Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. But you won't regard it as fun when it gets serious, and you are not conscious of it as yourself.
  2. Have you considered that Satan saved Trump to do his bidding? Makes more sense than the alternative.
  3. Depends on the overall mood of the market. But 30% down is a good place to invest even if you lose another 20%.
  4. Right-wing media will smear anyone who threatens them. Stop caring. Gavin would bitch-slap Trump in a debate. He's one of the few strong Dems with balls.
  5. Dude, stop capitualting their bullshit narratives. Trump is a fucking fake TV bullshit conartist criminal and rapist. Don't do their work for them.
  6. Disagree. It's a bold choice. Safe would have been some woman or minority.
  7. Disagree there. Vance is perfectly on-brand for Trump voters. A white successful male stage Orange bullshitter who they aspire to be like. Trump is appealing to the insecure immature vain male voter.
  8. It's true that there is a whole cottage industry of financial doom porn. They call for crashes every year. But I made 40% gains on Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon stock in the last 2 years and now is time to cash out for me. These gains cannot continue much longer. But ya'll can go down with the ship if you like. Including you crypto bros. Have fun. I'll see you at the bottom.
  9. The only thing in his way is Kamala. It's just a function of how vigorously Dem leadership shuts the door on anyone but Kamala. Will Dems leave some wiggle room for choice or will they back Kamala 1000% like stubborn mules?
  10. It would be amazing if Gavin somehow ran. He would wipe the floor with Trump and Trump fears him the most. Kamala is iffy, but better than Biden. Republicans will find a way to demonize anyone, so that doesn't really matter. They invent their demonizations out of thin air. It's just their propaganda machine. They turn it on anyone Dems elect.
  11. I don't want to tell you how to invest your money, so you do what you think is best. But as far as my thinking goes, when the market is down 40%+ for a period of a 3-12 months, that's when it's time to reinvest. The lower it goes the righter it is to reinvest. So if goes down 60%, you can reinvest without worry. Like I said, you have to consider upside vs downside ratio. Your upside right now is 10-20% max. Your downside is 50-70%. That's a bad bet.
  12. Nvidia is a no-brainer sell if you 3xed your money.
  13. If I catch you saying something like this again, I am banning you. I've had enough of your nonsense.
  14. It could happen much sooner because everyone is acting like they have time to rake in more profits. Which is just the kind of greedy attitude which will get your dick caught in the cookie jar.
  15. Because when tech stocks crash, lead by Nvidia, the whole market will crash with them. Meanwhile, the gov is printing dollars at 10% per year, eating away your cash. The gov's CPI is BS, it's not the real inflation rate. Gold should double or triple in the next 5-10 years thanks to all the dollars the gov must print just to stay ahead of its debt. Gov will be printing dollars at an ever increasing rate from here on out. This is the surest thing you can know about the next 10 years of finance. Everything else is uncertain, but the printing of dollars is guaranteed. And the next more certain thing is that crypto will crash along with the market by 50% or more. But you do your own thinking. Don't invest based on my words.
  16. OF COURSE! Fighting is Stage Red/Orange.
  17. That's right. It's way better here.
  18. It's internet. Where weirdos are at home.
  19. Of course. Because it is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator to maximize sales and profits.
  20. Because God is atheists. God is everything, so it has no reason to fight with anything.
  21. Timing its peak will be very hard. It's easier to buy it when it's low. Once all the big tech stocks crash, Bitcoin will be cheap to buy. You have no idea when a Bitcoin bull run will happen. But you know the big tech stocks will have a major correction.
  22. Sure, you can do that. Although that isn't optimal. Investing into a way overpriced market isn't smart. You could invest that $500 into gold. Gold looks like the best investment right now to me.
  23. Every serious trader knows that the current market is overheating and due for a major downturn. People are buying up stocks like fools. The PE ratios are all high. There are no cheap buys. Every major tech stock is at its all time peaks. This is not the time to be buying, this is the time to be selling. Google, Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Apple -- all have hit their all time peaks just recently. All are looking overpriced. None of them are good buys now. It's 10% upside 90% downside. If you don't understand this you should not be investing in stocks because you will lose your pants. And when these peaking tech stocks crash, which they soon will, Bitcoin will crash with them, as it always has. Then is when to buy Bitcoin. Your whole strategy is backwards.