Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. This is because in a 3rd world country everything is cheaper. Little money can afford you a palace in Afghanistan. This is the entire point of outsourcing.
  2. That is mostly due to the huge disparity in wage and living costs between US and China. Of course Chinese products are cheaper, their workers are like slaves, earning 10% of what US workers make. And they are also copying Tesla and Musk's vision. Someone had to innovate that. It doesn't happen automagically as Marxists believe. Musk led the way. Now you wanna throw him under the bus and pretend like he wasn't necessary.
  3. Musk's politics is bad. His running of tech companies is mostly good in that he is able to deliver strong results and create technology that humanity needs.
  4. I mean vision in managing a 100,000+ employee company. No leftist has any clue how to run such a company.
  5. Yes, but for the wrong reasons. For corrupt reasons. The reasons and motives matter. Because he is clearly a liar and con-artist. So yes, I will have it both ways. I will interpret everything says through the lens of him being a con-artist, bullshitter, and narc. And if my interpretation ends up being unfair to him sometimes, this is his fault for being such a constant lair. He lies so much that nothing he says can be taken seriously by anyone. But what must be taken seriously is his desire for authoritarian rule. It depends on the details of what led up to the war. I rarely blame presidents for things. Most things are beyond a president's control. But something like an invasion of Iraq is definitely Bush's fault. But minor wars happening overseas are usually not a president's fault. Putin is tricky. I always keep that in mind. I don't believe it blindly, but I do take his ideas seriously at times. I am selective about it. I listen to Putin in the original Russian.
  6. That is the leftist view of Musk and it is deeply wrong. Musk provided enormous visionary leadership, direction, and capital to fuel important technological developments in rocketry, electric vehicles, lithium batteries, solar energy, and satellite internet. Musk is not just a leeching capitalist, he poured his blood and tears into actualizing these important technologies. Leftists do not give him credit because their agenda is to demonize billionaires. But Musk is not some Wall Street wolf. He worked his ass off and assumed enormous risk to build these companies and technologies. The problem with leftists is that they have no idea what it takes to create a company like Tesla, SpaceX, or Neuralink. All they do is criticize. Meanwhile Musk delivers the goods and creates jobs for 100,000+ people. If one cannot appreciate that, then one's leftism is bullshit. Founding a successful company is a lot more than just being a greedy wealth-extracting investor. Without Musk these companies and technologies would not exist, and thousands of people would be out of jobs. Leadership matters. Vision matters. Directorship matters. Capital investment matters. These are things leftists and Marxists do not comprehend. Musk's genius is not his marketing or invention, it's in his bold leadership and relentless drive. Very few humans are able to lead in that way. That leadership is literally responsible for trillions of dollars of value. If you were placed in Musk's shoes, you couldn't do it. No leftist could do it.
  7. But you should note that Musk did support his son's transition. He didn't just say No like some stubborn jackass. He wanted to do what was best for his son. His regrets came years after the fact. Whether those regrets are valid or not is hard for us to say.
  8. As soon as you have children you have a massive attachment, and survival has you by the balls 10x harder. The biases of your mind skyrocket because you must put your kid's survival above everything else. Survival is what distorts the mind in every case.
  9. If you think that Musk is some kind of evil, unloving, uncaring mustache twirling Monopoly-man, you should really rethink your understanding of him. Musk genuinely cares about and loves humanity. It just gets expressed through the particular filter of his ego. Don't forget, Musk has done a lot of good for humanity. Probably more than all of us here combined. It is easy to get distracted by his personality flaws. You should see the good in Musk, flawed though he is.
  10. It doesn't have to be low consciousness love. If he believes that his son nearly killed himself because he was brainwashed by some radicals, that is genuine love. It's just that his understanding of the situation may be wrong. But it may also be right. You don't know. We don't have enough information to know. Maybe his son was radicalized, and if that was the case, of course Musk has a right to be upset. You can't really deny that some kids get radicalized into this stuff. It's just a question of what percentage? 1%, 5%, 10%, 30%?? Who knows? But even 1% is a significant absolute number.
  11. That's good, but you have yet to experience the horrors of Infinity. Infinity loves to hide its horrors from you.
  12. Of course! And you do too. If your child wanted to dress like a clown or a whore every day you would be upset. Because you have ideals for your children to meet. Because their survival is at stake. So don't judge Musk too harshly.
  13. Then it sounds like she was already spiritually talented and integrated this insight. Or it wasn't that deep. Infinity can be viewed from many angels. Some pleasant, some not. Nice! Yeah, I get ya. I can only speak of my experience. Obviously people can have different reactions to it.
  14. Of course Musk is exaggerating to suit his agenda, just like JP does. They take kernels of truth and then twist them into a grotesque self-serving worldview. As would be expected.
  15. It's a moot point because 1000s are killed from alcohol each year. Millions of people using chemicals must equal death. There's no way around that. And it will happen whether it is legal or illegal.
  16. Mushrooms are madness!! If you cannot handle madness -- and most people can't -- you will hurt yourself and others. When you take a nutcase and supercharge him with mushrooms, yeah, you can get murder. Nothing surprising here. It's like giving meth to a raging psychopath.
  17. Of course it's possible if millions of people take them. A handful of those people will be nutjobs.
  18. You could just ask yourself: "How can I relate to women in an authentic way?"
  19. And there's nothing even wrong with his position. The only problem is that he wants to circumvent democracy to actualize it, and also that he is unfairly demonizing stage Green as a "woke mind virus".
  20. Bro, Supreme Court just removed all the checks. There are no fucking checks left. The only check is not electing him.