Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I have never felt so understood.
  2. The desperate flailings of losers.
  3. No. He genuinely loves his son. These things are not contradictory. If you loved your son you would not want him to turn into a girl, because that threatens survival. Musk is not wrong on that. This trans stuff does go too far sometimes.
  4. You are right. I don't regard that as cowardice. I was just using Republican logic against them. I never think of US presidents in terms of strength or weakness, this is a silly right-wing trope. They love to call any liberal weak because they have a machismo complex. With Trump there is a deeper issue at play here: he genuinely looks up to other authoritarian leaders. What's sad is that Trump is probably friendly to Putin simply because he wants to be an authoritarian like him. And also don't forget that Trump has business connections to Russia. That is not fake news.
  5. Fundamentally I agree that Biden's handling of Gaza has been bad. It was the worst part of his presidency.
  6. Look man, you take what you can get. I will take Joe Walsh as anti-Trump vs pro-Trump. I know. Yeah, Joe shilled for Biden a bit much, but this is no grave sin.
  7. Bro, that's not weakness. Biden is just a Boomer-era Zionist. I doesn't make sense to you because you ain't a Zionist.
  8. Musk, JP, these guys... their brains function just fine.
  9. Every day it's like fighting a tsunami of human bullshit. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. I am tired of it.
  10. It's not just that. He also hates unions. That's probably an even bigger reason. Can't let Tesla unionize, that would be Musk's Hell. Capitalists gonna capitalist.
  11. It's amazing how ignorant spiritual people are about politics. Embarassing, really. This is peak spiritual BS. I don't even want to teach spirituality any more if this is what people do with it.
  12. The Earth is obviously a circus for training clowns.
  13. By going out and forcing yourself to approach. There is trick to it. Just do it. Your state increases as you take action. Your state decreases from not taking action.
  14. I think Musk is gonna feel a lot of backlash for endorsing Trump so openly from his liberal and progressive friends and employees. Which is why he seems to be backing down. He might support Trump with dark money instead. Most of Tesla's customers are liberals. So Musk is in a tough spot with his openly MAGA stance.
  15. Sorry, I meant Joe Walsh. Joe Scarborugh is very intelligent and decent. He's not a leftist, but he doesn't need to be.
  16. That's the same kid we were already discussing!
  17. There are many Never-Trumpers on YT like Joe Walsh, Joe Scarborough, Rick Wilson, David Frum, Michael Steele, The Bulwark, and more! Never-Trumpers don't get enough love.
  18. I precieve him as genuine. He's genuine and he wants endless power to actualize his genuine feelings because he thinks his ideas are best.
  19. Putin has said that he has been trying to negotiate with the US and NATO for years, and they kept rebuffing his proposals. I don't think Putin is lying about that. NATO just refuses to back off from its own expasion and eventually Putin had enough. You can blame that on Biden. But again, this means you want a weaker US president. At least admit that.
  20. @Husseinisdoingfine We already addressed this in the Elon Musk thread:
  21. No it isn't. You are making wildly inappropriate extrapolations from such small data. This is a bastardization of statistical method. The simple truth is that a war can land on any president's term at any moment for any reason outside his control. If you think electing an authoritarian is gonna save you from war, you are kidding yourself. "Let's elect this corrupt emotionally unstable egomaniac who says he will be dictator from day one and has unlimited immunity. He will save us from war." I mean, this is a joke. Only in a comedy could people take such logic seriously. This is like a Simpson's episode.
  22. Because your sample size sucks. Putin didn't invade Ukraine because he was exhausting all the other options. He was trying to come to some diplomatic arragnment, but those fell through.
  23. If you wanted to make a legit case for Trump here, you could say: "We need to elect Trump because Trump is so weak he is unwilling to go to war. We cannot afford to have a strong president against Putin because that will lead to WW3. We are too scared to elect a strong president." That is the only legit argument here. But of course right-wingers do not dare make that argument. Instead they have to twist themselves into pretzles about how Trump is so strong while also backing down from Putin.
  24. Note that if Kamala was running against a normal, emotionally stable Republican, these two goobers would be saying that we can't take the risk of having a woman president because women are too chaotic and emotionally unstable. But when it suits them, now emotional instability is a plus.