Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I have never lived lavishly, so I had little to give up.
  2. No! She has to hit Trump hard on his devilry, and also offer a positive vision. Attacking Trump is crucial for riling up the Dem base.
  3. I quote Leonard Suskind in my quantum mechanics videos where Suskind admit to quantum entanglement at higher scales. So Dave doesn't even understand his own scientists. I give all the quotes in my 2 QM videos which show that Dave is ignorant of the history of scientists working in this field.
  4. When life gives you an orange orangatang, you throw coconuts at him. Kamala is ready.
  5. What good poltiical analysis looks like:
  6. It's fine. 2 weeks makes no difference here.
  7. Of course! I gave up success for truth.
  8. It is if you have enough consciousness. But humans never have enough consciousness.
  9. Frankly, I find spiritual women more annoying than normal women. Because they get so brainwashed with New Age spirituality and believe such ridiculous spiritual fantasies that I would rather not talk to them about spirituality at all. The worst thing is finding out someone is into spirituality and then they just parrot New Age gibberish at you. No thanks. It makes me not want to talk about spirituality with anyone. I don't need humans pissing in my cup of tea.
  10. Sorry, but no one reads such articles any more. You are two decades late for that. People barely have enough attention these days to watch a 5 min video. If you want success you must learn to repackage your content into a more modern format. The long format you can save for paid premium content.
  11. You guys are so brainwashed with progressive politics that you are no longer capable of understanding what I say. Sad.
  12. Yes, that's exactly how spirituality works. You got it!
  13. Your mind is hallucinating science. And Quantum Dave is a fool.
  14. You don't get over it. You just force yourself to approach anyway. It's like you're going to the gym and asking "How do I get over my muscles burning?"
  15. I don't know, but most importantly you should keep digging deep and doing your own research on your condition. Research your condition deeper than any doctor has. Then you will be in a good position. And of course, look for better doctors with different perspectives.
  16. Look man, the mistake you're making is that you expect to get philosophical depth from human interaction. Stop trying to do that. Get your philosophical depth from private contemplation and solititude, and then use social interaction for casual fun and entertainment, a palette-cleanser from private contemplation. Girls are not on this Earth to blow your mind with deep conversation. They're here to be cute and playful and raise your children. Learn to use them appropriately. Entertainment is a waste of time but also important. Not all of your time can be about work and seriousness.
  17. There is serious academic literature that studies and explains the nature of fundamentalism. It's called The Fundamentalism Project and they have a series of 6 academic level books: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/series/FP.html Maybe you should read them before mouthing off at me.
  18. Of course! Ta-daaaa! Which is why the wise are celibate hermits.
  19. Great. But this is the problem. Because in the end he will side with Trump over Biden. It's the same old shit that people like Joe Rogan or Krystal Ball do. They talk a bunch, and end up voting against Biden at the end of it all. I am done taking such people seriously.
  20. The scam will simply look like another crypto hype cycle, like the last one. Everyone will get convinced that Bitcoin is going to $150k, and then it will crash.
  21. Look, bro, I know all that. You're not presenting me with any new facts here. That was an unsustainable thing, and it is not equivalent to solid development level. Development level is a lot deeper than wearing bikinis.