Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Indeed. Tourists have no clue of the criminality and corruption at the heart of every 3rd world nation.
  2. Don't kid yourself, the 3rd world are experts are stealing, looting, and enslaving their own. Look at the Middle East, Africa, India, China, South America. They are all scammers, looters, rapists, theives, and human traffickers. None this devilry is unique to the West. The West just does it in more effective and refined ways, at an industrial scale.
  3. The best way into a girl's pants is as a fake gay. You're gay, but she is so special you're willing to make an exception. Just this once.
  4. The simplest most impactful trick I have discovered to become a billionaire is to be a millionaire.
  5. Please get the sand out of your vagina. Oh no! A gay! How scary!
  6. Biden can use his bully pulpit to raise an undead army.
  7. There is no limit to what devils you can dream up.
  8. Because Trump and MAGA is the quintessential embodiment of devilry. I call others devils too. But there are devils and there are DEVILS.
  9. Because if guys did that they would rarely have sex. Finding a girl a guy is really into is exceptionally rare. Yet the need for sex is common and relentless.
  10. No. This is devilry. Pickup skills require extreme responsibility not to abuse. And what you suggest is complete irresponsibility.
  11. Read my blog. I reserve the right to call Trump a devil and I will not be shamed for it.
  12. The Devil is actually quite charming there.
  13. This professor is a good example of the abuses of science and academia. Dismissing Biden's age and health as irrelevant to his reelection chances is foolish beyond comprehension. Biden is barely able to speak. And the more his campaign continues the more this weakness will show itself. If you don't think this matters to voters, you are insane. This election is all about optics and vibes. No "keys" will save you here. Frankly, it is uncertain if Biden will even live long enough to his second term. He is melting like an icecream cone in the Vegas summer.
  14. What's that? The Devil kissing babies now?
  15. @PRai1ND1A Approaching girls isn't about begging.
  16. Leftist critiques of capitalism are delusional. A leftist doesn't understand economics nor business.
  17. Cenk is right. Blindly following these "keys" is foolish. 2024 is a unique situation.
  18. It is popular on the left to blame lack of development of 3rd world nations on capitalist exploitation, but like I said, a parasite on a baby still leaves a baby underneath, and no amount of West-blaming will change that. Wealth is not development. You can loot a bunch gold like the Mongols or Romans and still be savages.
  19. @BlueOak I hear your perspective. I do want to be careful not to create a echochamber.
  20. The truth is that most humans cannot use drugs responsibly, which is why they are illegal in most places. It protects the average user by making drugs too difficult to access. The biggest problem with legalization is that it makes access too easy, which leads to experimentation, which leads to addiction. It is easiest to avoid addiction when you don't have access.