Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Don't be so melodramatic. WW2 was maybe a little more important.
  2. It certainly CAN be. Gotta be very careful with it.
  3. Daughters?? If you have daughters you shouldn't be hunting for women.
  4. When I die, I will put all my money into a foundation that will, each year, hand out the Biggest Bullshitter prize. Jordan Peterson will recieve a retroactive award.
  5. Let me guess, the bully crying about being a victim.
  6. I started head-on. One of my first approaches was an opinion opener: "Hey, I need a quick female opinion. We want to buy my friend an iPhone for his birthday. Should we get a black or white one?" It was stupid, but you gotta start somewhere. Both
  7. I will send my demon minions to drag you straight to Hell for my entertainment. Then you might understand Infinity.
  8. I have a video explaining Insanity, which I have saved for my most advanced future course.
  9. There is no error. You just have a narrow notion of vision. Vision is not limited to literally founding a company. Vision comes into play all throughout the operation of a company. Musk didn't just execute someone else's vision. He had his own vision. All this noise you created just to obscure the fundamental point that Musk is a visionary. You focus on the pointless minutia while missing the profound points. Musk has a trillion dollar vision which you are too blind to see. Which is why Musk is the world's richest asshole and you are not.
  10. I have a video about my bad trips. Not sure what else you want.
  11. I made no factual errors. I am fully aware that Musk did not start Tesla. That fact is irrelevant to what I said about Musk. Leftists love to parrot that fact as if takes anything away from Musk's insane work effort in making Tesla successful. Without Musk Tesla would be bankrupt.
  12. Leftist dogma blinds you from understanding Elon Musk and the value he generates.
  13. Telsa has a giant factory in China.