Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I will be locking threads that spread prank pickup videos.
  2. Don't spread these silly prank videos here. They have no value.
  3. Geo-political positioning is very complex and subtle. If all of Europe aligns against Russia this is a serious problem for Russia/Putin long-term. Putin is strategizing against that. This war is part of that strategy. You can dislike his methods, but he is strategic. We wants buffers states between himself and the American dominated West. Don't forget, Russia lost 20 million people in WW2 because they didn't have a defensive buffer between themselves and Europe. That is still on Putin's mind. If you think Putin is insane or irrational or stupid or evil, you're not thinking seriously. That's not what's happening. This is a subtle chess game. Now I am not saying Putin is right on this. He is capable of making strategic mistakes. But the US portrayal of Putin is cartoonish and childish. There is no actual understanding in American media of Putin's perspective. You could say that none is needed, but that's not what our work here is about. In our work, understanding comes first, survival second.
  4. Maybe you are unconsciously full of shit.
  5. I'm not angry. I'm helping you cut through the shit.
  6. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU EXIST! All of experience is YOU. You can't understand what I am pointing at because if you did it would kill you. This is not a mistake. Your life depends on you not getting it.
  7. Ego is something consciousness dreams up. When it is being dreamt, it feels real.
  8. You should seek out an expert in Kundalini energy and get advice there.
  9. There is an I. You are I. God is I. Everything you see is I. What's meant to "not exist" is a finite self-definition as a human biographical self. That thing is an illusion. It exists even, but as something you are dreaming. That is absolutely the case. Everything is subject. It has a name: GOD or I or YOU or SELF or INFINITY or Truth or Love. That is what you are. No. There is a YOU. YOU are God. You simply aren't conscious of what God is, so you're confused. You definitely exist. You are God. There is no higher truth. These no-self teachings have confused the shit out of you. They are bad teachings. Stop listening to them. The correct teaching is: You exist. You are God. God is Love. God is one.
  10. If you keep following humans you will never awaken. These are all spiritual games. Not awakening.
  11. No one was saying instantly. It was planned for a long time. Which is exactly what Putin feared and what lead to this war. But now with the shitshow that Putin created, Ukraine will be even more aligned with the West. Even if Ukraine doesn't join NATO any time soon, Western support for Ukraine will only increase. Ukraine will not just be a quiet loyal puppet state of Russia. If Putin expects that he is fooling himself. And at this point I am inclined to support Ukraine's entry into NATO. Before Putin could be compromised with. But not now. The deal with Putin should have been: chill out and we promise Ukraine won't join NATO. But if you attack Ukraine, Ukraine will definitely enter NATO. Well, too late for that now. Now Ukraine deserves as much anti-Russian support as it can get. Putin made the morally wrong move. Now he has no moral high ground.
  12. And still, both are wrong and not awake. Not even close to awake. A million miles away from awake.
  13. It is not misleading. There is only SELF. Period. No other. Forget about other. "Other" is just an aspect of SELF that you have disowned in order to construct a finite self. This is not about definitions of words. This is about your lack of consciousness of SELF.
  14. You are not awake. Do not even try to pretend otherwise with me. There are no fucking bubbles or POV. Your experience is absolutely all there is. If you were awake you would know that. Instead you are dreaming of spiritual bullshit. There is no "Universal Consciousness". There's just you.
  15. Stop with these all-caps titles. If you guys keep posting in all-caps I'm gonna start locking your threads. Edit your thread to remove the all-caps.
  16. But that's like occupation. I don't see that working. This would be worse then Iraq.
  17. What surgery is a guy gonna get? Boob job is easy and works well. Many other surgeries not as much. Hair transplant would be the guy-equivalent of a boob job, and if that makes you feel better about yourself, then get it. The bottom line is: if you got ugly boobs that's a pretty easy fix. Also, for girls looks are way more important to their survival than guys.
  18. Infinity is aware. You are Infinity. If you turn your gaze backward as your "self", behind the eyes so to speak, what you see there is Infinity. Infinity is where you're looking from. Infinity has no shape or form. It's like emptiness. No-self simply means that you are not any finite definition of a self. In other words, you cannot have any finite shape. You cannot be a finite object or identity. Because your true identity is Infinity.
  19. But I think this move will get Ukraine to join NATO faster and gain more Western alignment. But I don't think that will work. He will try to install a puppet government but it will be overthrown I think. I just don't see Putin succeeding is separating Ukraine from the West.
  20. Because the left is sympathetic. To be unsympathetic is to be on the right.
  21. Solution here seems simple: buy yourself a pair of boobs you love. Sometimes there is a simple solution. Plastic surgery can be overused for supercial reasons. However, when used correctly it can give someone their self-esteem back. You deserve to feel confident when you're having sex. Yes, obviously guys you sleep with will care and they will appreciate a nice pair of tits.
  22. Putin's invasion is wrong, relatively speaking. I am not taking a neutral position. I am just trying to get you to see his perspective. Seeing his perspective does not make invading Ukraine a good move. It's probably not even a good move for Putin. I think he is overreaching on this one, and yes, Ukraine deserves assistance. With this move Putin has made himself into the bad guy. If he hadn't made this move his position would have been much more understandable and defensible. I did underestimate his willingness to invade. I thought he would be wiser than that. I don't think this invasion will achieve a better situation for Russia or even Putin. I just don't see how Russia can occupy Ukraine long-term. It's not going to work. So what is the point of all this? It's just going to piss the whole world off against Putin and it will cost many lives, with no real gain.