Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't do debate.
  2. How would I know what he watches?
  3. My goal is not to change his mind but to share new ideas with him. It would not be an adversarial debate. It would be a dialogue.
  4. Nah, that's not productive to start with.
  5. We just have much more interesting things to talk about. Any old leftist can debate JP on politics. But no one can discuss God with JP as effectively as me. That's where I feel all the gold would be.
  6. Making an equivalence between a genocide supporter and a genocide protester is quite shameful.
  7. He talks to new people all the time. He needs new content. So I don't see why not. I think we could have a very interesting conversation about God. That's what I proposed to him. I wouldn't argue with him over politics. That's pointless.
  8. Because then I would be broke. A business charges money because that's what they need to do to survive long enough to create more products.
  9. There is a large healthy and necessary aspect to Orange. So keep that in mind. I exaggerate the toxic aspects of it in this thread given the context. There's much more to personal development than success. So preoccupation with success is part of the Orange bias. It is useful up to a point, but then becomes counter-productive. Notice that Actualized.org is not preoccupied with success because we have higher values than that. Although I still teach about success in various fields like pickup or business. If I prioritized success like those Orange guys do, Actualized.org teachings would be a lot less profound. And I would have extracted way more money from you. Maybe I should start to squeeze you guys for money, just to teach you a lesson! You have gotten too comfortable! $$$$ Nothin' like a good ol' scam to teach you the nature of Orange.
  10. All of that is peak and often toxic Orange. The self-help industry itself is corrupt with peak Orange. The self-help industry's #1 value is squeezing self-help noobs for maximum profits at any cost. Guys like Tony Robbins and Tim Ferris pioneered that. What is 4 Hour Work Week? A toxic Orange marketing campaign to sell as many books to fools as possible. Michael Jordan was a toxic Orange NBA player/businessman. Selling overpriced crap to gullible sports fans with no shame. It's all about profits, baby!
  11. Most personal dev advice on social media is Orange. The whole grind-set hustle culture. And of course it culminates in stuff like peeing bottles, crushing unions, or squeezing your customers with dynamic pricing. American corporate culture is toxic Orange. Which is why our society is so economically dysfunctional.
  12. How did you think Musk creates results? Results require a cutthroat attitude. Many major corporations have cutthroat toxic Orange cultures and attitudes. You know that Amazon forces its employees to pee in bottles by not giving them long enough rest breaks. That's what peak Orange is like.
  13. Musk's greatest existential threat is his workers unionizing. Remember, politics is all about who gets power.
  14. Don't gaslight me. Israel dominates and abuses Palestinians. This is obvious to anyone with a clear mind. No amount excuses and rationalizations will change this underlying reality.
  15. There's no need. It's obvious what Trump is. Trump is too sick to deserve the respect of an interviewer taking anything he says seriously.
  16. The appeal of all right-wing media is to tell closedminded people exactly what they want to hear. You tune in to have your deepest biases reinforced.
  17. @Husseinisdoingfine Excellent share! Thanks
  18. The deep problem of bullshittery.
  19. To be fair, it's more than that. Tesla faked their FSD demo. Musk also told engineers to fake the range in Tesla cars to increase the range displayed in the car by 10-20% because otherwise it wouldn't look competitive. So there is some conartistry afoot.
  20. Way too premature to dance on their grave.
  21. If the pot be flyin', the black lady dyin'. That's a little somethin' they teach you in the police academy.