Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Because God is atheists. God is everything, so it has no reason to fight with anything.
  2. Timing its peak will be very hard. It's easier to buy it when it's low. Once all the big tech stocks crash, Bitcoin will be cheap to buy. You have no idea when a Bitcoin bull run will happen. But you know the big tech stocks will have a major correction.
  3. Sure, you can do that. Although that isn't optimal. Investing into a way overpriced market isn't smart. You could invest that $500 into gold. Gold looks like the best investment right now to me.
  4. Every serious trader knows that the current market is overheating and due for a major downturn. People are buying up stocks like fools. The PE ratios are all high. There are no cheap buys. Every major tech stock is at its all time peaks. This is not the time to be buying, this is the time to be selling. Google, Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Apple -- all have hit their all time peaks just recently. All are looking overpriced. None of them are good buys now. It's 10% upside 90% downside. If you don't understand this you should not be investing in stocks because you will lose your pants. And when these peaking tech stocks crash, which they soon will, Bitcoin will crash with them, as it always has. Then is when to buy Bitcoin. Your whole strategy is backwards.
  5. Tell @FlyingLotus to whip that up for us.
  6. Orangatang holding an AR-15 for President 2028. Let's go!
  7. No, it's based on ignorance and corruption. So of course it must end in disaster. There is no world in which this succeeds. It's only a question of how bad it will get.
  8. I don't see any way. The madness and ignorance just has to play itself out and be proven a disaster.
  9. His performance is thanks to the public's ignorance and selfishness.
  10. I have undertaken Leo's Geography Challenge, and I encourage ya'll to join me. Post your updates and share your favorite documentaries here.
  11. The problem is that people are not listening to policy when the noise of other things is so loud.
  12. Not if it is listed on the stock exchanges.
  13. I keep underestimating the ignorance and selfishness of the American people. But also, Biden's health has deteriorated a lot and he is not performing well as a speaker or campaigner.
  14. Everything I understand tells me the situation is very serious. It's not a 100% chance of losing our democracy but something like a 25% chance. You guys who downplay it with rationalizations, excuses, and false equivalencies are not helping.
  15. What's stronger is ego, ambition, and the drive to impose one's ego on the world. This is the key thing that distinguishes rich and powerful people from everyone else. They have insane levels of ambition which 99% of humans do not have. Also insane levels of entitlement. This comes naturally with narcissism and ego. Stop reading Wikipedia and think for yourself about human behavior.
  16. Except Bitcoin will be the first to crash if that happens. Bitcoin does not work like a proper inflation hedge because as soon as markets gets uncertain it crashes. A proper inflation hedge cannot be a speculative investment driven by hype cycles.
  17. I am surprised your are surprised. Musk has been a right-wing asshole for a few years now. Where have you been? Again, you know that people align politically by Spiral stage and most CEOs are shameless Orange. Why would Musk go Green when Orange gets him hundreds of billions, power, fame, and sex? Green would require him to surrender much of that and listen to and compromise with the perspectives of others.
  18. The days of that are soon coming to an end. Or rather, it will happen but then much worse things will happen as the currency gets inflated.
  19. Life plays out like that all the time. There was no miracle and no conspriacy. Just life.
  20. Presidents already had that level of immunity. It was a non-isssue. No President had been charged with a minor crime while in office. The real danger is giving the President blanket immunity, especially Trump. That is insane and antithetical to the Consitutional intent of the founders. That this is even being debated is insane. You are debating for corruption. If the President steals a bag of potato chips from Walmart he should be put in prison. That is what's right. If your president cannot clear that bar of conduct, tough shit.
  21. OpenAI didn't screw him over as much as Musk wanted full control over OpenAI and they said No so he took his ball and went home. Again, Musk is incapable of sharing power with anyone. He is a mini dictator. No other tech founder wants to work with him because he's too dictatorial even for them, who are themselves ego-maniacs. His lawsuit has been dropped because it was garbage.
  22. No I don't. I look at hype cycles and overvalued markets and exit beforehand. My #1 concern is to not get caught up in a hype cycle and not to buy overvalued or peaking assets like Nvidia.