Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. They are still living like savages in the Amazon. Be ware of romanticizing primitive people. They have a lot of development to do just to reach the stage of MAGA devils. As bad as neoliberals are, they are still better than African governments.
  2. Was Dave Rubin not there to kiss Trump's ass? I am shocked.
  3. Puerto Rico is ruined by its bad geography, like many carribean islands. Huricaines are a bitch for development.
  4. The existential predicament of today's Republican party is: How can we dominate others while making ourselves feel like we are morally superior and fair? They want both but they can never have both. So they must bullshit, bullshit, bullshit their way along.
  5. It just cannot work like that today because there is no geographic boundary between Red and Blue. All major cities are Blue, even in Red states. Civil War analogies are wrong. Whatever happens it will be something new and unexpected.
  6. They want a fantasy of 1950's America. With all the good parts and none of the bad parts. Not realizing that that can't work today. Fascism is all about a fantasy of a past that never was.
  7. Massive protests at the least. But honestly I have no idea how it will play out. All I can predict is chaos and corruption. Trump is a chaos agent, so predicting what will happen under him is nearly impossible.
  8. The Republican party is conflicted. On the one hand they know it is proper to be tolerant of minorities, on the other hand they just want white supremacy. But they want the fantasy of white supremacy where whites rule but in a nice way where they are also regarded as moral and decent in their domination of others. It's like, "I wanna be a Nazi, but not one of those evil Nazis, one of the compassionate Nazis."
  9. You have no idea what Bitcoin is worth. You are gambling.
  10. You can see plenty of examples of it in the Israel-Gaza thread. The same people relentlessly making the same excuses for Israel.
  11. Minorities walking into the open mouth of the crocodile. Hehe.
  12. The core challenge of being God is that you are forced to accept everything, Infinity. And there are many parts of Infinity which are too horrific for you to accept. That's what LOVE is about.
  13. There are many good stocks, the market is just inflated so just wait for a correction. Crypto is pure gamble. You have no idea what it will do.
  14. People are asleep politically. Once they get a feel of the consequence of Trumpism they will start to wake up. Trumpism is a toxic but loud minority position. A loud toxic minority is trying to capture and rule the majority. Many Americans are traditional, but not in this toxic Trumpist way. Trumpism is hijacking those traditional values and seducing people into evil. Many people will get seduced, but eventually they will wake up by seeing the horrible consequences. And also because progressives and centrists will fight back and regain power.
  15. Being the light does not require you to fight head-on. You fight just by not letting yourself get corrupted.
  16. If I am being biased, you guys can point that out.
  17. Because they are ignorant, selfish, and corrupt. Most American don't even follow political news, so they don't even know about Trump's corruption.
  18. Yes, that could happen. But remember, even Hitler was defeated in not too long. This kind of stuff is ultimately unpopular, unsustainable, and unAmerican. At least 50% of Americans will resist it and fight back. Be the light in the darkness.
  19. Hate is part of the integration process. There is much to hate about life. Learning how to cope with that consciously is the spiritual work.
  20. And then there's what's really happening: Infinity
  21. I won't necessarily sell out immediately but soon. Depends on how I read the mood in the room. Of course they are smaller, because the risk was much lower. 40% is a lot for such low risk companies. Don't compare that with crypto, which is pure speculation.
  22. @Hardkill In the big picture, going through this corrupt phase in American politics is necessary in order to clean out the system. Think of it like popping a pimple. But this pimple takes 20 years to pop. Trump is bad in the short-term but good in the long-term because his shameless corruption exposes the corruption of everyone who sides with him. He implicates everyone who supports him and the entire system. He is a litmus test for integrity and higher values. Eventually everything Trump stands for will fail and get disproven. But it will take a long time.
  23. It's hard to be a great leader when he can barely speak. Being president requires inspiring confidence in the people. Biden is incapable of that due to his senility. His voice barely works.