Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The process is going to be so emotionally challenging for you even with great friends and wings. Without friends and wings you will quit very quickly. The first time I went out to a club, I cried myself back home. The point is to develop yourself into the kind of guy who can quickly befriend anyone and enjoy the process. Exactly. You are trying to become a social person. This means you must learn to relate to normies. Yes it will. Your disdain is part of the problem that needs correcting. It will be so difficult for you that you'll need an emotional support system of peers. I could not have done it without peers. I would go so far as to say it's impossible. And even if it were possible, it would not be desirable. Making cool guy friends is a huge part of this journey. I've met so many interesting guys who have opened my mind to what's possible.
  2. Yes, like that, but much more in-depth.
  3. It would be more accurate if you just left the hand and erased all the others.
  4. Yes, there is tons left to teach. There's just no one left to teach it to The course is not about theory, it's about guiding you through a rigorous process to realize you are God. My normal videos don't really do that.
  5. Lol You have the logic of a 6 year old child. "If Santa don't exist, how come thew arw pwesents under the Chwistmas twee???"
  6. No, intellect is an aspect of consciousness. Consciousness is intelligent. I have a video called What Is Intelligence? It's hard to define. But intellect is that aspect of conscious which is understanding and making sense of this communication right now. Right now you are understanding me. You might be tempted to dismiss that as "just concepts", but something way more profound is happening than that. The Universe is literally understanding itself as you listen to me talk. This requires extraordinary intelligence. We might say that intelligence is a holistic, high-level self-comprehension which transcends concepts & symbols, but also makes use of concepts and symbols. Without intelligence you couldn't open a can of Coke. God-realization is similar to opening a can of Coke, but it's a can that requires infinite intelligence to open. The only one who can open this can is God itself, because only God posses sufficient intelligence to do it. You can't understand what you are without intelligence. Which is why just sitting in meditation is not God-realization. When a dog sits in silence it is not grasping what it is or what reality is. It may have a perfectly still mind, but it has no clue what's going on in the metaphysical sense. It doesn't understand where it came from or why it exists. Nor does it even have enough intelligence to care about such things. Just to ask existential questions like "Why is there something rather than nothing?" or "Where did I come from?" requires extraordinary intelligence which even many scientists lack. The depth of these matters is not being understood by most human minds. So what I teach is how to access the highest levels of intelligence which are necessary to fully grasp the nature of reality and self.
  7. Not 8hrs. More like 3 hrs. I'd show up at 11pm-2am in most US cities. In Vegas it would be from 12 or 1am to 4am. What you do is hang out with your friends (hopefully you find some wings) and approach girls. Not 100 approaches but more like 10-20. Your goal is to hook a set and spend a lot of time in set with the girl. So ideally you spend most of your time engaged in conversation with a girl and having fun with her, then bouncing her out of the club. The point is not to be in the club till closing time, the point is to find a girl to bounce out with as soon as you can. If you can find one by 12am, then you leave at 12am. Otherwise you stay till it closes. Also, the point is not to approach many girls, the point is to hook one girl. You approach until something hooks well. Then you work that set all night long. In the end you're just looking for one girl who likes you and is down for fun. Alternatively you can collect a bunch of phone numbers. Then your sets will be pretty short and you will do more approaching.
  8. Dude, just learn to handle rejection well. Thousands of girls will reject you. So what? Stop caring. Focus on the girls who like you. Nothing wrong with sexual craving. Stop demonizing it and learn to indulge it in healthy ways. You're not the first guy born with a dick. If you talk to more girls you will be much less desperate to need any one of them to like you.
  9. I would only release a course if it was practical, unique, and offered something of much greater value than its price tag. You guys are making a mistake if you this it's gonna just be something useless that you could get elsewhere. The course will guide people to levels of awakening that would be very hard to access otherwise, and that no other teacher will guide you towards. If I can't create something like that then there won't be a course at all. You can laugh all you want about selling God, the fact is that God is taught so extremely poorly by most of today's teachers and this costs you decades of wasted time and money. There is so much spiritual bullshit that knwowing how to cut through it is one of the most important things you can learn if you are interested in true spirituality. This has nothing to do with marketing. I don't market. I teach understanding. If it sounds appealing it's not because of the marketing, it's because there is some realness offered. If I wanted to release shitty courses I would have 5 of them for sale by now.
