Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Hitting his ear is a good shot. That's like 3 inches off center. The Devil just has supernatural luck.
  2. But it's a matter of great degree. Degree makes all the difference here.
  3. The really scary thing is not drones with guns, but tiny insect drones who are so small they can poison you without you even seeing them. Imagine a drone the size of a dragonfly with a poison syringe flying right into your neck during a speech. That is coming. The best drone is a poison ant that craws up your leg. You won't even know what killed you.
  4. That means police did their job well.
  5. People who cast MAGA as economically motivated have been shown consistently wrong. They misunderstand the nature of this beast. This is A CULTURE WAR, it is not about policy or improvement of government, or a critique of capitalism. The people who support Trump are too ignorant to care about such sophisticated things as proper governance or economics. These people want MORE capitalism! And they will hang socialists like Chris Hedges from a gallows. Because this isn't about improving economics. You could give each MAGA ten million dollars and they would still be MAGA. They don't care about crafting fair economic policy. Hedges is projecting his socialist agenda onto this CULTURE WAR.
  6. This video documents the Devil's sick game very well:
  7. I'm not saying there won't be a few solid projects. But overall, on the whole, the crypto hype community is built on immature values, the values of libertarian man-children, theives, con-artists, and the lust for easy money. Investing your money with such people is a fool's game. Again, full disclosure: I own some Bitcoin. But if you want to do proper investing crypto ain't it. I say this because a lot of young people have gotten fooled by the hype machine that crypto is how to do proper investing.
  8. Good! I will not spell it out for an AI to comprehend.
  9. They are less biased, but if you think you can reduce the things I say to the judgments of an AI you are stepping into a trap. My intelligence will not be circumscribed by an AI, at least not yet. Don't let yours be either.
  10. @bambi Maybe you should think for yourself rather than outsourcing your judgment to an AI.
  11. If you make the American people your #1 priority no one will help you get elected and you will never be president. Being president is about greasing wheels for your richest supporters because without them you are nobody. And if you don't serve either party that means you are the enemy of both parties and they will tank you. Notice that as supposedly rich as Trump is, he still has to kiss the ass of Christians to have a chance at election. He has to promise them a theocracy to win.
  12. Those PR statements are so fake. There is likely no one on the planet who hates Trump more than Melania.
  13. You are God. What about your will?
  14. You give up too easily to a fascist. Why does a fat lazy fascist have more resolve than you? Sad.
  15. Hitler's failed assassination is very historic. They made a Tom Cruise film out of it.
  16. I have a rule never to take pleasure in the suffering others, even if it is Hitler. I don't want Trump dead, I want Americans to be intelligent enough to make him irrelevant. If Americans decide to elect Trump despite everything he has done and said, then that is democracy at work and America gets exactly what it deserves. I would not want to deprive America of that lesson. Sometimes the only way to grow up is by being really stupid.
  17. The insane part is how these Christians will spin Trump into a religous martyr. It's just comically predictable. It's like, if you shoot the devil in the ear now he becomes an angel. This is where the devil really plays his trick.
  18. It's both. Trump appeals to two different groups of people: Stage Blue religous fools Stage Orange capitalist libertarian power-hungry, egotistical, narcissitic, greedy, sex-hungry, masculine-hungry materialistic wolves They just like him because he tells them what they want to hear. Fascism is all appeal to base emotions and needs.
  19. "Really on fire for Jesus", Lol. These Christians are so full of shit.
  20. Haha, that's even worse. This is like, "I disagree with some of Hitler's policies. Like when he gave free school lunches to the Nazi youth." That's criticizing Trump for doing the responsible thing any normal President would do. Criticism from below not above. The criticism from above is that Trump was too slow and negligent in taking action on Covid, and fueling anti-vax conspiracy theories.
  21. The only reason he tried to back out of it is because the market crashed and he wanted it cheaper. The bot thing was just an excuse he made up and it was such a poor excuse his own lawyers told him to pay up without even going to trial.
  22. What he said is technically false. You can be in a state of no thoughts. It's just difficult for most people to do it. Just enjoy your no-thought state if you attain it. Stop overthinking it.
  23. Don't bullshit us. Everything I said is valid. Go read the accounts and evidence. It's all there and more.
  24. Trump is worse, Trump is more immature and flawed. But Musk has a massive ego. Owen also has a massive ego. The more massive the ego, the more appealing Trump looks. Massive ego doesn't necessarily mean evil or criminal. It can manifest in less severe ways.
  25. Those are stupid hypotheticals. In realty political violence backfires. It is antithetical to democracy. You cannot preserve democracy that way. Healthy democracy requires rule of law.