proceed at whatever pace you can handle. Only you can know what you can handle.
  20. Interesting. Emeramide is absurdly expensive though. Where you gonna buy it?