Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Those are stupid hypotheticals. In realty political violence backfires. It is antithetical to democracy. You cannot preserve democracy that way. Healthy democracy requires rule of law.
  2. He files firvolous lawsuits. He lies. He refuses to pay employees and rent for Twitter HQ. He does sexual harassment. He attempted to reneg on his agreement to buy Twitter under BS reasons. And that's just the stuff we publicly know about. There's plenty more we don't know about. You don't get to Musk's level by playing nice. You crush those who stand in your way. One of the reasons Musk is anti-Biden is as revenge for Biden not inviting Musk to a meeting about EVs. Musk is an egotist just as much as Trump. Which is why he supports him.
  3. No. It is not reasonable and it should be denounced. We are not facists. They are. We will not stoop to the level of facists.
  4. No! Engineering genius cannot make you the world's richest man.
  5. Musk is immature. His intelligence is limited to success achieved through cold-blooded ruthlessness. The reason Musk is so rich and powerful is because he is ruthless and shameless. That's how one attains power in America. Being immoral is not a bug, it's a feature in the Orange corporate world. If Musk cared about morality and fairness he could not be as rich, powerful, and famous as he is. Musk's #1 priority is his own power. That distorts his intelligence.
  6. I guarantee it. They would have been angry, but they would be powerless. MAGA is totally powerless without Trump in office. It doesn't matter what MAGA does. What matters is if Trump holds legal office. You shouldn't be worried about Trump losing. You should be worried about Trump winning.
  7. Notice something, everyone who is an egotist has a soft spot for Trump. This includes Owen, Musk, and many business executives. What they findamentally like about Trump is that he is a mirror of their own narcissism, manipulations, exploits, and will to power. What most rich and powerful people have in common is an outrageous sense of entitlement, self-importance, and will to power. Trump is their avatar. If Trump is wrong, they are wrong, which they cannot admit. In this sense Trump perfectly represents the profound problems of excessive Stage Orange. Anyone who is stuck in excess Orange will think Trump is great and admirable. Which is most of the business community and of course the pickup community. How else could a guy who chases women for 20 years think?
  8. In this case failing is far worse because Trump will double down his revenge against anyone who opposes him, if he is reelected.
  9. This makes him and his Christian Nationalist supporters all the more dangerous. When the assassintion on Hitler failed, he used it to proclaim himself saved by God and that God endorsed his devil ways. That's exactly what MAGA will do, making them even more blind with zealotry.
  10. Excuse me! I made my fortune selling dicks.com
  11. Warning: I will be banning people from the politics sub-forum who post obvious misinformation, propaganda, or try to gloat or politicize or gaslit on this issue. So watch what you post here. I expect you here to adhere to principles of conscious poltlitics.
  12. Maybe he was resentful that Trump grabbed his mother by the pussy.
  13. At that age he was probably less politcal and more depressed and mentally ill. The ultimate RHINO.
  14. Sure, if you consider Elon Musk a nobody. Musk has 150M+ followers on Twitter to who he was posting nonsense about Paul Pelsoi.
  15. It is illuminating when you recall that just a few years ago right-wingers were laughing and blaming the victim when Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked with a hammer by a MAGA lunatic. Elon Musk was out there spreading conspiracy theories and jokes about it.
  16. He's way more than a mirror. He is a devil stirring the shit.
  17. Right-wing Rep Steve Scalese was shot by a left-winger not too long ago. So it does happen. There can certainly be unhinged and mentally-ill left-wingers. It only takes one.
  18. Which is why no reasonable person on the left calls for violence against political opponents. We are trying to defeat Trump through an election. That has always been the game.
  19. No. Two things can be true at once: 1) Trump is a dangerous authoritarian, 2) Political violence is wrong and should be avoided as much as possible. The danger of Trump has not been artifically exaggerated by the left. If anything it has been understated in the media. A natural consequence of being a dangerous authoritatian is that people will want to kill you. This is not the fault of the left, it is Trump's karma. Hitler too had assassination attempts. So did many dictators. That's why we condemn authoritarians and their ways. Trump is the king of radicalizing and polarizing the nation. Authortarians create chaos and hatred with their corrupt ways. When someone like Trump keeps skirting justice via the legal system as he does, this incites people into anger because they see justice isn't being done. When the Supreme Court itself has been so corrupted by Trump that justice is no longer served, people start to take things into their own hands. Which is why an uncorrupted legal system is so important.
  20. No one is trying to falsely imprison him. He is in fact a criminal. What is false is him being given a get out of jail free card. It is laughable to speak of democractic consent here because Trump has and will continue to undermine democracy. He is the one operating without democratic consent by calling elections stolen and planning coups. And Trump is hell-bent on undoing that system. Tell that to Trump and MAGA. This is a joke. He will certainly not do something positive with it. This is like praising Hitler for not surrendering and "hopefully he will do something positive." No! Trump told you already he plans to be dictator on day one. And everyone on his team supports that. He already orchestrated a failed coup. In most countries he would be improsoned or executed for that, and rightly so. An authoritarian is an authoritarian. This is clear. There is no two sides here. Don't gaslight us with both-sideism or appeals to democracy. MAGA does not give a fuck about democracy. That is the issue at hand. Nothing else. And it doesn't guarantee anything. Nothing about the election has materially changed. Trump is still the same dumb egotistical authortatian he has always been. Don't act like he must win. It is not hard to call out Trump's bullshit and dangerous ways despite this assassination attempt. The assassination makes no difference in terms of Trump's dangerous and corrupt influence on democracy. All of these pro-capitalist, libertarian Trump enablers are full of shit. No better than the capitalist class who enabled Hitler.
  21. It would certainly harm the movement. No one to replace him.
  22. It will be interesting to see what the shooter's background was. What were his politics, if any?
  23. Stay calm and avoid wild speculation and jumping to conclusions please. We just have to wait and see how things unfold here. Try not to add to the noise and chaso of people losing their minds and getting radicalized. There is a lot of incentive for unconscious people to use this event for political gain. Try to abstain from that yourselves.