Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It's mostly complex geographic reasons. You can only develop fast if you have perfect geography.
  2. No lies and manipulation. Don't mislead her. If you're doing a one night stand then make it feel that way implicitly, so she's not led on. Basically, avoid misleading them.
  3. You gotta grow some balls and just go for it. It won't get any easier the more you delay. Spend 30 minutes visualizing yourself in the moment mustering the balls to kiss her. So then when the moment comes you do not hesitate.
  4. 25 women not answering you is like nothing. Try 1000. Women are not seeking to harm you by not responding. They simply aren't attracted and don't even know you exist.
  5. There is stability until one day something better comes along, and then you are holding a bag of farts.
  6. No. They are underdeveloped because they never developed themselves in the first place. If you take a parasite off a baby it will still be a baby. The parasite didn't make the baby, it's just exploiting the baby's weakness. You can take the British Empire out of India, but Indians still wipe their ass with their bare hands.
  7. You gotta find the molecules that suit you.
  8. There is no incumbency advantage now. Dems are best off with a clean slate to wash out the bad taste of inflation and Gaza.
  9. They will once they get a taste of MAGA madness. I don't worry about Dem unity. They will unite once we get past the open question of Biden. Right now we have an open question with Biden and that's healthy and okay.
  10. Because Trumpism cannot work. It must fail on first principles. His devilry will fail in the end. It's only a question of how, not if.
  11. If MAGA hasn't aggrivated or depressed you, you haven't realized how corrupt it is. It's easy to not be aggrivated or depressed by remaining uninformed about corruption, or even gleefully participating in it, which is what most people do. Owen Cook is a good example of that in this case. If you understood how truly corrupt the world is, you would be severely depressed. That's not a mistake. Corruption is the elephant in the room which no one dares to look in the eyes.
  12. But they come as a package. You can't just have the capitalism without the wolves. Tell that to the millions of Africans who die from malaria and live in squalor while the rest of the world works on computers.
  13. People can hide their own posts at any time. That is up them. Mods didn't hide anything here.
  14. That's far from clear. The West has given Africa lots of aid, technology, expertise, science, political support, medicine, vaccines, etc. Without the West, many Africans would still be living in huts. Of course the West has done evil things in Africa too. It's a mixed bag. The West has good and bad actors. But as long as your regard modernization as desirable, the West helped Africa modernize. But moderization comes with costs. The capitalist wolves.
  15. As if those African governments would be functional otherwise. I have.
  16. Peddling racism to racists. Noice!
  17. Peter Thiel is clearing his throat.
  18. Not as popular as a Sikh? Dave Rubin is slippin.
  19. And the eggs in my omelet had the potential to be chickens.
  20. The people I ban have no interest in changing their minds. Which is primarily why I ban them.