  10. No, that's not what I mean by intellect. Those are conceptual and logical conclusions which is not the same as God-realization.
  11. That's bad. Stay till club closes.
  12. LSD trips are long, so it may just exhaust your mind.
  13. Pussy ain't free. Surprise, surprise!
  14. Because it's all pure bullshit and irrelevant. You just invented Sam Harris and science. It's all a joke. Trying to figure out nature is the dumbest thing ever. It will never ever work. Awakening answers all your questions by drowning you in eternal consciousness. The only anser is: OH MY GOD! It's like asking why don't you know all the answers to the Star Wars universe? Where did the mediclorians come from? Who was Jabba the Hut's mother? Where did Tatooine come from? How many women did Han Solo have sex with and how many times did he jerk off in his life? How does The Force work? How many millimeters is Yoda's dick? It doesn't matter! You are God dreaming that shit! No pattern. You can go shoot up heroin and have sex with hookers, or whatever. Makes no difference. Do whatever you want. But there will be consequences.
  15. Actually my DMT trips are very different from typical DMT reports. DMT can affect people differently.
  16. Usually that's the best that's around. Pasture raised would be ideal, but I can't find that where I live.
  17. Then text her this: "??" BTW, one mistake you made is trying to set a date on the weekend. Girls will flake the most on Fri & Sat when they are busy hanging out with friends & family. You should try to set dates for Mon, Tue, Wed -- the slowest nights of the week. Then there is less chance that her friends will grab her attention away from you. She will always prioritize her friends over you until you have sex with her. So the reason she's not texting you back and the reason why you won't get a date this weekend is because she is busy with her friends and you didn't think through the logistics of that properly. You should have been eyeing Mon-Wed from the beginning. And what's more, you should not set dates for Fri & Sat because those are the days you always go out to talk to more girls! Don't sacrifice your best nights out (Fri & Sat) for a date that will flake anyway. This is a rookie mistake. Thurs, Fri, Sat is for getting numbers. Mon-Wed is for doing dates.
  18. We are not going to waste time on that conspiracy theory here.
  19. God-realization is pure intellect. You cannot do it without intellect.
  20. Yes You cosplay as a human with other imagined humans. A huge part of cosplaying as a human is that you gotta not only invent a human self for yourself, but you gotta invent the notion of others like you to play with. Your perspective is absolute because your perspective is all there is. When you realize that it stops being a perspective. You simply ARE Absolute Truth. You are God. Follow whatever you want. Follow yourself. Well, you're not conscious yet of how you are dreaming up all those biblical aspects, souls, partitions, bubbles, etc. You have not felt them, you are dreaming up that you felt them. Just very simply, try to become conscious that you dreamed up the Bible right now. There is no such thing as a Bible outside your mind right now. You imagined everything inside a Bible which you imagined you've read. You've never read the Bible, you only imagine you have. Similarly, you've never seen an Actualized.org video. You merely imagine you have. Similarly, you've never taken a psychedelic or done a day of meditation, you merely imagine you have. You've never had a birthday party or a received a Christmas present. You've never had sex. You've never jerked off. You've never taken a shit. You've never slept. You've never eaten food. It's all something you are imagining right now. You never even registered on this forum. That's how powerful your imagination is. That's how deep this goes.
  21. Basically you gotta change your sleep schedule to adjust to your game. So you become a nightowl. I might go to bed a 6am and wake up at 2pm.
  22. I wouldn't remind her per se. Just something nonchalant like: "Let's hang out"
  23. Philosophy and spirituality lead to exactly the same place when done correctly. Both are a search for the Ultimate Answer.
  24. Because you're God. John Paul is God. I use the terms interchangeably. No special distinction there.
  25. So you could create imperfection. From the highest level: you just imagined all of mankind. God doesn't create humans per se. You're dreaming that up. I can only answer from the absolute perspective about that. It's all imaginary and a distraction from God-realization. You're going to have to throw all of it away to realize you're God. You are dreaming up as concept all dimensions, all beings, all past, all future, all other lifetimes, all spiritual attainments, etc. None of that has reality outside your mind. And none of that matters. What you want is God-realization, not any of that crap. There are no souls, only your consciousness.