Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Yeah, well, let's talk after I see you spend 5 years dealing with degenerates who try to stab you in the face. It's easy to sit on a forum and wax philosophical about what is right and wrong with the world. But none of you here understand what it's like to work with degenerates every day. A little perspective would be nice.
  2. Probably because cops deal with 100s of batshit degenerates every week, for years.
  3. Locking this. If you want to debate the Israel-Gaza issue we have a thread for that.
  4. I will consider it, after you fuck a goat.
  5. That's called whataboutism. It is obviously true that Palestinians are not perfectly moral or selfless agents and do bad things such as kill animals. But the BS of your logic is in that Israelis also kill animals. So this point is irrevelant. Also, your logic fails in that Israelis would be very upset if they were a minority in this situation getting abuse and mistreated by a stronger power. By your logic no one on the international stage could be held accountable for anything, because the victimized party is not perfect and kills animals (which all nations do). Hitler could not be condemned or stopped because, hey, afterall the Jews killed animals. What your mind is doing is rationalizing self-bias. This is self-deception, not truth-seeking or genuine understanding. It would be wise of you to admit to yourself that your mind is too biased to make proper sense of this issue. Rather than playing games on here, your time would be better spent reflecting on your biases. And if you keep insisting on not doing that, I will have to block you from the political sub-forum because you are polluting it with BS.
  6. Haha, by this logic stop whining about the Holocaust. The problem is that when genocide comes for you, you will start to cry and act outraged. So there is a clear double-standard afoot. It is obvious to any objective outside observer that Israel is engaged in the domination and abuse of a minority group. And the only reason you don't see that as problematic is because you benefit from it in some way.
  7. If you think everyone is a little gay, you are projecting your own situation onto others.
  8. Keep in mind that genocide evolves. It becomes less direct and more indirect because the direct means are clearly outlawed but the indirect means are not. Israel is good at doing stuff indirectly with plausible deniability. That's their whoe gameplan with the settlements: steal land in an indirect way so it cannot be stopped. That's how devilry works. It is like water, squeezing through any crack.
  9. No. It has nothing to do with that.
  10. The domination of a minority by a majority is very close to the truth. You have no interest in truth. You are wrapped up in survival by any devilish means.
  11. I really don't want to debate people. It is nasty habit on YT that I don't want to promote.
  12. There actually is an important trick: The trick is to place the contact lens on the very tip of your finger, not on the pad. If you place it on the pad it will not leave your finger. Another trick is to keep your eyeball looking straight ahead. Don't turn your eyeball away. Look forward constantly. If you do both of those it's super easy.
  13. I also emailed Tom from Impact Theory. We might do a conversation about epistemology.
  14. Yes, can have lots of similarity.
  15. Non-physique is just more points in the volume. You could be turned on by abstract numbers or the smell of a toilet.
  16. No. What turns you on is super narrow. Which is why most of the day you ain't turned on.
  17. He is a serious thinker in fields beyond politics.
  18. International courts have determined that there is plenty of reasonable evidence to be concerned about genocide in Gaza. To not be concerned about it is clearly an irresponsible attitude.
  19. Are adults as stupid as YT makes them out to be?
  20. Existential threat is a highly subjective judgment. Hilter certainly felt that Jews and Marxists were an existential threat. Why compare them? Precisely because Zionists are overlooking the obvious parallels that lead to genocide. The point of history is to learn lessons. Lessons have not been learned.
  21. Me! 0% gay. You might as well ask me to get turned on by a pinecone. You guys are quite limited in your understanding of this spectrum. It's not a spectrum, it's a 3D volume, in which is located every object in existence. Everyone of you here is 0% sexually aroused by a pineapple. But you could be. So there is an infinite number of things that don't turn you on. Men and women are just two more points in that volume.
  22. Germans felt threatened and abused. They felt like victims. They felt weak. The victim becomes to bully in his effort to overcompensate.
  23. For the same reason Nazi Germany had to become strong.
  24. I don't do debate.