Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Crypto is dumb, but stocks are legit. You just gotta pick solid companies and hold for years. Stocks generate real value, not as trades but from the work and innovation of the people in the companies.
  2. You should def start using industry standard software to build your skills like Blender or 3dsmax.
  3. It was never good to begin with.
  4. The GrinGo Home Movement Huge missed branding move there.
  5. Can't help a man who doesn't wanna change.
  6. Obamala. I can't believe Trump missed this perfect racist nickname for her.
  7. We are beyond their help.
  8. Real Awakening is still waiting for you. You don't know what God is yet.
  9. The UFOs have all left because we have become too embarassing as a people.
  10. Stay away from meth, mmmkay.
  11. Everything is Truth.
  12. @Raze There was and is no viable leftist candidate. Yes, centerists make mistakes. No one is saying they are the best. We are dealing with less than ideal situations.
  13. They do some of that, but they also call out Trump's lies and BS. It's just that they are not in the business of really mobilizing people.
  14. There are aspects of running a business which I hate, like all the maintanance work. I don't have a solution for it other than outsourcing, automation, grinding, and motivating yourself with the other parts which you love. It is easier to do the grind if the core business is actually something deeply meaningful to you. Which is why LP is key. Grind is just part of making your dreams come true. Which is why most people don't do it.
  15. Zero remorse from them. Their whole mind is devoted to hating centrism. They will of course blame it all on the center.
  16. True creativity is inspired from all around by examples. So there is no contradiction. Yes, you can invent totally new things, but it won't come from a vacuum.
  17. CNN and MSNBC are not helping Trump. They are warning people of Trump's danger. The anti-mainstream left media is likely to get Trump re-elected because they would rather Trump win than to be responsible adults. Leftists hate the center more than they hate Trump, which is stupid, but leftists gonna leftist. It gives them more to whine about.
  18. The difference is, I am mocking and you are serious.
  19. If Trump wins the election it will be too late. Protests will not stop him. In fact, he can use those protests as an excuse to declare martial law. The key is that this needs to be foreseen by the people now, he needs to be stopped now, not after the election. You are not going to stop him if he has official legal power. The Supreme Court just gave him nearly unlimited power. People need to take this seriously now, as if he was being elected as dictator, because that's really what is at stake here.
  20. If you can't have it, at least you can hate it.
  21. Because the Republican party has slowly decended into bald-faced corruption. That corruption has now made its ways into the courts and the Supreme Court. There would not be a serious risk of dictatorship if the Republican party behaved themselves and held Trump accountable for his crimes. But they don't want to do that. Instead they want their Christian theocracy. So here we are. I didn't foresee that Republicans are this shameless. They are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and commit crimes to get their way, and the population is ignorant and brainwashed by a corrupt right-wing media to enable it all. It's surprising in its stupidity and shamelessness. And the amount of Americans rationalizing, enabling, and gaslighting about this is an embarassment. This election should not even be close.
  22. The Devil has already started throwing his necro Christian ass-kissers under the bus. You strike a deal with the Devil and you are not getting away scott free.
  23. And I view people who use Apple products as children.