Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There is definitely an ideological aspect to the woke stage Green worldview and value system. But ideology is not a crime in this country. Remember, Mr Musk, freedom of speech.
  2. How many sons have been lost to Twitter's neo-Nazi ideologies? The knife cuts both ways. The issue is that Musk is so self-absorbed in his own personal problems that he ignores the problems of everyone else around him. He acts as if his problems are the only important ones. Because he doesn't even see the problems of others. This is why democracy was invented, because oligarchs are bad as seeing the problems of others, so everyone is given 1 vote to voice their pet problems. And then we count up which problems are the biggest. If Musk wants to vote against trans ideology, great. He's got 1 vote. May he cast it as he wishes. But of course, that is not what he's interested in. He wants to buy the power of 50 million votes. That is what we call corruption. The fact that he loved his dead son is irrelevant. Many, many parents have lost their beloved sons to AR-15s. And the corruption of people like Musk means that they will see no justice.
  3. The power comes into play in that he needs power to destroy "the woke mind virus". Power is not just about pure power for its own sake. Power is also about you thinking you will do great things for mankind. Hitler wanted power because he convinced himself that he had a good vision for the world. But then he needed power to actualize it. The point of democracy is that no one individual should be able to unilaterally execute his vision and dominate the rest of us with it, because the rest us might not agree with that vision. Musk lost his son to trans? Tough. Thousands of parents lose their children to greedy capitalists. Parents are losing daughters to abortion bans. Parents are losing children to toxic pollution thanks to lack of environmental regulation. In a democracy, Elon Musk should not have the power to actualize his political agenda beyond 1 vote. But Musk fundamentally doesn't understand that principle. Because what he wants is POWER. So yes, this issue is precisely about power, not something else. Don't get distracted with talk of love. We all love what we love. The issue is, who among us is trying to shove their verison of love down everyone else's throats. The scientific statistics show that many trans kids are happier with medical help. And you have no idea how Musk's son feels about his transition. Maybe he is happy and Musk just doesn't wanna accept it. It is not Musk's opinion about his son that matters here, it is his son's. Musk could also be upset that his son is gay, but that would be Musk's problem, not the world's problem. The very desire to destroy a thing politically because of a personal negative situation, and actually having the power to execute on that desire, is the whole problem of political corruption! Imagine if one of Musk's AI cars killed my son. And then I made it my political mission to destroy Musk's company. And imagine I had $100 billion dollars and zero regulations on my actions. This would be corrupt and antithetical to democracy. The most I should have in this case is 1 vote. Because a million other people might want Musk's cars to still be legal. And I should not be allowed to take that away from them just because I lost my son and hold a grudge. The sad thing is that nobody actually understands what democracy means. Certainly not guys like Musk. Because democracy is seriously hard for the ego to handle. Democracy means you give up personal power for collective good.
  4. Not easily, but she has a decent shot.
  5. I supported him in spirit but I didn't vote in the Dem primaries because in Nevada we didn't have primaries, we had weird closed caucases. But if Bernie was on a voting ballot I would vote for him.
  6. You cannot account for the lack of development of nations by appeals to Western exploitation. That is an insufficient theory, motivated by obvious short-sighted political biases. That is all. You can dance around it all you want, but what I said is true.
  7. Someone please tell this to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro.
  8. Of course. But whining about it and voting 3rd party isn't gonna fix that. Don't forget than people don't want to become really conscious. So here we are. That's right, I don't care about utopian visions.
  9. Well, the feminine is more instictive and the masculine is more logical. But women learn too in their own ways. Guys too instictively know how to use girls. It's just that a philosophical guy gets stuck in his head and needs a reminder. So here we are.
  10. Few others would have done it. Certainly none of these Republican cretins. Give the guy some credit. You don't want a guy in the presidency who would give up easily.
  11. Look on the bright side: You can visit her in prison and laugh in her face.
  12. Bro, leftists gonna leftist. You know this by now.
  13. Even if Kamala loses, Biden still made the right decision and demonstrated his wisdom and selflessness. Nothing more was needed from Biden.
  14. Beware of Jordan Peterson. I hear he lurks around there. You wouldn't want him to creep up behind you in a dark alley.
  15. At that level of consciousness there really no difference between anything.
  16. I understood enough. I have no idea what you will understand. Why not be open to the possibility that you can?
  17. For someone as stubborn as Dave, that's likely the case. "Science advances one funeral at a time." -- Max Planck But a mind like Dave's might accuse Max Planck of calling for the murder of scientists.
  18. That daughter will instictively know how to use men, no need to tell her. This is like telling a crocodile how to eat.
  19. It does protect his freedom of speech. Which is all that freedom of speech ever meant. What do you think an oligarch means when he says "freedom of speech"?
  20. It's nuts how the right wing was screaming about old Twitter collusion with the Feds when Musk is now directly colluding with and funding the Trump admininstration on a whim with zero accountability. The right wing is just shameless and full of shit. Could you imagine if the old Twitter CEO was funding Joe Biden with $45M/month and telling everyone about "the MAGA mind virus".
  21. Demented Biden playing 4D chess while Trump plays checkers with half an ear.
  22. Agreed. I put a Trump victory at 40% right now. Kamala needs to PERFORM, not just paint by numbers. The good thing is that Kamala has room to reshape this race in a big way which Biden could never do. So it's her's to lose.